Be prepared. If your eyes/brain can't handle an intensely long entry then you may need to read this in sections.
It's my fault I'm putting your brain power at risk. I haven't written for nearly two weeks. Ouch. I'm way behind on lots of news. But before I begin the tale of all tales, let me just say how good it feels to actually even be typing. I'm in Champaign in my wondrous apartment but without cable or the Internet. I've struggled enough with my TV's rabbit ears to get a very fuzzy CBS. I feel cut off from the world. But I found out how to "borrow" someone else's internet from the university so I'm now sitting on my couch typing. Yea! But that's really not why I'm so happy to be writing. I feel so happy right now because I've been so lonely. And in a way I feel like I"m talking to someone, and its good to know at least people I care about are still out there reading about my life. Even if I'm all by myself right now.
So I honestly don't even know where to begin. I don't know how to include eveything that's been going on in my life lately. I've been a busy girl. Busy doing nothing. I believe I wrote an entry awhile ago giving you a play by play of my everyday since coming home from college. I"ll attempt to pick up where that left off.
That weekend (Friday) I went to Kyle's very first official race. Amanda, Dave, Justin, and virtually the entire Eberle/Roger (Kyle's extended family) clan was there. The experience was on the verge of terrifying and I'm almost certain I already have ulcers from the worrying i do. It was incredibly scary watching Kyle race and praying that he didn't crash or flip the car or start on fire and burn to death. Luckily, he survived. However, he didn't get to finish the race because of some technical difficulties. But I was still so so proud and happy for him. And eventually my nerves went away, thanks to the many Buds Amanda and I helped ourselves to.
Later that weekend Kyle once again showed what an outstanding boyfriend he is by taking me to Rockford to go apartment shopping. Most girls love shopping. And I do. For about an hour. After that, I'm tired, hungry, and ready for a lay down. You can imagine my pain after spending an entire day making difficult decisions on what the appearance of my apartment should be and laying down $300 for it. Whewwwww. That's a massive amount of money for a struggling college girl for those of you with real jobs. It hurt the wallet. It hurt my heart even more.
I guess I don't really remember much of last week. It passed in a big blur of bliss. I absolutely love doing nothing. I love sleeping in. Not having to worry about jack. Not having responsibility, a set plan, commitments. I had a great laid back week. Sigh, it was very nice :)
Oh! I know what I'm forgetting. Last Monday was Kyle's birthday and we had a pretty quiet celebration but it was fun. I was very happy that I was able to spend it with him and even though I had zero money he still enjoyed my present. I got him three DVD's that he's been asking for (well, two. One was a double packaged kind. If you haven't seen these new multi-packed DVD's head to your local Wal-Mart and check them out. I was pleasantly surprised by the genius behind it). And while I spent much more money on the DVD's, Kyle's favorite present I gave him was a picture frame from the dollar store with a picture of him and his race car. Then along the edging I printed and pasted results from his first race. He loved it. Lesson of the blog: sometimes it really is the thought that counts, and money doesn't buy happiness. (But money would help buy mine. If you want to start a collection towards the Whitney Fund I would be quite pleased).
So as I said, the week passed in a blur and before I knew it I was already attending Kyle's second race. This time just Dave, Justin and I went (Amanda wussed out) so I went into the pits (where the actual race cars and are worked on) with the boys. It was surprisingly a ton of fun. I still have the trouble of feeling like I"m going to yak when Kyle gets out to race, and I'm sort of happy I don't have to watch in intense fear for the rest of the summer, but it was still a very good time. And there wasn't even beer involved! Kyle also got to actually finish his first race which was so exciting and made me feel like a proud mother again. I only like the races a tad bit, but I love seeing how happy it makes him.
Saturday I got to spend with my parents, Nate, Kim, Brady, Kenna, and Kyle. It was so much fun to have everyone all in the same place and just be able to be together. My family is a ton of fun to be around and I always laugh so much. Saturday night we took my parents out (for their 30th wedding anniversary) to Fieldstone's in Freeport. Well, I must say I think the Cannova's clan overestimated their cooking ability. Maybe they should stick with Italian. Fieldstone wasn't my favorite although the food was a solid C. It just felt like one of those "hangouts" for the old folks. They really like their Fieldstone.
Sunday was a tremendously fun fun day. It was beautiful outside. We grilled out, had some really amazing food, drank, and Kyle brought over his Bag set. (Which for those of you who don't know what Bags are; did you go to college? Oh, and you're lame). We pretty much were glued to Bags all day. And while I prize myself on being a real winner I somehow managed to lose all but one game. It was a real blow to my pride and winning streak at all competitions I face in life. I just don't lose. I hate losing. But Sunday really beat the shit out of me. I blame it on the 1.5 pina coladas I had. You're right. Horrible excuse.
Monday, Nate and Kim, then a couple of hours later Brady and Kenna, packed up and left. It was really sad because I do miss my brothers more than I probably should. I've always been a real homebody and I really like being around my family. It also sucked because I had to pack up allll day Monday. Funny how fast 2 1/2 weeks can go. That night, my parents took me out to one last meal at Fiesta Cancun. How I do love Mexican food. It was a nice, quiet end to a brilliant break.
Tuesday, (yesterday) was a rough day to say the least. I woke up early, showered, ate a quick lunch with Kyle, then packed up his suburban (much fuller than the trip home from the dorms) and left for Champaign. We got here around 3 in the afternoon and I was so so excited to show him my apartment. He loved it. I love it. It is so beautiful and sometimes I wonder how I'm affording this. Oh wait, those silly girls sub-leased it to us at a ridiculously cheap price. (Why oh why would they agree to pay more than half the cost for the entire summer??) Oh well, good for me. I'm afraid this apartment is going to spoil me rotten and living in my fall apartment is going to be a rough adjustment. At least I have even more living space to look forward to for the fall. And it's only about 8 minutes further from campus...and about $300 cheaper than this one (for normal rent) i guess I can't complain. But I probably will.
Kyle and I spent all evening unpacking which was really difficult to do. Much harder than unloading for the dorm rooms. I didn't think i had that many new things but apparently i did. It was a long process and sleep felt very very good last night.
Today, Kyle got up and left at 5:30am so he could make it home in time for work. I don't know if it was simply my exhaustion from the night before, or I was really that sad, but I felt quite low after he left. For a few minutes I sat on the living room in silence. Then started to cry. I then moved into my bedroom and cried myself back to sleep. Funny, I'm away from Kyle for weeks/months at a time all year long. But once being back with him for even a little amount of time makes imagining being away from him impossible. It's so easy to get used to the things you love. And take them for granted.
I woke up today still feeling down and really lonely. Move in already roommates!!!! I miss you guys!!! I worked until 1:30 in the afternoon until I was finally (finally!!!) finished unpacking. Good lord, it took forever. But everything looks divine and I can't wait until my roommates get here so I can see the finished project. Technically MJ has already moved in but she's off in Ohio till Sunday so I'm all alone until then. Normally, I enjoy being by myself because I'm a very inward person who needs time away from people. But I'm really excited about not being alone right now. Let me tell you, being in a space with no internet, TV, or humans gets real lonely, real quick. I've resorted to the old talking to myself. It's nice to hear I still have a voice.
It's actually not that bad. I went to work ($130 tonight!!!- Welcome back Whitney!!!) and we were surprisingly very busy. But it was nice to see the old Minneci's crew and make some well needed money. The less than 10 minute walk to work is also a real treat compared to the half hour one from the dorms. Less exercise for me, but a much, much happier me.
I fully intend to post pictures of my apartment for everyone to see. I'm debating on waiting however until everyone moves in so you see the finished project. We'll see. It will be a surprise!!! I will also post pictures I took at Kyle's second race and this really hilarious one I took yesterday of him in an apron. (there is a story behind it). But those may not appear for a few days because I'm lazy.
So overall I'm very happy with my apartment. More than happy. I love it, love it, love it!!!!! I'm just a bit depressed so hopefully you're not getting a negative vibe. I just miss my home, my parents, my family, Kyle's family, and Kyle. I'm so attached to those things (more than anyone knows) so it's hard for me sometimes to be on my own. I feel like I've grown really independent in the past year. But I'm not ashamed to admit I still miss those people like crazy. And I miss Kyle. I'm sick of having a long distance relationship. But I'm half through with college so there is a brightside.
Speaking of brightside (Mr. Brightside) I downloaded a new ringtone today by The Killers. It's amazing and my new favorite sound in the world. I'm so stoked for someone to call me so I can sing and dance to it.
Well, I'm tired of writing and thinking right now so I do believe I had better end this blog. But you can bet your ass I'll be writing another one very, very soon. Being all alone with no distractions other than Harry Potter provides me with a limited amount of excuses to not blog. Plus I have alot more to say right now but my charm and wit is all dried up for tonight.
So until next time...(which will probably be in the next 24 hours) So long! And be safe!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
I lied. I definitely didn't write a blog on Tuesday and I definitely am not really writing one today. I'm still at home and for some reason being at home hinders my writing ability and desire. Although I've done nothing these past two weeks, I've been wayyyy to busy to sit down for a half hour to write. So probably don't expect a real effort at a blog till next Tuesday or Wednesday night. And then I promise my full blown writing schedule will be back.
Ok, I'm off to enjoy Memorial Day weekend with my brothers, Kim, Kenna, Kyle, my dad, and mom (if she stops freaking out about little things and just enjoys herself.) Sorry mom, but you are to paranoid for your own good.
Ok, happy Memorial Day!! And my next entry will probably be from Champaign in my new swanky apartment!!
Ok, I'm off to enjoy Memorial Day weekend with my brothers, Kim, Kenna, Kyle, my dad, and mom (if she stops freaking out about little things and just enjoys herself.) Sorry mom, but you are to paranoid for your own good.
Ok, happy Memorial Day!! And my next entry will probably be from Champaign in my new swanky apartment!!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Birthday Wishes
Happy 20th Birthday Kyle!!!!!!

May 21st, 2007
(Yes, I know I haven't written a blog in a couple of days...There WILL be one tomorrow)
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Alright. So this is the story of my life in the past week.
Last Thursday: Woke up early, packed, packed, and packed until every single item of my life was in some bag, suitcase, or tote. I then had to clean up my side of the dorm room so I could be "checked out" by my fabulous RA Britney. (Oh right, sarcasm doesn't translate in writing...). Kyle got into Champaign around 10:30 in the a.m. and my afternoon was filled with making several trips down to his suburban loading things up. To give you an idea of how much stuff I had; his entire suburban was packed full from right behind the driver/passenger seat, to the back trunk door of the monstrous vehicle. I probably burned about 12,000 calories that day. I then had to say goodbye to my friends (which I've already commented numerous times about how sad that was). I held my composure well as I said goodbye, but as soon as Kyle and I got in the stairwell I started bawling. He made fun of me. Whatever, I'm a baby. We then got to drive home for three hours, then unload that entire car and make it all fit into my room. Yeah, not so fun. But it was fun going out to eat with my parents and Kyle at Fiesta Cancun which I've been looking forward to for years. And yes Luz, mas tequila was involved.
Friday: I slept in till about noon which was fricking amazing. Sleeping in feels so good. Even if you do waste half of your day. I then preceded to do 5 loads of laundry!! Which took forever and made me feel like Cinderella. Pre-glass slippers and prince charming that is. I don't really remember what I did Friday night because my memory isn't that good and I didn't do anything exciting. Kyle was out at the shop working on his race car and I think I may have just stayed home and played the Sims2. I never play that game unless I'm home and really bored. So my parents think I'm addicted. Which I may be.
Saturday: Once again, I really don't remember what I did throughout the day. Seriously, I have the memory of an 80 year old. I do remember I went to the Freeport races with Kyle at night. Because I'm a really good girlfriend and I haven't been to a dirt race in a year. It would have been alot more fun than it was if a) There would have been caramel popcorn (apparently the woman's shipment hadn't come in yet...oh wait, haven't the races been going on for like a month now dumbass?? Let's learn to order things well in advance shall we?) and b) if it wasn't like 30 degrees out. I was so cold my hands went numb. And I tried to be tough so people wouldn't see what a weakling I am but Kyle eventually had to walk me around to help me warm up. But seriously, if you ever need a good laugh, go to Freeport Raceway Park or any dirt track in a small town for that matter. Trust me, you'll spot some characters. You have the classic white trash drunk guys. Hideous manly women with no bras, tiny tacky racing shirts, perms from the 80's, and more wrinkles from smoking than you've ever seen. And then there is the 17 year old girls who dress slutty and really think they're impressing someone. But whoops they forgot, the only thing they're doing is scaring me and attracting 40 year old perves. But that's why I like the races. I like to people watch and I like how I always leave feeling ultra superior and classy compared to those people. I'm the like the Queen of England out there. But honestly, it's fun sometimes and Kyle and his family somehow manage to be the non-trashy race fans and racers.
Sunday: Mother's Day! We woke up early (no joke, 8:30) and Kyle, my dad, and I took my mom out to breakfast at Prime Table. I had waffles with icecream on top. Icecream for breakfast!!!?? Is this heaven? I think so. Then my mom and I just chilled all day on the couch and watched her favorite HGTV/Travel Channel type shows. And we finished the day with a trip to Union Dairy for some A+ icecream More icecream, heaven indeed. I got my mom a card and some tulips. Some really really pretty multi-colored tulips. Cause I'm a dream child and like putting my brother's to shame. haha.
Monday: I wrote a blog for you folks, then laid out and read Harry Potter for about an hour. Until the 90 degree weather made me feel like I was about to die so I had to go inside. I then played the Sims some more. I made this really badass Mexican family. But, no one really cares or gets excited about that stuff other than me so....sorry. Monday night my mom and I watched the second to last episode of the Bachelor. Which is a show that I was sick of, until this season. And I remembered what an amazingly trashy yet fun concept it is. The girl I was rooting for, Tessa, was chosen for the final two, so I slept easy that night. After the show ended, Luz and I talked on the phone about our love for Tessa and how much our sanity is lying on her winning dear Andy's heart. Seriously, if I don't write another blog after next Monday night, it's because she lost and I'm cooped up in an insane asylum with Luz. And if I tend to talk alot about TV in this blog, I swear I'm not TV addicted. It's just that the three shows I do watch are all coming to their season end so I'm quite excited.
Tuesday: I had an eye appointment and found out my left eye is continuing to go more blind each and every day. From just one month ago I already had to go a prescription stronger. Looks like in 15 years from now I'll be wearing an eye patch. I'm not sad about that though, it will be fun to scare little children. ARGGGG. I also went over to the Eberle's and helped Amanda paint Kyle's room. Yeah, try to figure that one out. It was my first time painting and I think I did a good job. I painted pretty much all the walls with the roller, which may not be the most tedious part of painting, but I was still proud of myself. Then Kyle, Amanda, and I made french bread pizza's. Mine (plain cheese with loads of tomatoes) was amazing. But I ate to much and wound up feeling sick. Yeah, i tend to do that alot.
Today! (Wednesday): Woke up, had two cookies for breakfast (Thanks mom and dad!!) and then passed the morning by reading Harry Potter. My grandma also just stopped by which was very nice and fun. She just turned 85 so she's really getting up there. It's actually really sad because she's been talking about death alot lately which I can't stand. I've always been very close to my Grandma and feel like she's my family soul mate. I know I'll be devastated when she goes but I'm just happy to have her around now. We sat and watched this weird tv show about a crazy guy who lived in Antarctica by himself for a long time. All he ate was seal blubber. It was gross, and I really don't' know why I didn't change the channel. Speaking of channels, make sure you tune in to America's Next Top Model season finale tonight. (Go Natasha!!) Since I know all of you really go for that kind of show.
And that's the past few days. I'm not giving you creeps anymore information because I've already made a good few stalkers out of you. Just kidding, I love you blog readers.
And for now, ta ta!
Last Thursday: Woke up early, packed, packed, and packed until every single item of my life was in some bag, suitcase, or tote. I then had to clean up my side of the dorm room so I could be "checked out" by my fabulous RA Britney. (Oh right, sarcasm doesn't translate in writing...). Kyle got into Champaign around 10:30 in the a.m. and my afternoon was filled with making several trips down to his suburban loading things up. To give you an idea of how much stuff I had; his entire suburban was packed full from right behind the driver/passenger seat, to the back trunk door of the monstrous vehicle. I probably burned about 12,000 calories that day. I then had to say goodbye to my friends (which I've already commented numerous times about how sad that was). I held my composure well as I said goodbye, but as soon as Kyle and I got in the stairwell I started bawling. He made fun of me. Whatever, I'm a baby. We then got to drive home for three hours, then unload that entire car and make it all fit into my room. Yeah, not so fun. But it was fun going out to eat with my parents and Kyle at Fiesta Cancun which I've been looking forward to for years. And yes Luz, mas tequila was involved.
Friday: I slept in till about noon which was fricking amazing. Sleeping in feels so good. Even if you do waste half of your day. I then preceded to do 5 loads of laundry!! Which took forever and made me feel like Cinderella. Pre-glass slippers and prince charming that is. I don't really remember what I did Friday night because my memory isn't that good and I didn't do anything exciting. Kyle was out at the shop working on his race car and I think I may have just stayed home and played the Sims2. I never play that game unless I'm home and really bored. So my parents think I'm addicted. Which I may be.
Saturday: Once again, I really don't remember what I did throughout the day. Seriously, I have the memory of an 80 year old. I do remember I went to the Freeport races with Kyle at night. Because I'm a really good girlfriend and I haven't been to a dirt race in a year. It would have been alot more fun than it was if a) There would have been caramel popcorn (apparently the woman's shipment hadn't come in yet...oh wait, haven't the races been going on for like a month now dumbass?? Let's learn to order things well in advance shall we?) and b) if it wasn't like 30 degrees out. I was so cold my hands went numb. And I tried to be tough so people wouldn't see what a weakling I am but Kyle eventually had to walk me around to help me warm up. But seriously, if you ever need a good laugh, go to Freeport Raceway Park or any dirt track in a small town for that matter. Trust me, you'll spot some characters. You have the classic white trash drunk guys. Hideous manly women with no bras, tiny tacky racing shirts, perms from the 80's, and more wrinkles from smoking than you've ever seen. And then there is the 17 year old girls who dress slutty and really think they're impressing someone. But whoops they forgot, the only thing they're doing is scaring me and attracting 40 year old perves. But that's why I like the races. I like to people watch and I like how I always leave feeling ultra superior and classy compared to those people. I'm the like the Queen of England out there. But honestly, it's fun sometimes and Kyle and his family somehow manage to be the non-trashy race fans and racers.
Sunday: Mother's Day! We woke up early (no joke, 8:30) and Kyle, my dad, and I took my mom out to breakfast at Prime Table. I had waffles with icecream on top. Icecream for breakfast!!!?? Is this heaven? I think so. Then my mom and I just chilled all day on the couch and watched her favorite HGTV/Travel Channel type shows. And we finished the day with a trip to Union Dairy for some A+ icecream More icecream, heaven indeed. I got my mom a card and some tulips. Some really really pretty multi-colored tulips. Cause I'm a dream child and like putting my brother's to shame. haha.
Monday: I wrote a blog for you folks, then laid out and read Harry Potter for about an hour. Until the 90 degree weather made me feel like I was about to die so I had to go inside. I then played the Sims some more. I made this really badass Mexican family. But, no one really cares or gets excited about that stuff other than me so....sorry. Monday night my mom and I watched the second to last episode of the Bachelor. Which is a show that I was sick of, until this season. And I remembered what an amazingly trashy yet fun concept it is. The girl I was rooting for, Tessa, was chosen for the final two, so I slept easy that night. After the show ended, Luz and I talked on the phone about our love for Tessa and how much our sanity is lying on her winning dear Andy's heart. Seriously, if I don't write another blog after next Monday night, it's because she lost and I'm cooped up in an insane asylum with Luz. And if I tend to talk alot about TV in this blog, I swear I'm not TV addicted. It's just that the three shows I do watch are all coming to their season end so I'm quite excited.
Tuesday: I had an eye appointment and found out my left eye is continuing to go more blind each and every day. From just one month ago I already had to go a prescription stronger. Looks like in 15 years from now I'll be wearing an eye patch. I'm not sad about that though, it will be fun to scare little children. ARGGGG. I also went over to the Eberle's and helped Amanda paint Kyle's room. Yeah, try to figure that one out. It was my first time painting and I think I did a good job. I painted pretty much all the walls with the roller, which may not be the most tedious part of painting, but I was still proud of myself. Then Kyle, Amanda, and I made french bread pizza's. Mine (plain cheese with loads of tomatoes) was amazing. But I ate to much and wound up feeling sick. Yeah, i tend to do that alot.
Today! (Wednesday): Woke up, had two cookies for breakfast (Thanks mom and dad!!) and then passed the morning by reading Harry Potter. My grandma also just stopped by which was very nice and fun. She just turned 85 so she's really getting up there. It's actually really sad because she's been talking about death alot lately which I can't stand. I've always been very close to my Grandma and feel like she's my family soul mate. I know I'll be devastated when she goes but I'm just happy to have her around now. We sat and watched this weird tv show about a crazy guy who lived in Antarctica by himself for a long time. All he ate was seal blubber. It was gross, and I really don't' know why I didn't change the channel. Speaking of channels, make sure you tune in to America's Next Top Model season finale tonight. (Go Natasha!!) Since I know all of you really go for that kind of show.
And that's the past few days. I'm not giving you creeps anymore information because I've already made a good few stalkers out of you. Just kidding, I love you blog readers.
And for now, ta ta!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Home at Last
Welp. I'm home.
It's always weird coming back and having no real responsibility. No homework to work on, no work to go to, no areas to clean. It's nice. I'm actually pretty excited about not having to work for two weeks. Yes, I miss the money and it is incredibly hard trying to save it and make the little I do have last while I'm home, but I don't have to worry about any old crazy people. I think being a waitress is the easiest/hardest job in the world. It's easy because I get to work with some of the greatest people ever. Joe and Pete are the funniest, craziest Italian guys you'll ever meet. And I get to talk to all sorts of different people all night long and get paid to bring them food. But then its also such a hard job. It can be so stressful, and there are so many jerks out in the world. There really are quite a few asses whose parents obviously forget to give them the respect/decency lessons. Whoops.
But here I am, home, never again to live in a dorm. As I said in a previous blog (I think-sometimes I think I do things that I never actually do. It's a problem) I was really actually kind of sad to leave the dorm. I was sad to say goodbye to all the girls that I have become so close to. However, I was not so sad to leave many of the unattractive aspects that come about with living with loads of girls. You try not being grossed out going to shower in stalls with huge black hair clumps. And when you're brushing your teeth hearing girls in the shower throwing up and/or blowing snot into the drain you later have to stand in to get clean. Yes, sick. I also won't miss the fear of when and if the cockroaches will show up. When we moved in in the fall, our room was (luckily for us) infested with inch long cockroaches. This was a huge problem considering I have the biggest phobia of all bugs you could ever imagine. Laying in bed at night and seeing three nasty, dirty, icky cockroaches climbing along your floor/wall is NOT fun in any respect. Thankfully, that problem got fixed, and they didn't return. Although me and Kelli did see about a two inched hard shelled Fear Factor-esk Cockroach in the bathroom right before Christmas. Oh, and you can't forget all the dead ones laying in the basement. I'm no genius, but isn't that a heath code violation or something? Ok, you're right, I am a genius so there must be some rule against that.
So overall, I am pretty excited about moving into an apartment. I'm not to thrilled about having to pay bills...that just doesn't seem like it's going to be my forte, but it should be fun. I think when I'm older I'll win the lottery, so I always have enough money to pay the bills (cause let's be honest, as a teacher I'll be struggling) and then I'll pay Nate to handle my money and do my taxes. Somehow Nate and Brady have always been able to understand Math and Sciences. I on the other hand, am remedial to say the least in these subjects. Give me a paper to write, a book to read, or a history assignment to do any day, and I'll make a killing. Make me do math, science, or anything of that sort, and I'll fail miserably. That's why fall semester this past year was pretty much a joke. I think it was like a comedy watching me try to succeed in Stats and Econ. No matter how fricking hard I tried, that shit just didn't make sense. Seriously, going into Econ I thought it would be easy enough. I thought we'd study the history of the economy, blah, blah, blah. But apparently, Econ has terms and rules and formulas. WTF? Me trying to understand what the hell the IA lines and all the fricking supply/demand/confusing curves there were was hilarious. What the frick ever happened to simple laissez faire?? I thought we left the economy alone. Apparently we study it and make formulas for it. Stupid. I have an idea...lets just take money from all the overpaid celebrities, musicians, and athletes and give it to the poor. Ok, I'm not stupid enough to really think that would work. But I surely know I don't want to study that stuff. I'll leave it to someone else.
I actually have quite a bit more to say and I was going to write about my moving out of the dorm and this past weekend...but it's like 90 degrees outside and I think that chair on the deck is calling my name. So I'll write about it later. And I'll just be laying out in the beautiful sunshine while you all are hard at work. Suckas!!!
It's always weird coming back and having no real responsibility. No homework to work on, no work to go to, no areas to clean. It's nice. I'm actually pretty excited about not having to work for two weeks. Yes, I miss the money and it is incredibly hard trying to save it and make the little I do have last while I'm home, but I don't have to worry about any old crazy people. I think being a waitress is the easiest/hardest job in the world. It's easy because I get to work with some of the greatest people ever. Joe and Pete are the funniest, craziest Italian guys you'll ever meet. And I get to talk to all sorts of different people all night long and get paid to bring them food. But then its also such a hard job. It can be so stressful, and there are so many jerks out in the world. There really are quite a few asses whose parents obviously forget to give them the respect/decency lessons. Whoops.
But here I am, home, never again to live in a dorm. As I said in a previous blog (I think-sometimes I think I do things that I never actually do. It's a problem) I was really actually kind of sad to leave the dorm. I was sad to say goodbye to all the girls that I have become so close to. However, I was not so sad to leave many of the unattractive aspects that come about with living with loads of girls. You try not being grossed out going to shower in stalls with huge black hair clumps. And when you're brushing your teeth hearing girls in the shower throwing up and/or blowing snot into the drain you later have to stand in to get clean. Yes, sick. I also won't miss the fear of when and if the cockroaches will show up. When we moved in in the fall, our room was (luckily for us) infested with inch long cockroaches. This was a huge problem considering I have the biggest phobia of all bugs you could ever imagine. Laying in bed at night and seeing three nasty, dirty, icky cockroaches climbing along your floor/wall is NOT fun in any respect. Thankfully, that problem got fixed, and they didn't return. Although me and Kelli did see about a two inched hard shelled Fear Factor-esk Cockroach in the bathroom right before Christmas. Oh, and you can't forget all the dead ones laying in the basement. I'm no genius, but isn't that a heath code violation or something? Ok, you're right, I am a genius so there must be some rule against that.
So overall, I am pretty excited about moving into an apartment. I'm not to thrilled about having to pay bills...that just doesn't seem like it's going to be my forte, but it should be fun. I think when I'm older I'll win the lottery, so I always have enough money to pay the bills (cause let's be honest, as a teacher I'll be struggling) and then I'll pay Nate to handle my money and do my taxes. Somehow Nate and Brady have always been able to understand Math and Sciences. I on the other hand, am remedial to say the least in these subjects. Give me a paper to write, a book to read, or a history assignment to do any day, and I'll make a killing. Make me do math, science, or anything of that sort, and I'll fail miserably. That's why fall semester this past year was pretty much a joke. I think it was like a comedy watching me try to succeed in Stats and Econ. No matter how fricking hard I tried, that shit just didn't make sense. Seriously, going into Econ I thought it would be easy enough. I thought we'd study the history of the economy, blah, blah, blah. But apparently, Econ has terms and rules and formulas. WTF? Me trying to understand what the hell the IA lines and all the fricking supply/demand/confusing curves there were was hilarious. What the frick ever happened to simple laissez faire?? I thought we left the economy alone. Apparently we study it and make formulas for it. Stupid. I have an idea...lets just take money from all the overpaid celebrities, musicians, and athletes and give it to the poor. Ok, I'm not stupid enough to really think that would work. But I surely know I don't want to study that stuff. I'll leave it to someone else.
I actually have quite a bit more to say and I was going to write about my moving out of the dorm and this past weekend...but it's like 90 degrees outside and I think that chair on the deck is calling my name. So I'll write about it later. And I'll just be laying out in the beautiful sunshine while you all are hard at work. Suckas!!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Hells Yeah It's Summer
Its Summer!! My all time super duper uber favorite season! Which is why you must forgive me for using Cawabunga and Hells Yeah.
But heck yes I'm going home Today! And I couldn't be more excited :) But I really really really don't want to pack. Packing sucks. I hate feeling like I'm moving my life away. Even if I'm moving up. (Home for two weeks then Apartment).
Summer is just the best time of the year. So little stress, so much fun. It's perfect.
Its Summer!! My all time super duper uber favorite season! Which is why you must forgive me for using Cawabunga and Hells Yeah.
But heck yes I'm going home Today! And I couldn't be more excited :) But I really really really don't want to pack. Packing sucks. I hate feeling like I'm moving my life away. Even if I'm moving up. (Home for two weeks then Apartment).
Summer is just the best time of the year. So little stress, so much fun. It's perfect.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Monday, May 7, 2007
Summer is thiiiiiis close
It's Monday and I'm feeling about 90% healthy again!! Woohoo!!
Getting sick this past weekend really put a damper on my many many plans to be productive. Instead of studying, getting a ton of work done on my paper I ended up laying in bed most of the weekend. But I was pretty sick. My fever actually got up to about 101 degrees. And for some reason I thought I could work like that- even though I sweating bullets by the time I reached work, and could barely talk because my throat hurt so bad. Luckily, the people I work with are really kind and Joe ended up driving me home about 5 minutes after I got there. So from Friday till about Yesterday afternoon I did pretty much absolutely nothing.
But I did end up finishing that hell of a history paper and all I have to do now is print it out. And my plans for the day include studying for stupid Geography until I have to work. Which is my second to last shift and last closing shift this week! I'm working Wednesday too....but I am so excited to be at work on Wednesday. That's because it will mean all of my finals are done, and all I have to do is come home, pack, and wait for Kyle to get here Thursday morning to pick me up.
Then home sweet home for 2 1/2 weeks!!! I'm so excited to just relax and have fun for that long. And to get to spend so much time with my family and Kyle. Yea! I'm so lucky! And I'm super super excited to get to eat at Fiesta Cancun. Surprisingly, I used to hate Mexican food. Now I crave it like nothing. Well...I still crave ice cream more. Which is my all time favorite food. So I guess a stop at the local Alber's Ice Cream Parlor will be necessary when I'm home these next few weeks.
I also plan to lay out, begin my annual summerly re-reading of all of the Harry Potter books (especially because the final one is due out in July!!!), have a picnic at Krape Park, go on a few bike rides with Kyle on the Jane Adams Trail, Take a picture of every room of my house so I won't forget it when we move, Eat at Fiesta Cancun, Applebees, Alber's Ice Cream, make French Bread Pizza, make sub sandwiches, celebrate Kyle's 20th birthday, celebrate my parents 30th wedding anniversary, sleep in often, get tan, apartment shop, go on walks with my mom, and play outside as much as the weather will permit.
That may seem like alot. But there are definitely many many more things I plan to do which I just can't remember right now. But I should probably get going. It's nearly noon and I have to start studying. Yuck.
3 more days to go!!!
Getting sick this past weekend really put a damper on my many many plans to be productive. Instead of studying, getting a ton of work done on my paper I ended up laying in bed most of the weekend. But I was pretty sick. My fever actually got up to about 101 degrees. And for some reason I thought I could work like that- even though I sweating bullets by the time I reached work, and could barely talk because my throat hurt so bad. Luckily, the people I work with are really kind and Joe ended up driving me home about 5 minutes after I got there. So from Friday till about Yesterday afternoon I did pretty much absolutely nothing.
But I did end up finishing that hell of a history paper and all I have to do now is print it out. And my plans for the day include studying for stupid Geography until I have to work. Which is my second to last shift and last closing shift this week! I'm working Wednesday too....but I am so excited to be at work on Wednesday. That's because it will mean all of my finals are done, and all I have to do is come home, pack, and wait for Kyle to get here Thursday morning to pick me up.
Then home sweet home for 2 1/2 weeks!!! I'm so excited to just relax and have fun for that long. And to get to spend so much time with my family and Kyle. Yea! I'm so lucky! And I'm super super excited to get to eat at Fiesta Cancun. Surprisingly, I used to hate Mexican food. Now I crave it like nothing. Well...I still crave ice cream more. Which is my all time favorite food. So I guess a stop at the local Alber's Ice Cream Parlor will be necessary when I'm home these next few weeks.
I also plan to lay out, begin my annual summerly re-reading of all of the Harry Potter books (especially because the final one is due out in July!!!), have a picnic at Krape Park, go on a few bike rides with Kyle on the Jane Adams Trail, Take a picture of every room of my house so I won't forget it when we move, Eat at Fiesta Cancun, Applebees, Alber's Ice Cream, make French Bread Pizza, make sub sandwiches, celebrate Kyle's 20th birthday, celebrate my parents 30th wedding anniversary, sleep in often, get tan, apartment shop, go on walks with my mom, and play outside as much as the weather will permit.
That may seem like alot. But there are definitely many many more things I plan to do which I just can't remember right now. But I should probably get going. It's nearly noon and I have to start studying. Yuck.
3 more days to go!!!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
A Review of My Life....Or at least the past week
Whoa, I am STUFFED. Kelli, Luz, Shubbu, and I just came from "Midnight Breakfast" at the dining hall and it was goooooood. Imagine every kind of breakfast food you could ever think of, and it was in the cafeteria tonight. It was excellent. We ate so much, and are all currently in pain because of it. I had donuts, every kind of pastry ever, bacon, sausage, muffins, french toast, strawberries, cinnamon roles, and the BEST hash browns (smiley shaped!) that I've ever had. Ever. Impressive for the dining hall. How I do love when they spoil us.
But what was even more impressive, occurred when we were walking in. We got in line about 15 minutes before "midnight breakfast" opened, and the line was already halfway down the hallway. When we eventually got into the dining hall and Kelli was getting swiped in, I heard the checker say "(some guy's name) We're almost on person 127". I didn't really think much of it...until she swiped my card and said, "127!! We have our 127!!" Then this guy smiled real big and told me to stand up against the wall. I asked why, because this is not a normal occurrence. He repeated for me to stand up against the wall again, so I did because I do as I"m told, and then he pulled out a big camera to take my picture. So I took a really obnoxious one with a big smile and a thumbs up. Then they finally told me I won and I would get a prize. I won!!! I never win things!!!! Not only did I win for the good food, I apparently will soon get a Tony the Tiger duffel bag. Gay, I know. But it's free and I randomly won something! Hurray!!! Shubbu was going crazy when it happened and it was the cutest thing ever. Then we preceded to eat until we all felt like throwing up. If you ever want to see something sick, watch Kelli eat. I've never seen so much syrup in my life. Just a thought though, I am really really hoping that picture I took doesn't get displayed anywhere. Good Lord that could be bad.
So apparently the dining hall annually throws this "midnight breakfast" on the night of our last day of classes. That's right, today was my LAST day of school. I'm almost officially an upperclassman!! Can you believe it??
It's crazy to be done with my sophomore year. It's gone so quick!! All I have left to do is 2 more finals and finishing that hell of a history paper. My goal is to finish the history paper this weekend, and luckily one of my finals I don't even have to study for because its a group-open book test. Yup, the only final I'm studying for in the next week is geography. This is fabulous.
I was very lucky in that I got the worst of everything done last week. Hence the reason I haven't written a full blog in....oh yes, that's right, forever.
So as you know a week ago, I was up till 6:30 am writing my history paper. Then Friday night (after a horrible night of work) I stayed up till about 3 am doing hw, and just not being able to sleep. Saturday I wrote my 8 page Soc term paper, then spent the entire fricking night working on history terms. That night I went to bed at 4:30am. Sunday I spent the day doing all my random hw for the week. Although I did spend the afternoon on the quad with MJ and Luz drinking smoothies, which was absolutely wonderful. Sunday I was able to sleep by 2am. Monday I was forced to study all night for my History AND Sociology finals (because of course they would fall on the same day) until 4:30am...and then had to get up at 8 to go take them. Tuesday I had to go to work pretty much as a zombie, and I got to stay up till 3:30am working on a speech for this morning.
Whew! It tires me out just thinking of this past week. But it's ok, because I get to sleep in everyday for the next week!!!! YEA!!! And then Thursday I'm going home for the summer!! Well, I'm going home for 2 1/2 weeks. Then back here for the summer. Whatev, either way I am so excited to re-discover sleep.
Other than classes/papers/studying dominating my life lately, things have been going really well. The weather has been BEAUTIFUL!! we've had numerous 80-90 degree days. Yet I still haven't managed to get a tan. Sad. I'm that pasty, white girl who just can't tan. Maybe I should start using the tanning beds again. Nah, I'd prefer not to give myself cancer. I'll stick to the slooooooow process of getting some color while wearing sunscreen.
I'm a little sad in a crazy sort of way to be moving out of ISR. I'll never again get to live this close to all of my best friends again. Yes, MJ, Luz, Shubbu, and I are going to have a great summer. And Kelli, Marty, and I will have a ton of fun next fall. But we'll never all be together (living-wise) again. It's sad. But I am so so SO glad I've gotten to meet these girls. They are the best friends you could ever ask for.
Speaking of what great friends they are, here's a little example for ya. I got home from work Tuesday night to find our door and my contact solution overtaken my Daniel Cook. Now, if you don't remember Daniel Cook, please review my blog of the things I love and hate. Daniel Cook is a very talented Disney child actor. And he is so darn cute. But apparently, this makes me a creep child molester so Marty and Kelli decided to let the world know.
This is what I found on my contact solution: (if you can't tell, it's Daniel)

And our door:

A close up of one of the pictures. Notice the caption

And the other:
hahaha, hilarious. I do love them. And they can bet their asses I'm keeping those pictures. Daniel Cook is Amazing. And if that makes me creepy then so fricking be it! :)
But what was even more impressive, occurred when we were walking in. We got in line about 15 minutes before "midnight breakfast" opened, and the line was already halfway down the hallway. When we eventually got into the dining hall and Kelli was getting swiped in, I heard the checker say "(some guy's name) We're almost on person 127". I didn't really think much of it...until she swiped my card and said, "127!! We have our 127!!" Then this guy smiled real big and told me to stand up against the wall. I asked why, because this is not a normal occurrence. He repeated for me to stand up against the wall again, so I did because I do as I"m told, and then he pulled out a big camera to take my picture. So I took a really obnoxious one with a big smile and a thumbs up. Then they finally told me I won and I would get a prize. I won!!! I never win things!!!! Not only did I win for the good food, I apparently will soon get a Tony the Tiger duffel bag. Gay, I know. But it's free and I randomly won something! Hurray!!! Shubbu was going crazy when it happened and it was the cutest thing ever. Then we preceded to eat until we all felt like throwing up. If you ever want to see something sick, watch Kelli eat. I've never seen so much syrup in my life. Just a thought though, I am really really hoping that picture I took doesn't get displayed anywhere. Good Lord that could be bad.
So apparently the dining hall annually throws this "midnight breakfast" on the night of our last day of classes. That's right, today was my LAST day of school. I'm almost officially an upperclassman!! Can you believe it??
It's crazy to be done with my sophomore year. It's gone so quick!! All I have left to do is 2 more finals and finishing that hell of a history paper. My goal is to finish the history paper this weekend, and luckily one of my finals I don't even have to study for because its a group-open book test. Yup, the only final I'm studying for in the next week is geography. This is fabulous.
I was very lucky in that I got the worst of everything done last week. Hence the reason I haven't written a full blog in....oh yes, that's right, forever.
So as you know a week ago, I was up till 6:30 am writing my history paper. Then Friday night (after a horrible night of work) I stayed up till about 3 am doing hw, and just not being able to sleep. Saturday I wrote my 8 page Soc term paper, then spent the entire fricking night working on history terms. That night I went to bed at 4:30am. Sunday I spent the day doing all my random hw for the week. Although I did spend the afternoon on the quad with MJ and Luz drinking smoothies, which was absolutely wonderful. Sunday I was able to sleep by 2am. Monday I was forced to study all night for my History AND Sociology finals (because of course they would fall on the same day) until 4:30am...and then had to get up at 8 to go take them. Tuesday I had to go to work pretty much as a zombie, and I got to stay up till 3:30am working on a speech for this morning.
Whew! It tires me out just thinking of this past week. But it's ok, because I get to sleep in everyday for the next week!!!! YEA!!! And then Thursday I'm going home for the summer!! Well, I'm going home for 2 1/2 weeks. Then back here for the summer. Whatev, either way I am so excited to re-discover sleep.
Other than classes/papers/studying dominating my life lately, things have been going really well. The weather has been BEAUTIFUL!! we've had numerous 80-90 degree days. Yet I still haven't managed to get a tan. Sad. I'm that pasty, white girl who just can't tan. Maybe I should start using the tanning beds again. Nah, I'd prefer not to give myself cancer. I'll stick to the slooooooow process of getting some color while wearing sunscreen.
I'm a little sad in a crazy sort of way to be moving out of ISR. I'll never again get to live this close to all of my best friends again. Yes, MJ, Luz, Shubbu, and I are going to have a great summer. And Kelli, Marty, and I will have a ton of fun next fall. But we'll never all be together (living-wise) again. It's sad. But I am so so SO glad I've gotten to meet these girls. They are the best friends you could ever ask for.
Speaking of what great friends they are, here's a little example for ya. I got home from work Tuesday night to find our door and my contact solution overtaken my Daniel Cook. Now, if you don't remember Daniel Cook, please review my blog of the things I love and hate. Daniel Cook is a very talented Disney child actor. And he is so darn cute. But apparently, this makes me a creep child molester so Marty and Kelli decided to let the world know.
This is what I found on my contact solution: (if you can't tell, it's Daniel)
And our door:
A close up of one of the pictures. Notice the caption
And the other:
I also have some other things to be happy about right now, such as:
1. I've become obsessed with Burt's Beeswax lip balm - it's awesome
2. I've made $180 in tips in the past two nights
3. It's time to buy a summer purse!!
4. I got to pet alot of dogs the past few days on the quad. My favorite was a puppy Pug named Tank. Probably the cutest thing I've seen in a long time.
I think I have more things to say. But I'm just to lazy to say them. Yes, I need to go to bed, so I can sleep in. I am SO happy about this!! :)
I'll be writing soon! till then...
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