Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Anger, Interrupted

Tonight, I am pissed.

Which means you can expect the always oh-so-lovely angry rant of a blog. If you haven't yet guessed, it's about work. And as I may write way to much about work already, please leave your possible objections to it in the comments. But seeing as how no one likes to comment anymore, there is still time for me to tear into my frustrations dealing with work.

I am angry tonight for several reasons. The first however, is that it is a Tuesday night. Now this Tuesday night is my only non-closing shift this week. Which means I have to close Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Which sucks. But I was excited to not have to close and expecting to be home by 8:15 at the latest. (Very typical for summer non-closers.) However, I did not get home until 9:15 tonight. That's right, 15 minutes before "Min" Ristorante closes!! Why? Well, a combination of several jackasses and stupid fucking luck. Language! I'm pissed, so I'm not apologizing.


Whoops, I sort of stopped writing my blog last night and am not quite as angry as I was, but still a little ticked that I was forced to stay at work so long. It's simply disappointing when you expect to get home early (only one night in the entire week) and instead stay there until we're almost closed anyway. My feet are tired, my body is tired, and I just want one night where I'm not running all over creation to please everyone else but myself. Plus, I had several tables with not-so-nice people. I wish my job was easy. I wish life was easy.

But I'm remaining optimistic because I have Friday to look forward to. My parents will be here, eat at "Min", have me be their waitress, and then we plan on going home either Friday night or Saturday morning. Regardless, I'm quite excited about having some time off work. Especially because for some reason I'm getting so sick of it lately. I think I'm just tired of being tired.

I'm also angry because apparently I've been saying an entirely wrong phrase for the past 20 years of my life and no one has ever corrected me. As I was eating an apple today I loudly proclaimed, "An apple a day, keeps the dentist away!" Which I've always thought to be what the rhyme said, and have always thought this in my head whenever I eat an apple. But then Shubbu and Luz laughed at me and informed me it's "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away". What the fuck, that's stupid. Why would an apple keep the doctor away. Dentist...that makes sense to me. The apple skin flosses and naturally cleans your teeth or something. This is bullshit. I've been wrong my whole life and that angers me!! Man, I feel like a real ass.

Oh damn, this blog must come to end because my laundry just finished and if I set my laptop down to go get it, the internet will undoubtedly lose it's connection and I don't want to have to try and reconnect for another 10 minutes. I hate laundry too. One day, I will have a maid. Just like Shubbu. Oh and speaking of, I fully intend to write a blog soon about the life of Shubbu Amin back in India. I know I've said a few words on this subject, but I need you all to understand the awesomeness of her life.

Ok, must...go....do....laundry.

I'll write soon!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Weekend In the Life of a Waitress

Well, it's Sunday. And I couldn't be happier about it. Sunday means no work, no work tomorrow, and the chance for me to do whatever I want, without having to do it before 4:00 (when I usually leave for work).

I really don't know what made me think it was a good idea to work my usual Tuesday through Friday this past week, and then pick up a Saturday shift as well. Working two weekend nights is simply NOT FUN. Especially because Friday was insanely busy. I was dead tired when I got home and then dreaded having to go back and do it again Saturday. Yuck.

"Min" was absolutely packed Friday night, largely due to the fact that we had a wedding rehearsal for 45 people in our back room. But of course that would mean that very same night would be the night we're the most busy we've been in a long long time. Not only was our entire back room filled, every table in our front area was filled for a good three hours. Joe decided to let me and one other girl (Nikki- been working at "Min" forever and probably would for the rest of her life if she could) take care of the entire Wedding Rehearsal tables by ourselves. Normally, I would not be overwhelmed or even that panicky about having to serve 45 people with only one other girl.

However, this particular wedding party + family were horribly obnoxious. They for some reason decided it was a good idea to keep switching seats and moving around, making it virtually impossible to remember where this pepsi or that salad (all of which were super specific...grrrrr) or that Lasagna was supposed to go. Please, Please, Please; if you are going to eat at a restaurant with a really large group, stay in your fricking seat. I understand the Bride and Groom should make their way around the room...but no one else has the excuse of bouncing around as if we don't provide chairs. And then the groom's parents had the audacity to only tip Nikki and I 15%. Hello, I thought it was common knowledge to tip your waitress(es) 20% for very large groups. Apparently not. But then again, I believe they are cheap, since they flat out refused to pay for alcohol for anyone, not for moral reasons, but because they didn't want to spend that much. As if "Min" is really that expensive. Ok...maybe I'm being judgey. Sorry. It's just my bitterness making me angry. Once Nikki and I split the tip, we ended up with $41 each...not horrible...but not to great. I was banking on at least 50.

When I got home Friday night I was utterly exhausted but was a trooper and headed back to work Saturday. While we weren't nearly as busy on Saturday (I in fact, only had 6 tables all night) all of our tables were pretty large groups and in my case, very very needy tables. I'm pretty sure my tables last night couldn't even take a drink of water without me putting a straw to their mouth. Everyone wanted their salad this special way, or needed 10,000 pepsi's to drink with their meal, or wanted 6 desserts To Go, oh wait, no for Here, or wait, could we do both?

Ah well, I can't really complain seeing as how I made $115 Friday night and $85 Saturday night. $200 in two nights is not to shabby.

So here I am, on a Sunday, very relieved to not have to deal with people and carry huge trays of hot food for another few days. Being a waitress is a fun job, but a frustrating job indeed.

So I'm going to go enjoy my day now, my last weekend here, because next week i'll be back in good ol' Freeport. Hasta Luego!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

3 Cooks and a Maid

hmmm....well things have been ticking along fine here and once again I have little if any exciting news. I'm starting to wonder if anyone even reads my blog, and if they do, I'm wondering why. My life is undoubtedly bland right now and I admit much of that has to do with it being summer and me enjoying a simple way of life....however, I find it difficult to write about things that don't seem worthy of writing about. Are my everyday details really that interesting? And aren't I proving myself to be semi self-centered by even having a blog and assuming people around me should read about my life? What makes me so special?

Ah, that is the type of thing I broad over way to much. But I love writing, I love the noise the keyboard makes when I type (it's very gratifying) and I love getting the thoughts out of my head. I think if I could be an author I would. But the trouble is, I have no idea what I would write about other than myself or something based on myself which I assume, once again, no one would really care about and I don't like doing something unless I know I will succeed.

So what is there really to talk about? Well...the week has been flying by, and thankfully work has helped with that. I am truly lucky with the job I have. I know I talk about it all the time and all readers must be sick of it by now....but man, I am lucky. It's so much like a family there. Everyone gets along so well, we all tease eachother, laugh, and have a good time. Plus there are so many awesome people that I work with that make the long hours (especially on closing shifts) fly by and are made so much more entertaining. I'm quite the lucky girl.

Indeed, I've also thus far found out how well apartment life suits me. I enjoy so much coming home to a real place. With couches and a kitchen and my own bedroom with such a big comfy bed. Since living here, I've also discovered what a horrible neat freak I am. I've always known I like neatness but not until I lived in my own place have I found my innate desire to have everything looking spotless. You can imagine however, living with three other college students, that this is virtually impossible. My roommates (bless them) leave their dirty dishes out, dirty pans out, don't wipe up the countertops, and leave trash and crumbs lying around. But that's ok. It really doesn't bother me that much. Not everyone is a neat freak, and I've already told them I have no problem washing up and cleaning around the apartment....especially since I'm not taking classes and just bumming it during the day.

So I'm the maid. Which I enjoy because I'm also a control freak and like cleaning done my way. And my other three roommates are the cooks. Yes, I've found out my cooking skills are severely lacking (at least compared to these three chefs). First we have Marty, who insits on making everything from scratch, and turns her nose up at those who dare to use pre-made cake batter or (the horror!) don't make homemade muffins. I admire that. She's like our little 1950's grandma. And then there is Luz, who is used to cooking for her entire family, and has this knack for just throwing all these random things in a pot, cooking it, and making something that looks amazing. She'll just chop up onions, tomatoes, some kind of meat, spices, everything and anything and impress me. Plus she also always has these yummy Mexican dishes that smell and look fabulous. The other day she even made homemade Strawberry juice!! Who does that!? I'm living with a bunch of Betty Crockers. And finally we have Shubbu, who enjoys cooking all sorts of exotic Indian food which (contrary to popular belief) always smells amazinggggg. It was quite funny, after she made her first meal at the apartment, she was very excited and told us "This is the first meal I've ever made entirely on my own!! Usually my cook is standing over my shoulder or makes everything for me!!"
Yes, Shubbu has a cook. In case I haven't mentioned it, her family is insanely rich back in India. After Shubbu made this comment, I laughed and when she looked questioningly back at me, I told her she just didn't understand how bizarre it is to hear someone talk about their cook. She also has a maid and like 50 people who work on her yard. Which by the way, is the most amazing yard I've ever seen in my life. She's shown me pictures and it honestly looks like the Garden of Eden. Or some tropical Indian palace backyard. Her life back home is quite amazing and I'm surely impressed.

I think for now, I'm done. While I can often write great deals, I've found lately that anything over a few paragraphs I feel like I'm overdoing it. Especially when I'm not saying much of anything. So back to the great life of nothingness!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I'm just so hard to please...

Well, some of the time at least. I can never quite decide what I want and whenever something I've been waiting for happens, I want to go back to what I had before.

These past three days I've had off work have been fun...but the entire time I've been slightly bored and waiting to get back to work to make some money. Now that I'm heading back to work today, all I want is to have the day off.

Maybe it's because It's only Tuesday, and I know I have to also work Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (picked up someone's shift). I suppose it's ok though, I really do need the money. I only have this week and next week left to work before I'm left with no money for two weeks when "Min" closes.

Thus far my plans for my two weeks off work are: Go home next Saturday (somehow...haven't quite figured that one out) and spend a little over a week at home. During that time I'll be able to go to the Cummins' wedding shower for Kenna, hopefully find a dress for Brady and Kenna's wedding, spend alot of time with Kyle and the family, and fully enjoy being at home. And let's hope its nice and warm so I can swim in our pool and get a tan. (which I really, really need...espcially with this wedding coming up). I will probaly head back to Champaign Tuesday July 3rd, because my roommates might murder me if I am not here for July 4th. We're planning on having an "America, Fuck Yeah" party. But I will only come back here if they are serious about having a fun cookout and my family isn't doing anything to spectacular. Otherwise I'll just stay in Freeport till that Thursday before coming back to the real world and having to work the Friday July 6th.

And that next weekend will be Brady and Kenna's wedding!! It's come up so fast! And I'm also having a hard time believing how fast summer is flying by. I hate, hate, hate that first week or two back to school in the fall. I always have severe summer withdrawal. Ah well...at least I'll have my 21st birthday to look forward to.

Well...I know I didn't write anything of real quality here...but I should probably stop seeing as how my interent keeps turning itself on and off (we still haven't purchased Interent or cable). Okay, well until next time, Have a great week!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Luz, Alcohol, Sprinklers, OH MY!

I would just like to re-apologize to those who were completely and utterly bored by my last blog. You must understand how excited I was though. It's not everyday the Spice Girls get back together.

Anyway, today is Sunday, another lazy Sunday. Hopefully I'll be able to get some things done like grocery shopping and Target shopping. Not that I need to spend more money but.....

Today's also going to be a good day because Shubbu move in. The apartment will finally be full! How exciting! Yesterday Luz moved in and it was an interesting day to say the least.

Luz and I spent most of the early evening re-arranging the apartment. And I must say it looks divine. We added a new chair to the living room, got a real TV stand, moved the couch a little, our chair across the room, moved the lamps and coffee tables, and shifted the dining room table...and I must say; it makes a huge difference. It just looks more open and inviting now. Everything is really coming together.

Later in the evening Marty went out and got Luz and I some alcohol because she is lucky and 21. However, she is unlucky because she was recently diagnosed with walking pneumonia meaning she can't drink alcohol for the next 14 days because of her antibiotics. It really sucks for her. But she was still nice and got Luz and I the devil juice. We then preceded to drink at our amazing bar which at some point in the night was referred to as an airport bar. We then thought it was funny to pretend to be airport passengers and I have this awful feeling that game is going to continue all summer.

A little while later Marty (looking all classy) went with Jonah to go see one of his friends. So little ol' lonely Luz and I were left alone and we came up with one of those really great ideas that sound amazing when you are intoxicated...but in all reality are quite poor ideas. Anyway, we decided it would be a good thing to go take a walk on Green Street while drinking our alcohol. Not the smartest idea when you are under 21, already drunk, and want to walk in plain sight of cops on a busy street drinking alcohol. Well, it was a fantastic idea to us, so we loaded water-y looking Smirnoff Ice's in water bottles, didn't bother to change out of our crappy gym looking clothes (we also thought it would help our argument if we got caught; like we just got done working out) and headed for Green. We only walked and drank along Green for a few minutes before heading to the Quad. We then walked through the quad, drinking, and loudly declaring our pride for the University of Illinois, before we were drawn to Foellinger and it's twinkly lights. Once at foellinger, we climbed the stairs, walked across this ledge, and sat down (with about 6ft. from my feet to the ground, dangerous when everything is spinning slightly) and just looked out on the quad with our perfect view. We just sat and finished our drinks and watched joggers and walkers for about an hour before we decided to leave. Just as we moved from Foellinger to the grass on the quad (I don't know why we weren't going to use the sidewalks) the entire quad sprinkler system went off!! We started screaming and then realized how funny it was. Then we came up with another great idea of running through all of the sprinklers even though it was getting quite cold and the sprinkler water was freezing. So there was Luz and I, running through the sprinklers on the quad at midnight. Good times. We finished the trip with a detour to Bonny Jeans (best drunk pizza in the world!) smelling like wet dogs before heading home and passing out.

All in all, I'd say it was a very successful first night back for Luz. I have the feeling this is going to be a very very fun summer.

And so for now that's it. No more adventures to tell just yet. Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Best News of My Life!!!!!

Holy Crap!!!!!!
I've been waiting for this since I was like 13!!!

Are you ready? Are you ready??
The Spice Girls are REUNITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't laugh. I am honestly, truly so amazingly excited about this. The Spice Girls were my biggest, hugest obsession I've ever had in my entire life. My childhood is partly defined by them. They helped shape my views on how much girls can do ("Girl Power!"), opened my eyes to pop music, and showed me that sexiness, smartness, and having fun are all equally important. I am thrilled to death right now! My stomach clenched so tight when I heard the news and I feel like jumping for joy/crying happy tears right now.

This is big news for me. Big. The Spice Girls were my Beatles. The Spice Girls helped me become me. And Geri (Ginger Spice) was everything I wanted to be.

I remember being in 3rd grade when they first came out. Me and my best friend Natasha fell in love with "Wannabe" and I immediately felt a connection with Geri. Like most 10 year old girls, my group of friends were each one Spice Girl. I of course was Ginger. And while all my friends liked the group, none were quite as obsessed as I. For being a young child with no Internet, I knew incredible amounts about these girls. I still know all the creepy details about Geri.

I had all of their CD's. Know every single one of their songs by heart. Still know every single one of their songs by heart. Have the Geri barbie doll. And while they were still together my room was a Spice Girl shrine. Every spot on my wall was covered in a Spice Girl poster or picture clipped from a magazine. (Remember, family?) All pictures taken of me at that time were of me holding up the Girl Power sign. I was obsessed with their movie and even just watched it this past Christmas break. My parents and brothers would always, always tease me, and I would get so angry and try to make them understand how much I loved this group. I would always yell, "I love them now, and I always will!!! They will always be my favorite group of all time!!!!!" And then my family would laugh and say that wouldn't be the case. Well ha, family. Look who's all time favorite band is getting back together? WooHoo!!!!!!!

When Geri quit the Spice Girls I was devastated. Completely devastated. I remember waking up, getting ready for a normal day of 5th grade, listening to my radio (97zok) in my bedroom. They announced Geri had quit. My heart broke, and I started crying. I was so angry, I remember ripping off and apart a poster of them from my wall. Although they were split up, I still continued my obsession....always knowing, always hoping they would get back together.

And here we are!!! Spice Girls Reunion!!! Apparently they are re-recording a few of their biggest hits and have written a few new ones. (Well, probably Geri wrote them. She was actually the main writer of most of their songs. She was pretty much their manager as well. Basically, she was by far the best Spice Girl). Anyway, they hope to start their worldwide reunion tour around Christmas. I swear to God I am going to that. I was never able to go to one while a child, so i WILL be there this time. I'm so excited!!!!

Sorry about this post. I realize if you are not a Spice Girls fan this probably bored you to pieces. But whoopie for me!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

It's Just Another Manic Thursday

I have conflicted feelings towards this Thursday.

Good News: I returned home from work tonight at about 8:20, which was a pleasant, pleasant surprise.
Bad News: I only had four tables at work and made a grand total of $25 in tips. Impressive, I know.

Good News: It looked absolutely beautiful outside today.
Bad News: It was 95 degrees, horribly muggy, hard to breath, and whippy whippy wind. Looked pretty...not pretty to be in.

Good News: Our apartment was sprayed for pests today by our apartment management.
Bad News: I had to endure 10 awkward minutes with a very trashy/questionable looking grown man.

Good News: I started the fifth Harry Potter Today.
Bad News: I'm almost finished with my series :(

Good News: I had more really great dreams this morning before getting up!
Bad News: I woke up gross and sweaty. I just hate that.

Good News: I had a very very relaxing, chill day.
Bad News: I am a waste of space. I do absolutely nothing.

Good News: I had a cute father/daughter table at "Min" tonight who were very affectionate.
Bad News: Whoops, they weren't father and daughter. He was in his mid 40's, she looked about 17. He was wearing a wedding room, she was wearing a skin tight black dress, so short her coochie nearly showed, and completely backless....just to add a little more class to the situation. How do I know they're not father/daughter? Well....the way they were touching, giggling, ect...Trust me, no father and daughter act that way. Unless they live in rural Louisiana.

Good News: I have an entire night ahead of me, reading and relaxing
Bad News: It might storm, and I'm horribly afraid of thunder, lighting, and tornadoes.

But alas, I do have the great news of knowing that after this weekend all of my roommates will be here and we'll be having a grand ol' time!!

Happy Thursday everyone!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Apt and Other Pictures!!!

Welp, here they are. Since I'm sure you all have been waiting soooo impatiently. I may post a few more later....But be thankful you're getting these. And make sure you read the blog immediately following this one. It's new too!! Enjoy!

My gorgeous bedroom. It's bright, big, and very relaxing. Notice the artwork. Good, real good.

A full bed!! The biggest I've ever had! And it's quite comfortable. I do love my bedroom.

In case you wanted to see every angle of my room.

My desk. No laptop on it because it's sitting in the living room...aka, the only place I can get wireless.

The corner. I love my window. Green street view baby! And notice the pic above my printer. It's my favorite picture in the room! I love you kissing post war lovebirds!

My dresser. And shit on top of it. And the very alive and kickin ChiChi

Biggest closet I've ever had too!

Me and Shubbu's bathroom

Nice and bright. Lovely.

So girly!

Our kitchen. Absolutely perfect. It is so nice!! I think I will miss this the most when we move out. If you look towards the background you can see the doorway to my bedroom.

Oh, kind of a boring picture. But look! We have a kitchen window! Our front door is directly to the left of this pic

View from kitchen of dining room and living room

Don't you love our bar?!

Our living room. Still a bit bland, but oh so comfy and bright and nice.

My Illini balcony chair where alot of reading has been getting done in

Minus the construction you can see our sweet view!!!! I see Green Street!!

Kyle's second race. He's somewhere in that pack

Kyle and Justin working on the car....so cute

Dave and Justin working on the car. I was working by taking pictures.

Scary! Kyle getting ready to go out and race!

Kyle after his first real finish! Congrats!

There's my manly man.
Hope you liked!

See...I'm Doing Something

Alright Dighty. I'm in a good mood tonight. I've gotten a ton of things done these past few days which makes me quite proud of myself. Being productive feels good. Even though not all of my things were truly that productive.

For example. Monday night Jonah, MJ, and I were hanging out at the apartment. (I don't care what you say...being the third wheel is fun). Jonah then disappeared for awhile, therefore Marty and I walked the 3o second walk to the liquor store to pick up a 6 pack of Smirnoff Ice's. (black cherry) Not really a hard core drink, but I felt tipsy. When Jonah returned he had the real fine idea of heading over to the bar. Therefore, we walked the 1 minute walk to Legends and sat down and had two pitchers of beer. Marty and I both got very happy before we decided to leave. It was a great time and all of these short walks are really convenient.

Tuesday I finished the fourth Harry Potter. This does create a bit of a dilemma seeing as how I only have book 5 and 6 to read until the final #7 comes out the third week of July. I'll probably be finished with 5 and 6 by the end of June (or before that). Dear me, what am I supposed to do while waiting!! Hopefully, I'll be distracted with a week long trip home I'm planning while Minneci's is closed and the release of the Harry Potter 5 movie. I really am a Harry Potter fanatic. I think I know everything about every one of the books and I'm willing to bet I'm in the top 5% of the novel's biggest fans. I mean I loooveee these books. I could read them over and over for the rest of my life non stop and I wouldn't grow tired of them. I'm excited to have kids just so I can introduce them to the world of Harry Potter. Nate made fun of me a bit for my attachment to the series and suggested I spend my time reading new novels....but that just isn't what I want to do. If any of you haven't read these books, please PLEASE do. I promise they aren't kiddy/childish books. They are such a fun read. Once you start reading, you'll see. Sometimes I honestly wish Hogwarts was a real school and I was a witch. I would date Ron (sorry Kyle, sorry Hermione) and be best friends with Harry. Oh, and I would help kill Voldermort. Seriously everyone, don't judge this series by the movies. Read the books! Read the books! Read the books!!!

I also worked and closed last night. It was a usual dull Tuesday night. Nothing to exciting happened. I made 70 dollars and got a 35 dollar check so that was decent I suppose. Following work, I walked to the post office to mail a letter (money) to Nate and then headed to Walgreens to pick up some items. Only to find Walgreens closes at 8pm in the summer. What the hell??!! 8 pm?? I thought their primary shoppers where college students not 1st graders.

Today I did a whole lot. I had like 30 really good dreams (hey, it's hard work) before finally dragging myself out of bed at close to 11am. I then spent the morning on the phone with Kelli (I miss you Kels!) Then I did a hard core apartment cleaning. I glass cleaned, dusted, vacuumed, swept, cleaned the kitchen, and even did a thorough cleaning of my bathroom. I'm an extreme neat freak and I just love looking at a clean apartment. It makes me so happy :) After cleaning I headed to Walgreens to pick up the items I so stupidly could not get last night. Walgreens on campus is an enormous, gigantic rip off. I hardly got anything and spent 60 dollars. They add at least 4 dollars on to every item's normal price because they know so many students without cars have no where else to shop. Ass wipes.

I got home with enough time to relax for a bit. I watched Rachel Ray's TV talk show for the first time. Biiiiiig disappointment. Really, she is weird. And sort of obnoxious. I've decided I don't like her. Her cookbook I got for free blowed, and her TV show freaks me out.

I had another night of closing at work tonight, but it was a really really good night. I came home with 110 dollars which made me very pleased. It was just one of those nights where I didn't even do that much work but almost all of my tables tipped me 8-20 dollars. That is amazing when that happens. I love good, fair tippers. They have no idea how much gratitude I feel towards them. And for you jerks who think it's acceptable to only tip a few dollars on a large check, screw you. I'll spit in your food next time. Actually I wont, because I don't want to be fired. But I could...but I could.

And if my post hasn't convinced you of how "productive" I've been lately well hear this, I've also decided I'm not taking classes this summer. It actually has to do with the ridiculous cost of summer courses, but I now get to spend the next few months solely working. It will be funny when my friends are doing homework and studying and I"m not. But it wont be funny when I'm struggling to meet my credit requirements before graduation. I guess this summer I'll be taking Waitressing 101. Or as I like to call it...Waitressing-Way-To-Much. It seems I don't even have interesting waitressing stories anymore. After more than two years I feel like I've grown used to ever sort of behavior and actions one could experience. Its simple. You have your big spenders, cheap asses, understanding nice folks, selfish jerks who don't notice your also running around the restaurant serving other people, good days, and bad days. And tomorrow I don't have to close which always makes for a good day in my opinion. While you don't get off that early in the summer because every one likes to eat late, it's still nice to be home before 10.

Ah well, I'm off to do more productive things than writing a blog. Such as posting pictures for you to see, then reading my obsession, and maybe even trying for some more badass dreams tonight.


Monday, June 4, 2007

The Green Stuff

I've decided I hate money.

I hate everything about it. It brings me more stress than any 20 year old should face. I didn't think living in an apartment would be that different than living in the dorms. Other than the rent, utilities, groceries... Oh wait, I must have been really naive to think it wouldn't be that different.

Thankfully my rent for the summer apartment is already paid so I only have to worry about utilities and food. But then there is also Brady's wedding. So I have to pay for a dress, shoes, probably accessories, a wedding present. And then at the end of the summer I have to buy an entire wardrobe of professional clothing so I can sit in every day in various High school classrooms next fall. And of course, first month rent for my fall apartment of $270 is due August 1st. Not to count the various tid bits I'll need to purchase throughout the next few months.

And while I am working more days than I ever have before (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday), I still am concerned it just won't be enough. And the fact that "Min" is closed for two weeks this summer just before Brady's wedding doesn't help. I will love having that much time for myself, but its definatly going to hurt the already empty wallet. The thought of not having enough money for things is just terrifying to me. Unlike my brothers, I do have a problem with asking my parents for money. (I'm not saying you do anymore brothers, I'm talking about in college). I've always felt that my parents have paid for everything since I was a child, they have enough worries, and I want to avoid any extra burdence at all costs.

This is about the time in my life where I need to win the big, big lottery. Or join the mob to make a little extra dough. Especially since it's common knowledge around Champaign-Urbana that Joe and Pete are Italian mob members and "Min" Ristorante is their headquaters. Seriously. People really think that.

Regardless, I need money. But even if I can't get more money, I wish I could just stop worrying about it. I already worry to much. Honestly, I'm sure I'll have enough to get by this summer. I just tend to obsessively worry about the fear of coming up short. Goodness, I need to do some cocaine or something to relax. (kidding, mom. Beer will work).

On a brighter note than me being a poor, cracked out college student; Marty's moved in the apartment!! Meaning my days of loneliness are finally over. And for the first time I didn't go to bed scared last night. Its comforting to know if a physco murderer breaks in he might head to someone elses room first and find them before he finds me. Oh, that's not very nice. Actually, it's just comforting to have someone else in the apartment at night. I also got to finally meet her boyfriend, Jonah (about time) which was exciting. He's just what I expected and am very happy to finally know the infamous couple.

Just as exciting for me, Luz is moving in this Friday!! I'm quite excited for all of this! And pretty soon Shubbu will be here which means the circle will be complete. Hurray!

As you can probably tell from this blog or my previous blogs, I'm sure it's easy to see my biggest fault is that I worry to much. (Sorry I keep jumping around here). I wish it was something I could change about myself. It's created numerous problems for me throughout life. I'm always scared of changes, scared of new things, scared of not being good enough, because I'm so worried about the consequences. Ah well...hopefully it will change as I get older. And hopefully along the way I'll hit the jackpot or come across a couple of a million dollars.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Combo of Nothing

Thanks Nate!! Your video (posted in last blog's comments) did cheer me up. He sure had some smooth moves. Honestly though, I think I might have that song on iTunes which may make me even nerdier than the guy who sings that song. He sort of reminds me of this red head that was on American Idol a couple of years ago. Really nerdy, no rhythm what so ever, and a surprisingly deep voice.

I hate voice surprises. I don't know if that bothers anyone else, but I don't like expecting to hear one sound when I meet a new someone and something completely unexpected comes out. You know, sometimes you meet a little girl, you expect a little voice, and suddenly a man boom comes out instead? Or that annoying raspy/itchy voice? And when you meet a tall guy and expect a deep manly voice and instead hear a female inspired lisp. Ah well. Maybe it's just me who is so easily driven crazy. Like I'm one to talk, I'm pretty sure I have one of those annoying girly voices. Oh well, at least I'm not a man or a girl monster with this voice.

So I didn't write a blog yesterday. Instead I did nothing all day. I read Harry Potter, watched my fuzzy CBS, played on the internet, and didn't even bother to shower before work. Gross, I know. I fully intended to write when I got home from work but I was tired and just felt like laying around. So I did, and went to bed very early for me (12:00). At least I'm getting used to my apartment and being alone. It's really not bad at all. I took a bunch of pictures today but I doubt I'll publish the apartment ones just yet.

So right now I'm watching the Price is Right because it's the only channel I get and I forgot what a great show it is. I think I'll just lay around again today until work tonight, but this time I will shower first. I'm very excited about not having to go to work tomorrow...I get a whole day just to myself!!! I'll probably run some errands, maybe head to the quad if its nice out, and just relax. I would love to just sit out on our gorgeous balcony (I bought a little chair for it) and read my Harry Potter and tan, however construction has taken over the street right in front of our complex. Meaning I can't even keep our screen doors or windows open without getting a headache. They are tearing up a street and it is LOUD. I've been woken up every morning since being here by them and I'm ready for the dust, grit, and noise to go away already.

That is the one thing I have yet to get used to at this apartment. The new noises. It is loud here at night. Each night I've been woken up by loud, loud drunk people outside my window and in the stairwell. Poor Shubbu, her bedroom is right next to the stairwell. She will never get sleep. Oh well, my ears will adjust and at least I recognize the noises for what they are now. And don't think someone is breaking in. Because I'm paranoid like that.

Well I wish I had more to say....but I don't. Not doing anything and having two uneventful nights of work has really left me with little to say. But I'll write real soon. Adios!