Which means you can expect the always oh-so-lovely angry rant of a blog. If you haven't yet guessed, it's about work. And as I may write way to much about work already, please leave your possible objections to it in the comments. But seeing as how no one likes to comment anymore, there is still time for me to tear into my frustrations dealing with work.
I am angry tonight for several reasons. The first however, is that it is a Tuesday night. Now this Tuesday night is my only non-closing shift this week. Which means I have to close Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Which sucks. But I was excited to not have to close and expecting to be home by 8:15 at the latest. (Very typical for summer non-closers.) However, I did not get home until 9:15 tonight. That's right, 15 minutes before "Min" Ristorante closes!! Why? Well, a combination of several jackasses and stupid fucking luck. Language! I'm pissed, so I'm not apologizing.
Whoops, I sort of stopped writing my blog last night and am not quite as angry as I was, but still a little ticked that I was forced to stay at work so long. It's simply disappointing when you expect to get home early (only one night in the entire week) and instead stay there until we're almost closed anyway. My feet are tired, my body is tired, and I just want one night where I'm not running all over creation to please everyone else but myself. Plus, I had several tables with not-so-nice people. I wish my job was easy. I wish life was easy.
But I'm remaining optimistic because I have Friday to look forward to. My parents will be here, eat at "Min", have me be their waitress, and then we plan on going home either Friday night or Saturday morning. Regardless, I'm quite excited about having some time off work. Especially because for some reason I'm getting so sick of it lately. I think I'm just tired of being tired.
I'm also angry because apparently I've been saying an entirely wrong phrase for the past 20 years of my life and no one has ever corrected me. As I was eating an apple today I loudly proclaimed, "An apple a day, keeps the dentist away!" Which I've always thought to be what the rhyme said, and have always thought this in my head whenever I eat an apple. But then Shubbu and Luz laughed at me and informed me it's "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away". What the fuck, that's stupid. Why would an apple keep the doctor away. Dentist...that makes sense to me. The apple skin flosses and naturally cleans your teeth or something. This is bullshit. I've been wrong my whole life and that angers me!! Man, I feel like a real ass.
Oh damn, this blog must come to end because my laundry just finished and if I set my laptop down to go get it, the internet will undoubtedly lose it's connection and I don't want to have to try and reconnect for another 10 minutes. I hate laundry too. One day, I will have a maid. Just like Shubbu. Oh and speaking of, I fully intend to write a blog soon about the life of Shubbu Amin back in India. I know I've said a few words on this subject, but I need you all to understand the awesomeness of her life.
Ok, must...go....do....laundry.
I'll write soon!