Dear Teacher (standing up there lecturing while I'm writing this),
You couldn't make this class any more boring if you tried.
You don't even notice I'm blogging because you are so self-involved with everything you are saying. Every BORING thing you are saying.
You realize this class makes me feel like stabbing someone? Or at least dying myself.
All I hear you saying is "wamp, wamp, WAMP, wamp, WAMPPPPPP"
I have a tip for you...either realized NO ONE in this class is paying attention to you or for God's sake end class an hour early!!
P.S. please know I only have your best interests at heart. And my own. These interests include the destruction of this class.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
"Politically Correct"
I'm so tired of our politically correct society.
- The Chief SHOULD be U of I's mascot. Let's be honest....the racist depiction was thrown out by the 1930's.
- A vulva SHOULD be allowed to be posted in an all-female dorm on campus and not be ripped down and cause a huge campus uproar. (Administration vs. Students.....vulgar vs. educational).
- Unofficial (this Friday) SHOULD NOT be something the University feels it absolutely MUST shut down. College kids devoting a day to drinking?....Dear God the world might end!!!!
- I SHOULD be able to refer to those with disabilities however I damn well please. Obviously not being derogate or mean. But I think it's acceptable for me to say "She has a learning disability" or "He is mentally retarded" and not have to worry about being marked down a grade. But no, no, my SPED class it's only "She is someone with a learning disability" and "He is someone with a mental disability" c'mon!
The list could go on and on.
Now I do think our society is right in condemning some socially unacceptable things. For example this past weekend U of I had another one of their "famous" frat dress-up parties. This time it was "Crips and Bloods" with white guys dressed up in black face paint, dressed like thugs and pointing guns to girls heads. Did they not remember the uproar the "Taco and Tequila" party caused last year???? Anyway, it will be interesting to see how the university reacts to this one.
I just feel that overall our society has become a bit to worried about offending someone.
Get over it. It happens.
- The Chief SHOULD be U of I's mascot. Let's be honest....the racist depiction was thrown out by the 1930's.
- A vulva SHOULD be allowed to be posted in an all-female dorm on campus and not be ripped down and cause a huge campus uproar. (Administration vs. Students.....vulgar vs. educational).
- Unofficial (this Friday) SHOULD NOT be something the University feels it absolutely MUST shut down. College kids devoting a day to drinking?....Dear God the world might end!!!!
- I SHOULD be able to refer to those with disabilities however I damn well please. Obviously not being derogate or mean. But I think it's acceptable for me to say "She has a learning disability" or "He is mentally retarded" and not have to worry about being marked down a grade. But no, no, my SPED class it's only "She is someone with a learning disability" and "He is someone with a mental disability" c'mon!
The list could go on and on.
Now I do think our society is right in condemning some socially unacceptable things. For example this past weekend U of I had another one of their "famous" frat dress-up parties. This time it was "Crips and Bloods" with white guys dressed up in black face paint, dressed like thugs and pointing guns to girls heads. Did they not remember the uproar the "Taco and Tequila" party caused last year???? Anyway, it will be interesting to see how the university reacts to this one.
I just feel that overall our society has become a bit to worried about offending someone.
Get over it. It happens.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Just a Thought...
On average, America is spending about $275 MILLION per DAY on the War in Iraq.
Let's just think what $275 MILLION per DAY could do for...oh, I don't know....our Education system?
Maybe the bullshit NCLB Act could be thrown out and that money could be used for creating more early-education centers, improving schools nationwide, and providing EQUAL and GREAT education for students from the suburbs and the ghettos.
People need to stand up and fight for this. Imagine how much better our country could be and the potential problems we could avoid if we raised a well-educated and equalized new generation.
And maybe with a better education system we could avoid another stupid President who thinks spending $275 MILLION per day on some nonsense war is a good idea.
Let's just think what $275 MILLION per DAY could do for...oh, I don't know....our Education system?
Maybe the bullshit NCLB Act could be thrown out and that money could be used for creating more early-education centers, improving schools nationwide, and providing EQUAL and GREAT education for students from the suburbs and the ghettos.
People need to stand up and fight for this. Imagine how much better our country could be and the potential problems we could avoid if we raised a well-educated and equalized new generation.
And maybe with a better education system we could avoid another stupid President who thinks spending $275 MILLION per day on some nonsense war is a good idea.
I Love to be Loved!
At "Min" there is a pair of regulars that just absolutley love me.
Bud and Carol come in every Wednesday and I'm almost always their waitress. I have their orders down pat, always have what they want ready, and can get them stuff before they even ask.
Bud = Iced tea (numerous refills), cup of minestrone, 10" Sausage and green onion pizza (no charge for the green onions) and he will always eat the entire pizza.
Carol = Pepsi (only one refill, about halfway through the meal), salad - creamy italian dressing on the side, 1/2 order of spaghettini with meat sauce, extra meat sauce on the side, and garlic bread (which she never eats but Bud does). She always takes home some of her spaghettini and I always have the cooks add more meat sauce on top.
They are super friendly people, in their mid 60's, don't tip so well but I still really really like them.
And boy, do they love me. I usually stand at their table and talk and talk and talk with them. They love to know everything about my life and my views on just about every major peice of news.
Bud loves that I love history. We always get into history related discussions and about a month ago, he brought in one of his family's prized history books (very fragile and old) from about 1900 and told me to borrow it for as long as i liked! I gave it back a week later and was really suprised that two people would trust their waitress with a valuable family item. How nice!
Today, I wasn't their waitress. And everytime I walked by Carol would say "I miss Whitney!" Awww. And she told Joe their waitress wasn't as good as me. Whoops. Once again blowing away the competition.
They also asked me today what my parents do for a living. They said they had been talking about me at home (which is apparently very frequent for them. About every week they say something to the effect of "We were talking about you the other day..." or "Just before bed last night we were thinking of you...") and were wondering what my parent's occupations were. They said they were curious because I'm just so sweet. I guess they expected my parents to have sweet and lovely jobs.
Ha! When they told me I'm "so so sweet" my head got really big and Joe about had a heart attack. He was being a smart ass. He knows I'm one sweet waitress. In both senses.
It is just very nice to have people come in every week at your workplace, want to have you, and think you are great. It makes Wednesday nights a little easier and a littler more enjoyable.
But now I must go to bed. I'm tired and I have to get up at 7am tomorrow. I'm up late because I had to write a book reveiw paper. Funny story: I didn't read the book. Yeah....makes book reviews really hard to write then. Ah well, I'm such a good bullshiter that I'm sure I'll get an A.
And I'm sweet!
And a good waitress!!
Bud and Carol come in every Wednesday and I'm almost always their waitress. I have their orders down pat, always have what they want ready, and can get them stuff before they even ask.
Bud = Iced tea (numerous refills), cup of minestrone, 10" Sausage and green onion pizza (no charge for the green onions) and he will always eat the entire pizza.
Carol = Pepsi (only one refill, about halfway through the meal), salad - creamy italian dressing on the side, 1/2 order of spaghettini with meat sauce, extra meat sauce on the side, and garlic bread (which she never eats but Bud does). She always takes home some of her spaghettini and I always have the cooks add more meat sauce on top.
They are super friendly people, in their mid 60's, don't tip so well but I still really really like them.
And boy, do they love me. I usually stand at their table and talk and talk and talk with them. They love to know everything about my life and my views on just about every major peice of news.
Bud loves that I love history. We always get into history related discussions and about a month ago, he brought in one of his family's prized history books (very fragile and old) from about 1900 and told me to borrow it for as long as i liked! I gave it back a week later and was really suprised that two people would trust their waitress with a valuable family item. How nice!
Today, I wasn't their waitress. And everytime I walked by Carol would say "I miss Whitney!" Awww. And she told Joe their waitress wasn't as good as me. Whoops. Once again blowing away the competition.
They also asked me today what my parents do for a living. They said they had been talking about me at home (which is apparently very frequent for them. About every week they say something to the effect of "We were talking about you the other day..." or "Just before bed last night we were thinking of you...") and were wondering what my parent's occupations were. They said they were curious because I'm just so sweet. I guess they expected my parents to have sweet and lovely jobs.
Ha! When they told me I'm "so so sweet" my head got really big and Joe about had a heart attack. He was being a smart ass. He knows I'm one sweet waitress. In both senses.
It is just very nice to have people come in every week at your workplace, want to have you, and think you are great. It makes Wednesday nights a little easier and a littler more enjoyable.
But now I must go to bed. I'm tired and I have to get up at 7am tomorrow. I'm up late because I had to write a book reveiw paper. Funny story: I didn't read the book. Yeah....makes book reviews really hard to write then. Ah well, I'm such a good bullshiter that I'm sure I'll get an A.
And I'm sweet!
And a good waitress!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I Think I Might be Racist....
....Against white people. (But more on that later).
First, I know I haven't written since Valentine's Day. But I've been pretty darn busy. Kyle came and visted last weekend and that was a ton of fun! I hadn't seen him for 7 weeks! Then between Sunday night and last night I had to catch up and do a shit-ton of homework. I actually should be doing some now but hey, I have my priorities.
Today I went to observe for the first time in Monticello. The good news is the kid I'm placed in the classroom with is very nice (and he drove me!), our teacher is very friendly, in fact all of the faculty at the school are super nice, the town is small and cute, and the school is well-kept and full of well behaved students. The bad news is all of the kids are white. Not one Asian child, Latino child, or African American child. Alllllll. white. kids.
Which made me so angry that I've concluded I am a racist.
When I first found out Monticello was mainly white I was pretty angry. I've always wanted to teach at a fairly diverse school because that is what I'm used to. So when I heard this news about Monticello I was pissed and immediatley began to judge Monticello high school. I assumed they would all be hicks (they pretty much are) and ignorant (they are not).
And then I began to think....why am I hating so hard against white people? Which is when I discovered I'm a racist. Yes, I think less of the town because it has no diversity. Yes, I think it makes the white people ignorant. And yes, I think they are sheltered.
But I shouldn't be so judgy. Let me not forget that I too am white. And for all I know I could be more ignorant than anyone in the vicinity of Monticello.
I need to stop being a judgy-racist against white people person. I'm always so quick to hate on them. I use White-trash more than any white girl probably ever has before.
Well, hopefully my observing at Monticello will change my mind. Who knows what type of school I could end up teaching in one day? I guess if it's all white, I'll have to suck it up and educate dem fools!
Ah well, my first day went great! Everyone was SUPER nice and it seems like it's going to be a great semester! (Not quite as exciting as Decatur was though....there was no stabbing incidents today).
So now I must get to that homework. I suppose if I ever want to be a teacher of asian kids, black kids, hispanic kids, AND good ol' white kids I need to graduate first.
First, I know I haven't written since Valentine's Day. But I've been pretty darn busy. Kyle came and visted last weekend and that was a ton of fun! I hadn't seen him for 7 weeks! Then between Sunday night and last night I had to catch up and do a shit-ton of homework. I actually should be doing some now but hey, I have my priorities.
Today I went to observe for the first time in Monticello. The good news is the kid I'm placed in the classroom with is very nice (and he drove me!), our teacher is very friendly, in fact all of the faculty at the school are super nice, the town is small and cute, and the school is well-kept and full of well behaved students. The bad news is all of the kids are white. Not one Asian child, Latino child, or African American child. Alllllll. white. kids.
Which made me so angry that I've concluded I am a racist.
When I first found out Monticello was mainly white I was pretty angry. I've always wanted to teach at a fairly diverse school because that is what I'm used to. So when I heard this news about Monticello I was pissed and immediatley began to judge Monticello high school. I assumed they would all be hicks (they pretty much are) and ignorant (they are not).
And then I began to think....why am I hating so hard against white people? Which is when I discovered I'm a racist. Yes, I think less of the town because it has no diversity. Yes, I think it makes the white people ignorant. And yes, I think they are sheltered.
But I shouldn't be so judgy. Let me not forget that I too am white. And for all I know I could be more ignorant than anyone in the vicinity of Monticello.
I need to stop being a judgy-racist against white people person. I'm always so quick to hate on them. I use White-trash more than any white girl probably ever has before.
Well, hopefully my observing at Monticello will change my mind. Who knows what type of school I could end up teaching in one day? I guess if it's all white, I'll have to suck it up and educate dem fools!
Ah well, my first day went great! Everyone was SUPER nice and it seems like it's going to be a great semester! (Not quite as exciting as Decatur was though....there was no stabbing incidents today).
So now I must get to that homework. I suppose if I ever want to be a teacher of asian kids, black kids, hispanic kids, AND good ol' white kids I need to graduate first.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day ya'll!!!!
Have a wonderful, love-filled day!!!!!

WARNING: If you are grossed out by mushy-ness, please stop reading.
To My Valentine (Kyle):
For our 6th Valentine’s Day Together; Six Reasons I Love You:
1. I love you because you always believe in me. You never let me give up and have more faith in me than I have in myself. No matter what, no matter who tells me otherwise, you think I can do anything. You’ve allowed me to open my eyes to myself, and for that I’m so grateful.
2. I love you because you are so attractive! Shallow yes, but oh so true. You are a dream guy. A real dreamboat. Tall, tan, dark thick hair, strong, great smile, pretty eyes. Sighhhh.
3. I love you because you have the best sense of humor. You always make me laugh. I laugh the hardest when I’m with and I laugh the most often when I’m with you. I can be grumpy, crabby, mean, a real jerk and you’ll still be able to make me smile. Your sense of humor is super attractive.
4. I love you for your playfulness. You keep my otherwise too serious/too stressed out nature light hearted. You’re so young at heart and you’ve kept me that way too. I love your immaturedness and I love that you bring that out in me. I always have so much fun with you.
5. I love you because you expect so much out of me. You are tough on me when I need someone to be. You are my rock. You don’t ever let me give up on myself and you stand behind me no matter what. You are more than anything I could ever ask for.
6. I love you because you are the kind of person I want to be. You are so strong even through tough times in your life. You are so kind and gentle but can be tough when need be. You are so outgoing and everyone loves you. I see these traits, I see how great you are and it may sound cliché but it makes me want to be a better person myself. You truly are the most amazing person I’ve ever met.
I love SO much about you Kyle! Happy Valentines Day! I LOVE YOU!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
No You Didn't!
I'm mad.
And cold.
I'm trying to type with gloves on and it's just really not working. But my hands are practically numb because this apartment is so cold. End winter, END!
And I'm mad because I got my teaching placement today. And I'm in stupid Monticello. Which I hear is about a half hour away. WTF!! First, I have to drive to Decatur to go teach, now Monticello!
Some of my friends were placed in Champaign schools both last semester and this semester! How unfair!
This is just proof that I have the world's worst luck.
And what makes this all worse. 1. I haven't found anyone else going to Monticello and I will be needing a ride. and 2. I looked up Monticello's school report card. 98% white kids. There is NOT ONE black kid. and 100% white teachers. Good God I'm going into hick-ville!
Save me please!
And cold.
I'm trying to type with gloves on and it's just really not working. But my hands are practically numb because this apartment is so cold. End winter, END!
And I'm mad because I got my teaching placement today. And I'm in stupid Monticello. Which I hear is about a half hour away. WTF!! First, I have to drive to Decatur to go teach, now Monticello!
Some of my friends were placed in Champaign schools both last semester and this semester! How unfair!
This is just proof that I have the world's worst luck.
And what makes this all worse. 1. I haven't found anyone else going to Monticello and I will be needing a ride. and 2. I looked up Monticello's school report card. 98% white kids. There is NOT ONE black kid. and 100% white teachers. Good God I'm going into hick-ville!
Save me please!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
A Letter
Dear Midwest,
These stunts you keep pulling? Yeah, not so funny. Really.
Are you mad at me or something? Are you taking your anger out on me? Because I'm thiiiss close to moving out. Yes, I will leave you if you keep pushing my limits.
In fact, I've teamed up with Thomas Jefferson and we're writing a Declaration of Independence. Should the situation arise.
It goes something like this:
I WHITNEY hold this Truth to be self-evident, that your Weather should be predictable, that it should not change drastically each day, that you should provide your citizens with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Heat, Dryness, and the Pursuit of Sunshine.
But when a long Train of Abuses and Nasty Weather, pursuing invariable the same Object, envinces a Design to reduce your inhabitants to tears, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to move the hell out of the Midwest.
A Short list of Grievances:
-YOU have of lately been surprising me with extreme changes in temperature. Why just make up your mind already.
-YOU snow over 8 inches in one evening. Then you add layers of slippery ice to make traveling and walking even easier.
- YOU then two days later decide to melt all of the snow and ice. Making for an extremely slushy, dirty, flooded mess.
- YOU create the thickest fog Champaign-Urbana has ever seen. While the news photographers love it, I find it hard to enjoy not being able to see a person coming at me until they're five feet away.
- YOU allow it to begin raining that same day. And allow it to continue for the next 36 hours.
- YOU must have thought it would be funny, to make this rain pour harder than I have ever seen. With unbelievable whipping wind. And extremely cold temperature. Just as I'm getting out of my evening class.
- YOUR actions broke my umbrella, soaked me from head to foot, forced me to try and run the 25 min. walk home in the flooded streets, where I literally waded my way through water up to my knees at an intersection on 4th street. All the while in the freezing cold. I nearly died.
- YOU then proceed to provide rain, snow, slush, icerain, and everything in between for the next few days.
- YOU in fact, on one day alone, rain, mist, snow, blizzard, rain, thunderstorm.
- YOU played a nasty trick this Saturday, warming up to 40 degrees! Students were wearing flip-flops, T-shirts, and loving it.
- YOU then today, drop the temperature to -15 degrees with windchill. When I of course have to walk to the library.
-THEY'RE saying you plan on snowing up to two inches tomorrow. Oh joy.
I WHITNEY, therefore, just an average MIDWEST GIRL, appealing to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA for the Rectitude of my Intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good Midwestern folk, solemnly Publish and Declare, That I, of Right, can be FREE AND INDEPENDENT of your ridiculous antics, and move far away if I so choose.
Whitney Marie
So Midwest. Please shape up. I don't want to have to pull this out on you. I think our relationship could work. You just need to try a bit harder.
Love Always (at least right now while I'm inside with the heater on),
These stunts you keep pulling? Yeah, not so funny. Really.
Are you mad at me or something? Are you taking your anger out on me? Because I'm thiiiss close to moving out. Yes, I will leave you if you keep pushing my limits.
In fact, I've teamed up with Thomas Jefferson and we're writing a Declaration of Independence. Should the situation arise.
It goes something like this:
I WHITNEY hold this Truth to be self-evident, that your Weather should be predictable, that it should not change drastically each day, that you should provide your citizens with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Heat, Dryness, and the Pursuit of Sunshine.
But when a long Train of Abuses and Nasty Weather, pursuing invariable the same Object, envinces a Design to reduce your inhabitants to tears, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to move the hell out of the Midwest.
A Short list of Grievances:
-YOU have of lately been surprising me with extreme changes in temperature. Why just make up your mind already.
-YOU snow over 8 inches in one evening. Then you add layers of slippery ice to make traveling and walking even easier.
- YOU then two days later decide to melt all of the snow and ice. Making for an extremely slushy, dirty, flooded mess.
- YOU create the thickest fog Champaign-Urbana has ever seen. While the news photographers love it, I find it hard to enjoy not being able to see a person coming at me until they're five feet away.
- YOU allow it to begin raining that same day. And allow it to continue for the next 36 hours.
- YOU must have thought it would be funny, to make this rain pour harder than I have ever seen. With unbelievable whipping wind. And extremely cold temperature. Just as I'm getting out of my evening class.
- YOUR actions broke my umbrella, soaked me from head to foot, forced me to try and run the 25 min. walk home in the flooded streets, where I literally waded my way through water up to my knees at an intersection on 4th street. All the while in the freezing cold. I nearly died.
- YOU then proceed to provide rain, snow, slush, icerain, and everything in between for the next few days.
- YOU in fact, on one day alone, rain, mist, snow, blizzard, rain, thunderstorm.
- YOU played a nasty trick this Saturday, warming up to 40 degrees! Students were wearing flip-flops, T-shirts, and loving it.
- YOU then today, drop the temperature to -15 degrees with windchill. When I of course have to walk to the library.
-THEY'RE saying you plan on snowing up to two inches tomorrow. Oh joy.
I WHITNEY, therefore, just an average MIDWEST GIRL, appealing to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA for the Rectitude of my Intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good Midwestern folk, solemnly Publish and Declare, That I, of Right, can be FREE AND INDEPENDENT of your ridiculous antics, and move far away if I so choose.
Whitney Marie
So Midwest. Please shape up. I don't want to have to pull this out on you. I think our relationship could work. You just need to try a bit harder.
Love Always (at least right now while I'm inside with the heater on),
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
My Top Ten Favorite Songs Right Now (In no particular order):
1. Heaven is a Place on Earth - Belinda Carlisle
2. Hometown Glory - Adele
3. Crossroads - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
4. Foundations - Kate Nash
5. All These Things That I've Done - The Killers
6. Lip Gloss- Lil Mama
7. Apologize - One Republic feat. Timbaland
8. ABC - Jackson Five
9. Lake Michigan - Rogue Wave
10. Stuttering (Kiss me again) - Ben’s Brother
I think this is proof of how random I am. I have dancing 80's music. 90's gansta rap. Lil Mama. British chicks. Songs from Commericals. And songs like 3 years old.
I can't help it! These are getting a lot of time on my iPod right now. Amen for music!
2. Hometown Glory - Adele
3. Crossroads - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
4. Foundations - Kate Nash
5. All These Things That I've Done - The Killers
6. Lip Gloss- Lil Mama
7. Apologize - One Republic feat. Timbaland
8. ABC - Jackson Five
9. Lake Michigan - Rogue Wave
10. Stuttering (Kiss me again) - Ben’s Brother
I think this is proof of how random I am. I have dancing 80's music. 90's gansta rap. Lil Mama. British chicks. Songs from Commericals. And songs like 3 years old.
I can't help it! These are getting a lot of time on my iPod right now. Amen for music!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Super Excited!
Not for the Super Bowl (boo patriots!) But for SUPER Tuesday!!

Go Barack Obama!

Yes, I support him. I definatley want him to win. I don't agree with everything he belives in BUT I think he is exactly what our country needs now.
He is fresh. He is young. He hasn't been corrupted by American politics yet. He is different. Let's be honest; never before has a candidate generated so much interest from young America. Never before have I seen so many die-hard republicans express like for a democratic candidate. I have heard numerous republicans say if Barark wins the primary- they really are considering voting for him in the presedential election. Even my grandma has told me there "is just something about him" that she likes. My republican loving grandma. And Joe and Pete Minneci (who always vote Republican) have told me they would vote for Barack any day over John McCain.
Will these Republicans switch their vote if Hiliary Clinton wins the primiary. Highly unlikey. They hate her. I fully believe that (assuming John McCain will win the republican primary) Barack can win for president. He will be able to sway those who need to be swayed, and we can usher in a new era of american politics. Nobody really wants a old foogey Bush-like president again.
But, but, but...if Hiliary would win, I just dont know if she can pull through for the democrats. Too many people simply dont like her. I think the democrats will be making a huge mistake if they choose Hiliary. I think they will be throwing out their chance to gain the White House. I think it will be an idiotic decision. I'm not saying Hiliary can't win, I'm just saying Bararck will have an easier run.
So i do hope Barack wins. I really believe it's time for a change. And change really isn't coming if over 20 years of american politcs has been domintated by Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton.
So here we go, in about two days we'll see. Go Go Barak!
I've got a crush on Obama!

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