Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Birthday Girl!!

Happy Birthday Amanda!!!!
The Big 2-4!!

I hope you have a GREAT day!

Miss you and see you soon!

Love, Whitney

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Welllll, good morning!

Have you ever woke up, looked at yourself in the mirror and thought "Oh. My. God."

You know, when your hair looks like you've ratted it out while standing outside during a tornado? And your tossing and turning has left the oddest sleep marks across your face? And you must have slept on one side too long, because one eyebrow is completely bushed up? And you have so much eye makeup under your eyes that you look like a rabid raccoon?

Either I just had the roughest night of sleep ever, or some demon possessed me because I look like I've been to hell.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Au Revoir, mi amiga

Today, my roommate of two full years moved out, and moved on to Kansas City. Marty's ready to start her post-college life and I'm truly happy and excited for her.

That being said, it's still hard to see friends go, and not know when or how long until you see them again. It seems as I get older these sad sort of goodbyes are becoming much more common. I guess that's ok though, at least it means I keep finding people who I truly care about. I still don't like good-bye's. No sir, I would just rather pretend MJ will be here again when we start school in the fall. It just doesn't seem real...

Things I will miss about Martha Jarden:
1. Her snarky sense of humor
2. Her cooking
3. Her wit
4. Our mutual love of weird things
5. Awkward door conversations
6. Creepin on Jo-nasty (the nickname I gave her bf)
7. Being able to tell her completely random and useless facts and/or current media highlights
8. No more muffins :(
9. Having someone to keep me in line
10. A really good friend

Thankfully, I have lots to keep me busy so I don't think about how I am now living alone. I've never been more busy in my entire school career and it sucks immensely that I'm this busy during the summer. But I only have about a week and half left and then I shall celebrate greatly.

In the meantime, au revoir MJ-Beluga. I will miss you and I'm so happy we've gotten to live together for two years. Good luck in KC!!!!

Photo Courtesy of The First Time MJ and I went out, and within the first week of meeting eachother....awwww

Monday, July 14, 2008


Happy 1 year Wedding Anniversary Brady and Kenna!!!!

Congrats on your very first year together!!
I love you both!!