But what was even more impressive, occurred when we were walking in. We got in line about 15 minutes before "midnight breakfast" opened, and the line was already halfway down the hallway. When we eventually got into the dining hall and Kelli was getting swiped in, I heard the checker say "(some guy's name) We're almost on person 127". I didn't really think much of it...until she swiped my card and said, "127!! We have our 127!!" Then this guy smiled real big and told me to stand up against the wall. I asked why, because this is not a normal occurrence. He repeated for me to stand up against the wall again, so I did because I do as I"m told, and then he pulled out a big camera to take my picture. So I took a really obnoxious one with a big smile and a thumbs up. Then they finally told me I won and I would get a prize. I won!!! I never win things!!!! Not only did I win for the good food, I apparently will soon get a Tony the Tiger duffel bag. Gay, I know. But it's free and I randomly won something! Hurray!!! Shubbu was going crazy when it happened and it was the cutest thing ever. Then we preceded to eat until we all felt like throwing up. If you ever want to see something sick, watch Kelli eat. I've never seen so much syrup in my life. Just a thought though, I am really really hoping that picture I took doesn't get displayed anywhere. Good Lord that could be bad.
So apparently the dining hall annually throws this "midnight breakfast" on the night of our last day of classes. That's right, today was my LAST day of school. I'm almost officially an upperclassman!! Can you believe it??
It's crazy to be done with my sophomore year. It's gone so quick!! All I have left to do is 2 more finals and finishing that hell of a history paper. My goal is to finish the history paper this weekend, and luckily one of my finals I don't even have to study for because its a group-open book test. Yup, the only final I'm studying for in the next week is geography. This is fabulous.
I was very lucky in that I got the worst of everything done last week. Hence the reason I haven't written a full blog in....oh yes, that's right, forever.
So as you know a week ago, I was up till 6:30 am writing my history paper. Then Friday night (after a horrible night of work) I stayed up till about 3 am doing hw, and just not being able to sleep. Saturday I wrote my 8 page Soc term paper, then spent the entire fricking night working on history terms. That night I went to bed at 4:30am. Sunday I spent the day doing all my random hw for the week. Although I did spend the afternoon on the quad with MJ and Luz drinking smoothies, which was absolutely wonderful. Sunday I was able to sleep by 2am. Monday I was forced to study all night for my History AND Sociology finals (because of course they would fall on the same day) until 4:30am...and then had to get up at 8 to go take them. Tuesday I had to go to work pretty much as a zombie, and I got to stay up till 3:30am working on a speech for this morning.
Whew! It tires me out just thinking of this past week. But it's ok, because I get to sleep in everyday for the next week!!!! YEA!!! And then Thursday I'm going home for the summer!! Well, I'm going home for 2 1/2 weeks. Then back here for the summer. Whatev, either way I am so excited to re-discover sleep.
Other than classes/papers/studying dominating my life lately, things have been going really well. The weather has been BEAUTIFUL!! we've had numerous 80-90 degree days. Yet I still haven't managed to get a tan. Sad. I'm that pasty, white girl who just can't tan. Maybe I should start using the tanning beds again. Nah, I'd prefer not to give myself cancer. I'll stick to the slooooooow process of getting some color while wearing sunscreen.
I'm a little sad in a crazy sort of way to be moving out of ISR. I'll never again get to live this close to all of my best friends again. Yes, MJ, Luz, Shubbu, and I are going to have a great summer. And Kelli, Marty, and I will have a ton of fun next fall. But we'll never all be together (living-wise) again. It's sad. But I am so so SO glad I've gotten to meet these girls. They are the best friends you could ever ask for.
Speaking of what great friends they are, here's a little example for ya. I got home from work Tuesday night to find our door and my contact solution overtaken my Daniel Cook. Now, if you don't remember Daniel Cook, please review my blog of the things I love and hate. Daniel Cook is a very talented Disney child actor. And he is so darn cute. But apparently, this makes me a creep child molester so Marty and Kelli decided to let the world know.
This is what I found on my contact solution: (if you can't tell, it's Daniel)
And our door:
A close up of one of the pictures. Notice the caption
And the other:
I also have some other things to be happy about right now, such as:
1. I've become obsessed with Burt's Beeswax lip balm - it's awesome
2. I've made $180 in tips in the past two nights
3. It's time to buy a summer purse!!
4. I got to pet alot of dogs the past few days on the quad. My favorite was a puppy Pug named Tank. Probably the cutest thing I've seen in a long time.
I think I have more things to say. But I'm just to lazy to say them. Yes, I need to go to bed, so I can sleep in. I am SO happy about this!! :)
I'll be writing soon! till then...
OMG!!!! midnight dinner was amazingly awesome! n it was so cool that u won the tony the tiger duffel bag! remember how giddy and super excited we were all throughout dinner. n yea no offense kelli but watching u eat that was gross. oh and today for brunch they had smiley face potatoe hash brown things. u should've come.hey let me feed chi chi tomorrow k?
p.s. im really glad i got to meet you this year too. n im gonna be sad that after this summer i won't live next door and won't be able to come distract you guys every 10 seconds as i do now :( i guess i'll have to suck it up and do that 8 minute walk.
Um, I can't see the pictures. And I need to because a Disney channel child star sounds like something I'd be interested in.
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