With all of these homework assignments, teaching responsibilities, and general school stress, there's alot I haven't written about as of late.
For example, I don't think I've written a word about how my Freeport home sold. And how in 2 weeks I'll officially be just another suburban girl down here at the U of I (God help me). Yep, it's pretty weird to think I'll never again see the house I've lived the past 21 years in. I was hoping to be able to make it home in the next weekends, but that hope keeps looking less and less likely. Especially because I have midterms up my ass the next few weeks. So I'm really (actually extremely) sad about never seeing my house again. I keep trying not to think about it so I won't have to feel so sad....but I know at some point it's going to hit me; the place with all those memories.....I'll never be there again.
It sucks. Especially because I become so attached to things and my home is no exception. I'm going to miss it so much. My yard, my pool, the family room I've spent so many lazy days in, our home at Christmas, the bright kitchen, my room, just everything. Plus my two dogs are buried there, Taffy and Cassie, and the realization I'll never get to say goodbye to them hit me pretty hard the other night. Sad. This is why I hate change so much. I don't want to say goodbye to my home, but I have no choice.
I also haven't written about how homesick I am. Not to ironic, seeing as how I soon won't have a real home. But lately, especially today and this weekend I've been feeling really really homesick. I miss my parents....I haven't seen them since they moved me in here and probably won't see them till thanksgiving. And that sucks. Most people like to go to college to get away from their parents. I just end up missing mine. And I miss Kyle. I haven't seen him since my birthday and won't see him until the weekend of the 20th (our 5 year anniversary) marking the longest period we've ever gone without seeing eachother; about 7 weeks. And let's face it, I pretty much miss everyone else as well: Nate, Brady, Grandma, Kim, Kenna.....why do I feel like I never see these people? And why do I feel so cut off from everything? This is the problem with being a complete homebody.....you end up like me.
This morning (despite what this blog's date says I'm writing this Monday afternoon) I went to my second day of teaching at Thomas Jefferson Middle School. It was alot of fun this week and I actually got to walk around the classroom and help the kids to things! I felt like a real teacher and it was excitttttttinnnnnggg!!! PLUS there was a pretty cool fight down the hall, this kid actually had to get arrested. Oh, and I found out the kids at TJMS aren't allowed to have water bottles at school because in the past there was one to many cases of the water being spiked. What!? 7th and 8th graders spike their water? Dear Lord, that's hardcore. Especially to a girl who didn't have a real drink until right before Freshman year of College.
I actually have alot more to talk about but I have to go leave for work. I'm so tired and I just want to sleep!! But now I'm off to work till 10ish. Boo :(
Happy October!
(My lovely home at Christmas.....sigh)