Why did I think it was a good idea to drink 9 large cups of coffee yesterday? Really, I might deserve dumb-ass of the week award. If there was such a thing.
True, I did have to stay up and memorize a speech. (Which I fricking dominated!!) And true, I have only gotten 18 1/2 hours of sleep since Sunday when I woke up.
But 9 cups?
I'm going to blame it on the coffee. It took to long for any caffeine to hit me. I started drinking it an 5:00 at Minncei's and continued to down it all night long. Not until about 9:00 did I start to get hyper.
By the time I got home last night my mind was fricking gone. I couldn't make complete sentences and I remember rambling on and on and on to Kyle about nothing.
But hey, I stayed up. And memorized my speech.
But I can attest to the fact that too much coffee = bad news for your stomach. Let me tell you, the (in the words of Kelli) "bubblies" which resulted were NO fun. And I'm pretty sure the caffeine didn't even wear off until about 9:30am today.
Let me tell you though, the worst thing of all was trying to sleep. Im-pos-i-ble!!! I was tired, oh yes I was tired. But my heart was racing a mile a minute, so much I had to breath like I was in labor to try and calm my chest down. It was miserable. And I woke up and five in the a.m. with my heart still racing. I thought I was going to die of a caffeine overdose. Is there such a thing?
Ah well. It's Thursday which is great news for me. My two weeks of Hell are Finally over!! YEAAAA!!!!!! I've been looking forward to today since Thanksgiving break. Now I just have to kick back, and study for my three finals next week (two Thursday, one Friday) before heading home for xmas! Sweet!
Speaking of Christmas, I went shopping today at some bookstores to get presents for people. I didn't find anything for anyone (well...maybe someone..hehe) so I instead decided to buy everything for myself. I got a badass Illini Rose Bowl shirt. A cute little "Go Illini!" apartment decoration. And a Barrack Obama book. Ah yes. Spending money on stuff I don't need, wonderful!
Anyway, I need a nap. Badly. Grumpy's been my middle name this week so sleep I shall! And NO coffee for me for several several days!!!
There's no such thing as a fatal caffeine overdose. I've done a lot of research on the topic in the past. If you have to much caffeine you will probably get sick to your stomach and really hot and cold at the same time while possibly puking and being all jittery and wide awake, but really tired.
you should get me an Illini Rose Bowl shirt for XMas... or just get me one anyway and I'll pay you back
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