Yes We Did!
Yes We Will!

Green Street after Obama's win:

Wish I could have been in Chicago!

What a historic night. My celebrations were slightly minimized because we learned my roommate's extremely close Grandma was a few hours from passing away. Yet that didn't take away from the joy we all felt and the absolute pride I had when I woke up this morning.

Wish I could have been in Chicago!

What a historic night. My celebrations were slightly minimized because we learned my roommate's extremely close Grandma was a few hours from passing away. Yet that didn't take away from the joy we all felt and the absolute pride I had when I woke up this morning.

Wow! I would have loved, loved, loved to be out on Green Street with everybody!
We did it! And it wasn't even messy- no recount, no bs!
I'm really sorry about Kelli's grandma though.
So it takes being elected president to finally get a picture on your blog?
Barack Obama, you must have forgotten. You have at least 2 other pictures floating around this blog somewhere.
Silly Barack!!
Michelle Obama is so classic. She's my style icon.
This was one of the best days ever and I am glad I was with you when we found out he had won. We cried we laughed. Shubbu: "why are you guys crying? we won right? isn't that a good thing?"
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