Not only does it suck to be a Wisconsin fan today, it sucks to be me today. Why you ask? Well, I've had it up to here (oh wait, you can't see me) with Midterms. I had my Illinois History midterm Friday which hopefully went well but required way to much concentration and studying. Then I had my Chinese History midterm about an hour ago (which I was forced to study for all last night and all this morning...and still have no idea whether I did good or not) and then after work tonight I get to pull an all nighter studying for my Early American History Midterm which is tomorrow at noon. Oh fun. More studying. More headaches. More nerves.
I can't wait, no I just can't wait, I can't wait for tomorrow afternoon to be here! (Sung to the tune of "Winnebago County Fair" for all of you North westerners)
Nap city. That's where I'll be.
One thing that cheers me up is the picture below. I found it on the internet the other night and find it absolutely hilarious for some reason. Seriously, every time I look at it I explode with laughter. Maybe you'll be like Marty and Kelli and not really find it that funny....but for God's sake it is!! Look! How does he stand? On his pizza point? And when you hold him you have to hold him flat? And when he lays he can't move at all I'd imagine. hehehe it's just so funny. I swear, I'm not having kids for like 8 years but I want to order this now and save it. Marty suggested it would be a good idea to have a party, put the kid in the costume in the oven, and pull him out as a surprise to guests. She's sick. (But obviously so am I ranting for an entire paragraph on pizza baby)

Want to go out to dinner after your Tuesday afternoon nap? I'm in town for tonight and tomorrow.
pizza baby=cuteness
Well written article.
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