I have heart burn like you wouldn't believe right now.
As in, my chest hurts so bad its hard to sit upright at my computer at this point, but it's easier to sit upright blogging then to sit upright doing homework. I seriously feel like someone's set fire to my precious heart. Ouch! This is painful! I'm frustrated because I thought heartburn this bad happened a) only to really old people or b) to people who suck down greasy food all day. And I'm neither old nor did I eat crappy food today. My body is probably just pissed at me for something. Well screw you body.
And I've now taken several types of medication with nothing working yet. What a waste of energy swallowing pills. I could have used that energy to do something like eat greasy food.
Awww don't you all feel so bad for me? Poor little Whitney loves to complain. Yes I do. I'm a complainer. But I'm also a doer. I complain as I do things. And I do them well. So screw you.
Man, I'm being a bit catty today. It must be because I feel like I'm about to have a serious heart attack. Or heart failure. Or one right after the other.
So, switching gears...remember how I bragged about my last speech. The napping one? I was all proud of myself and thought I kicked major ass? Yeah, well.....I had to watch a video tape of it and it was brutalllllll. I still think I did really good, but I just hate the hell out of watching myself on tape. I'm already so fricking paranoid about the way I look....but when you see yourself on a low-quality tape recording it just does nothing for your self esteem. Some of the thoughts running through my head as I watched: Am I really that pale? Why is my face sooo long? I have a huge forehead! Why, oh why did I wear that unflattering shirt? Dear God does my chest really look like that? I need some new bra's ASAP!!
So as you see, I didn't enjoy that part of my day. I also don't enjoy this upcoming week which is Midterm hell. I have a midterm Friday (which I can't start studying for until tomorrow), Monday, and Tuesday. Oh, and they're all for my hardest classes. And they're all essay based. Oh fucking joy, just what I love. Studying so I can write another 5 page essay. Why did I have to pick a major where writing till your hand cramps up everyday is required?
I suppose because I love history, but that's looking at the bright side of things and I don't feel like doing that right now. Because if you've forgotten, my heart burns. I have heart burn. My heart is on fire.
Actually, the bright side to this is when I blog like this (complaining to no end) I find myself highly entertaining which makes me happy. I like being sarcastic. And if you take everything I say seriously, well I hope your heart starts on fire pretty soon you jackass.
And if you really want to feel sorry for me about anything you should feel sorry for my newest addiction. To TV that is. Not that i haven't been addicted for years but along with my roommates, I've found this fall I have wayyyy to many "shows". Such as: The Hills, Private Practice, America's Next Top Model, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, The Office, and Real World. This is troubling especially when I have no time to watch this amount of TV per week. Thank God for DVR and thank God for free time on the weekends. But curse my time being filled with midterm studying instead of TV watching for the next 5 days!
And curse my heart! Oh wait...that sounds really sad and like I'm just asking for bad things to start happening to me.
Ah well...it seems it's time for me to go to bed. If I'm found tomorrow as a pile of ashes because my heart burned me to death then I just want to let you know only avid Blog readers are entitled to any of my stuff. But none of you can have my money. I'm greedy even in death.
1 comment:
my heart is on fire too but that's because of u winky, lol
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