And feeling so-so about it.
This Christmas break went so incredibly fast, I don't even know where the time went! And now, I'm trying to just enjoy these next few days where all I have to do is work and play. But I can't stop dreading the return of classes. Ugh, I hate being stressed. And I have this horrible feeling this is going to be one hell of a stressful semester.
However, I have two things to distract myself. One, is that I'm going to try and drop a few pounds. Something about the months of December and January always, always makes me pack on a few to many. Could it be the endless trips out to eat with the family? The Christmas cookies? Eating with my 6'4 close to 300 pound boyfriend too often? Probably a combination of all these things and more. So I just want to get back to where I was. This may be difficult since I never have time to work out but I'll do my best.
The other thing to distract myself is that it's election year!! I've been waiting for this since 2004 which is when I really began to start loving politics and the entire election process. And this is going to be one hell of a year for it! I'm very excited!
Plus, I found the cutest ever background for my computer, which makes me laugh every time I see it.

And now, I should get back to doing nothing. Hey, it's my last Spring semester ever! Hallelujah!
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