Last night was an absolutely horrible night. In fact, it may have cracked into my top 15 (or at least top 20) worst life moments.
The owners where I work announced they sold the restaurant.
An employee meeting was organized for 9pm yesterday evening. Once I (who was actually working there last night) found out all employees, cooks, and dishwashers were asked to be there, grew really nervous. Me and the other two waitresses working had a hunch and one that made me sick to my stomach.
At 9pm everyone was arriving and going into the back room. Up front, two gentleman in suits walked in. I looked at the other two waitresses, my heart dropped, and their eyes were filling with tears.
Cut to the meeting: The two gentleman stayed up front and Joe, Pete, Mary (Joe's wife), and Maria (Pete's wife) stood in front of us. Joe announced they had found someone to buy "Min".
He announced that starting next week, these two young men will begin shadowing him. They will shadow him until April 30th when "Min" is legally and financially signed over to them. Joe will remain (in-and-out) throughout May but at the end of that month he's outta there. With the promise he'll come back to visit. He wants to get a non-stressful job, work for a few years, then happily retire.
Pete (Joe's brother and head cook) will remain for at least a year or two. Mary (who is the head cook at lunch) will remain for a year or two as well. Maria is finished.
They've been looking to sell the restaurant for some time. They are all in their 50's and 60's and the stress of the restaurant buisness and finances were really bearing down on them. For that reason, I am so happy for the family
But it's a hard pill to swallow. Extremely hard. "Min" just won't be the same without the family. And just as many Champaign-Urbana residents come to "Min" to see Joe's antics as to eat the yummy food.
The two suit guys are cousins who actually have a long family history with the owners. The main cousin's father actually built "Min". They are both 25, handsome, well-dressed, and it is weird. Can I inform them they better not be wearing a tie everyday to "Min"? It just doesn't fit...
The cousins stressed to us they bought "Min" (and all the debt and little money they will make in the next year) because they don't want to see it turn into some commercial building or apartment complex. They want to keep the family atmosphere which has been so successful for 25 year +. They promised for this first year, absolutely nothing will change. The wait staff will stay the same, menu will stay the same, and hours will stay the same. There just won't be Joe. In one year they will begin making changes to areas which they think will help bring in more revenue. Thankfully, I will be gone by then. I can't stand to see "Min" change, although I am thankful it's passed into hands who don't want to alter anything that much.
The meeting was incredibly hard to sit through. To be honest, it was like a funeral. All of the girls were crying. The boys were incredibly somber. Even I, who doesn't like to cry in front of others, could not stop. I was so so devastated.
The owners have meant more to me the past three years than I can even explain. When I've been homesick for my family or Kyle, I've always been so lucky to have another family here. They have kept me strong throughout college and have helped to shape the person I am today.
Joe has turned into a father-grandfather figure and I can't imagine life without him. I can't imagine work without him. I love going to work and it will just not be the same. I can't imagine what it will be like beginning in June. I always thought I would be the one to leave "Min" not the owners leaving me. It really does feel like a death and even I am surprised by the amount of emotion I feel about this. It is devastating.
After almost everyone had left I was alone up front with Joe. He hadn't really grown emotional but looked at me crying and told me everything would be alright. And that I should be happy because it's really what he needs. I told him I was so happy for them but I just couldn't imagine this place without him. And then I started to cry some more. He hugged me and told me I've been one of his rocks throughout the past few years. And his eyes filled with tears and I just felt SO. SAD.
I hugged Mary and Maria goodbye, told them I was so happy for them, hugged Pete goodbye, told him I was so happy he's going to still be around for us, and shook the suit-wearing cousins hands.
This is all so insane. It feels like a dream. For all of those who know me they know how much I hate change. And this is just one massive change I do not want to have to deal with.

"Min" Ristorante. AKA, my home away from my apartment away from home.

A picture of Joe at Halloween this year. It is truly terrifying.
Two other waitresses, Joe (a Medieval Monk), and me at Halloween. We have so much fun!
Pete just being Pete.
Cool Dude Joe. Man I'm going to miss this!!!! :(
It was fun while it lasted though. And I'm so happy I got to have a job I loved so much.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO ... What a shocker. I guess it's not too surprising but still very sad.
That's sad.
omg winky! this is so sad! they can't sell minneci's! well at least most of the changes will come once we are gone. oh i'm so sad for you.
Yeah, this is really wont be the same without Joe :(
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