Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Same Topic

I think the take-over of "Min" by R. the Rat is going to become my new favorite blogging subject.

Actually, I'm hoping it doesn't and I hope things improve. Monday wasn't horrible. The usual touching, pet names, and uncomfortable closeness occurred. But other than that not to much.

-Wait, he did kiss N up front when no one was looking.

-He did get really jealous when he saw her give a regular customer a kiss on the cheek. He gave her a really "pissed off" look.

-He's already planning to go out with everyone again this Saturday. (Not I!)

-And he jumped my ass because I like Sex and The City. He claims that the show has destructed the morals of women. When I admitted they may be slutty but it's still a VERY good show he commented "Of course, I knew you would like sluts". Seriously, what is with the slut thing?

I really don't know if I'm being too hard on the guy or what. I'm trying to cool off my anger and give him some time to settle in and learn how to act professional. But seriously, if he doesn't improve in the next month or so I may have to implement Operation Take-Down Rat. Take that for what you will.

In other news, I taught a lesson at Monticello High School today!! How fun! It's so exciting to teach high school students and know that they're actually taking in what you're saying. It's super cool to know what an impact you can have. Even if all that happened was a student telling a friend that Hitler admired and had a personal relationship with Henry Ford, then hey...I did my job today.

I'm teaching again tomorrow and am just now realizing how excited I am to be a student teacher! At the same time, I'm absolutely terrified. I want to be good! Now those will be some good blogs in a year from now. All about the trials of a student teacher rather than the harassment from R. the Rat.

But for now, I'll make due with what I have. Hopefully this situation will improve because I swear I can't deal with this for the next 9 months!


Anonymous said...

Note to Whitney's brothers/boyfriend:

If you guys want to go in and have a chat with this Rob guy, I will happily provide you with an alibi.

"No officer, they were here in my apartment the whole time!"

Anonymous said...

This guy is concerned about the morals of women? Un-freaking-believable!

Anonymous said...
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