First things first. Halloween this year was good, good fun. At Minneci's we did the 80's theme and I can't complain about that. Working in oversized bright clothes and obnoxious side ponytails is quite fun indeed. And as you know, at night I was a Candy Striper Nurse. As slutty as I felt, I really didn't look
that slutty. Especially compared to some whores we saw. Oops, did I say that?
The girls and I (Luz, Alex, MJ, Kelli) started drinking at our apartment and made our way over to Firehouse which was having a $2 beer/Costume Contest big blowout. It was tons of fun. However, we did not enter the costume contest nor did drink that much beer. No, the night for us consisted of numerous fishbowls and pumpkin shots. And of course, a lot of inappropriate, insanely bad dancing that was just sooo funny. It was a good time. We got drunk, had a bit of drunken disagreement (my first drunk fight ever!) Yet all was resolved and now just funny.
Seriously though we were drunk. Those fishbowls were loaded with alcohol and I was still drunk until about noon the next day. I walked to my speech class at 9 in the morning, drunk dialed my mom and told her all about the previous evening. Then in class (which lasted until 11) I found myself swaying in my chair and finding everything really funny. Oh, and I did the Soulja Boy dance in front of my class. Ooops, embarrassing. Then I had to go to a meeting with my SPCM TA where the sick feeling started to set in. Finally, I ended the morning with a trip to Walgreens where I picked up a bunch of drunk food. This was seriously the first time I've ever remained drunk the day after a night out. I never thought it could happen for real. Oh but it can. Then of course my afternoon was filled with an uncomfortable hangover.
Oh well. It was worth it. Good fun!
Me in my Nurse's costume! See, not to slutty right? The real question is....Is my head as big as I think it is?
The Three Roomies!!!! Marty as (my much recommended costume choice) the woman from Hitchcock's "The Birds". Ahhh! That scary crow was attached to her outfit! Kelli, as a slutified version of the Lion from the Wizard of Oz. And yours truly as a nurse. Cuteness!

The five of us with our first fishbowl of the night!! We are Loving it!
Now totally off the subject I just thought I would fill ya'll in on some stuff going on at campus. Namely a strike that's looming and according to our professors is looking like it might really happen. The Service Union on campus is possibly going to strike due to their frustrations over (mainly) pay. Although, I do believe there is some anger over some bullshit moves the University pulled last spring on the poor custodians here.
Anyway, this strike has been in the works since a couple of weeks ago. And the university is just refusing to compromise with the Union. Many of my professors and TA's thought the strike was going to occur next week but according to my History Professor this afternoon, he has "informed knowledge" that the strike will now not occur until closer to finals. Unless of course the University stops pissing everyone in this world off and creates a fricking fair deal.
Normally, the prospect of having classes cancelled would be fun. However, having the campus virtually shut down would not be fun. This strike would include every custodian, ground worker, Resident hall cleaner, and Dining hall cooks/workers. And for this to happen around Finals time? Yeah, let me tell you; I just really don't want my whole schedule fucked up in such a huge way. Hopefully enough people will berate our Chancellor so some compromise can be worked out. If Whitney Cummins is campaigning for classes to remain in effect than you know this much be serious!!!!
Here's a Daily Illini link for a little more insight into some of the arguments going on. While probably not the most comprehensive source, if you're interested at least you'll know something more.
Anyway, I've got to go get ready for work and Kyle's visit this weekend!!! Woohoo!!!!!!
Till next time, Adios Amigos!!