Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Spring Registration? Already?

Welp, I registered for Spring 08' classes today and while it did go smoother than registration has in a long was by no means perfect. But then again, this is the University of Illinois' ED program so what can you expect? They and the other departments just can't seem to get their shit organized. Ah well, I'm registered for 17 hours and may add one more class, but then again I really don't think any extra stress will be good for me. Well- Here's what I got so far:

9-10:20 - History 446 (England Under the Tudors 1485-1603)
11- 12:20 - History 396 ("It's A Man's World": Critical Inquiries into Black Masculinities)
1-2:00 - History 366 (Scientific Though II)
(Work @ night)

8-11 (ish) - Highschool Teaching Observation
11-1:00 - SPED 205 (Intro to special education)
4-6:00 - Curriculum and Instruction 335 & 473 (some Bullshit Teacher's tech class)

Ditto Monday

8-11:00 - Curriculum and Instruction 401 (Observation Discussion)
11- 12:00 - Ed Psych (I don't even know what the topic is, I just know I have to take it)
4- 5:00 - Ed Psych Discussion

1- 2:00 - History 366
(Work @ Night)

So let's see here, My Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are only History classes and get out fairly early, but I have to work at night. And my Tuesdays and Thursdays are all Education classes that last from 8am to 4 or 5 in the evening.

Oh good, this should be a fun semester. (Enter Sarcasm) I really am excited about that History class over Black Masculinities. It hopefully will be interesting. But I am none to pleased about that England Under the Tudors history course. I don't know if you remember me complaining your ear off last Spring semester...but I had this Professor whom I absolutely hated, and I had to write a brutal 20 page paper on the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre for? Yes, well she's the professor of this Tudor class. Good God, I thought I was finished with her. Forever. I've never despised someone more and I don't wanna take her class!! Wahhhhh!!!! She makes us read and write soooooo much!!!!!!!! Get your ears (or I guess eyes really) for A LOT of complaining from me next semester.

In utterly and completely un-related news I thought I'd share these two little coincidences with you. First, My waitress number at Minneci's (which is buttoned on my apron and on every ticket I write) is 39. My dad's birthday is 3/9. Second, this huge HUGE crane I walk past multiple times every day has the giant initials of JMC on it. My mom's! Janet Marie Cummins. Nice to see your always with me Mom and Dad.

Home Next Thursday For Break!! Can't Wait!!!!

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