This puppy is almost as sad as I am.
I'm bummed. Kyle just left, and I hate it when he leaves. I literally go from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows from when we're together to when he leaves. And it just sucks that I'll have this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach the rest of the evening and tomorrow morning when I wake up and realize he's not here anymore.
I hate, hate, hate not knowing when the next time I get to see the guy I love again is. It sucks. I'm tired of long-distance crap. I want to be with him. Damn school. Yuck, I just wish there was something that could make goodbyes less painful.
I'm also bummed about the time change. Getting an extra hour of sleep was awesome but this being dark outside at 5:15 sucks. There should either be snow on the ground for this to be acceptable or I should be on a Christmas break at home snuggled up next to the x-mas tree.
Speaking of school breaks, I realized today I only have three full weeks left of the semester. What?!!! I know! I have this upcoming bitch of a week. And then next week I'll only be here from Monday to Wednesday (Going home to the burbs on Thursday for Thanksgiving break). And then when I get back from that break we only have 2 full weeks of classes to go! (And of course icky sicky Finals week). But that's insane to think about!! I cannot believe how fast this semester has gone.
But it's not over yet and alas I must go write a stupid History thing and study up on my Speech for Tuesday. And of course mope around about Kyle leaving. :(
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