Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I Guess I Misunderstood.....

May I ask a (fairly) simple question? Is not the point of Fall (aka Thanksgiving) Break a time for students to be able to take, oh I don't know...a break from school?

Because my interpretation of Break must certainly be wrong, since by no means am I getting any sort of break next week on my time off. Oh no, I have many, many, things I need to get done so I don't come back to school and am forced to pull all-nighter after all-nighter with the threat of finals just around the corner.

Here is a list of things I have due the week I get back from break:
1. Read an entire History novel
2. Read a history chapter then write a 4 page paper on it.
3. Update my resume for the teaching program
4. Write or re-write my History Philosophy Statement and Education Philosophy Statement.
5. Interview an elderly citizen then write a 4 page oral history paper.
6. Write a three page paper on my progress in Speech Com.
7. Begin preparing and organizing my Final Speech
8. Prepare my lesson to give to those Decatur kids
9. Find, update, write and organize a large part of this idiotic Education Portfolio thing we are being forced to do. (This will probably be the most daunting task).
And Lucky for me, Sunday I knocked out what would have been #10, a 12 page research Chinese History paper. It may have been the first time I've ever not procrastinated on a paper, and did it over a week before it was due. Shocking!

But really, as you can see, I have a shit ton to do over break. It sucks. And mind you, I'm not saying I'll get all of these things finished (but hopefully most)...it just will suck coming back to school knowing these things are waiting for me. Damn you professors and your insistence on forcing me to do work!!! Grrrr!!

Still, I'm really really looking forward to over a week off. (wellll...should I say off?) Let me re-phrase....I'm really really looking forward to over a week of living at home. At least my work can be done on a couch, and no walking 30 minutes to and from class every hour. And plus it's Thanksgiving!! And I love me some Turkey and pumpkin pie. Yum, yum, yum! Plus this means Christmas is just around the corner, My favorite time of year! (Not to confuse you my favorite season; Fall. Or the best season; Summer.)

But, seeing as how I'm about to go on a rant about how wonderful Christmas is and type for another 20 minutes...I should go. I actually have many many things to still do today. Oh! Quick fact: I get my first ever facial tonight!! For Free!! I do love free things!

48 hours from now I'll be on the bus on my way home!! yea!!!!

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