Sunday, December 21, 2008
You may think having nothing to do for a month would get boring. But it is glorious. Purely glorious.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Just a College Night
It all started out innocent enough. Three friends and I (Mel and Liz) went to a Mexican restaurant, and since we were celebrating, ordered Monster Margaritas on the Rocks. Turns out a Monster Margarita is 45 oz. of nearly straight tequila. To give you some perspective, 60 oz. is a pitcher. Then, halfway through our meal, our waiter brought us tequila shots on the house! Amazing? I'd say yes.
After mucho drinking we decided to go to a BDubs (Buffalo Wild Wings) and each had a good three beers. I also apparently sent some inappropriate text messages to Kyle's little brother. Hey, it happens.
We then thought a movie was in store, to which we headed to the theater, to which I discovered my phone was missing. Back to BDubs, looked for a good 20 minutes, until Mel asked me if maybe, just maybe, the phone was in my pocket. Oh. Who would have thought? She then tackled me, we slipped on ice, fell hard and laughed hysterically (drunkenly) for about five minutes.
Finally we made it to the movie, which we were 10 minutes late for, which we therefore couldn't comprehend. After 20 minutes, we decided to leave. On our way out, Mel broke a movie promotion by sitting on top of it, and Liz somehow got our money back. I really don't remember how that happened.
We then worked our way to Firehaus, found some of our guy friends there, shared two fishbowls (biggest mistake), and got in a fight.
Fight 1, coat is sitting on a stool I need, I push coat off of stool, sit on stool. Bitchy girl comes to me and says "Ummmmm excuse me there was a coat sitting on that chair. I was saving it" "Oh, I'm sorry, was someone sitting here?" "No...." "oh, Well what is the problem then?" I turn around, and about 5 of her friends come over, and yell at me and my friends. (To which I'm pretty sure we won, because I stayed on the stool, and they walked away). Was it a bitchy move on my part? Maybe.
Fight 2, after we had been outside on our phones, and were coming back into the bar, the same bitchy girl looks at us and starts yelling at Liz to shut the door because its "soooooo cold." I'm pretty sure Liz said some snotty remark, because the girl pushed Liz! Mel, who was closest, started yelling at bitchy girl, got in her face, and then bitchy girl punched Mel in the forehead and ran away like a puss!!!
Well, this caused quite the scene as you can imagine, and we were either asked to leave by management, or left on our own. I don't quite remember those details either.
Next, after driving around with our guy friends (with a DD) we decided to go to Brothers. This involved more drinking, dancing, and a full cup of beer being spilled in my hair. Gotta love it.
Then, Jimmy Johns. A "quick" trip for some food turned into a 45 minute wait when old Jimmy ran out of bread.
Followed by a 20 minute walk home in the freezing weather, to which my windburned face and bright red lips can still attest to today. Finally, a sleepover for me and Mel in my apartment.
Bedtime: 4:30am.
Memories: Forever. (Sorry, I know that was unGodly lame)
I's done with College!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Exhibit C

Exhibit B
I just don't care anymore about writing a good (last) paper of my undergrad career. And as much as I don't want to fail, I don't care to put any effort whatsoever into studying for my Monday final.
I don't want to let others down. But I just. don't. give. a. shit. anymore.
Exhibit B.
Exhibit A
I feel very guilty for not going out with a bunch of my coworkers tonight to wish a fellow employee off as he makes his way into the real world. And by guilty I mean, GUILTY.
I couldn't care less than two craps about most of my coworkers, who I have no real relationships with. Going out with them, is no longer fun.
I don't care. But I do.
Isn't that the worst?
At least I got a ton of progress done on my huge senior thesis paper. Oh, who am I kidding....
That's what Sunday is for!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
1. On my 6th (very strong) cup of coffee of the evening. So strong in fact, I can actually feel the coffee grinds swirling around in my mouth
2. Unable to hold a pen with a steady hand, due to the amount of caffeine in my system
3. Learning a semester's worth of Sociology terms, themes, and ideas
4. Getting ready to take my second to last final of my college career....TOMORROW!
Friday, December 5, 2008
A real blog?
- "C" had a miscarriage. A very sad thing indeed, but I'm sure "R" was thrilled.
- "C's" miscarriage was announced at work, in front of "N" who still had never even been officially informed about the entire situation.
- When "N" confronted "R" he denied it. Matter of fact, he said "C" was lying about being pregnant.
- Two days later, "R" decided to 'come clean' with "N". He told her that "C" just thinks they're dating and is always hanging on him. He also mentioned they 'only had sex once' and that's when "C" got pregnant. Oh, and he and his mom believe she did it on purpose.
-Three days later, "R" introduces "C" to nearly every customer at the restaurant as his girlfriend. Right in front of "N".
It's never ending I tell you! I also found out two more of my coworkers (who have never been mentioned on this blog) have been sleeping with one another. And of coures, that involved cheating on their significant others as well. Niceee. I work in a fucking whore house. Do you see why I turn to Spaghetti Cat? He's the only comfort I have in this crazy, mixed-up, sexually charged world.
Other than the work dramz, life has been steadily ticking along. My thanksgiving break was alright, but disrupted by my nagging conscious to work on all my homework. And this past week has been filled with numerous papers, little to no sleep, and mountains of stress.
And yet.....I haven't wanted it to end.
I only have THREE days of class left. And then a few finals and final papers. And then? I'm DONE with college. Yikes!
It is insanely unbelievable that I will be student teaching next semester. And while I'll be SUPA busy, I'm hoping blogging will serve as a good tool for stress relief. I just can't believe it though. I am FINISHED with college. I know I say it all the time, but where has the past four years gone??
What a bittersweet moment. I'm terribly sad to leave a place I've come to love. I tear up just thinking about leaving all the great friends I've made. And of course I'm going to miss the days of skipping class and no real responsibility. And yet....I have this huge new chapter opening in my life. And I get to go into my dream career.
Now, if only I could meet Spaghetti Cat, and my life would be complete. :)
Have a good weekend everyone!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I Weep For You

Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Saga Continues...
Whitney had just arrived at work. She was feeling pretty content, rolling silverware and wishing "N." was working that night to help out with training all of these new kids. Whitney sees "C." approaching, completely unaware of the news she's about to receive.
C: "Well Whitney.....Have you heard the big news???!!!"
Whit: "um, No" (fully expecting the "big news" to be something along the lines of "We have new dishes at the restaurant!")
C: "I'm Pregnant!!!!!"
Whit: (stare blankly at "C" for close to a minute with a frozen smile)...."Nuh-uh"
C: "Yes!"
Whit: (smile falls)....."Wait.....seriously?"
C: "Yes!!"
Whit: (realizes she is acting awkward but " is the.....who is the you know.......Do you know who......ummmmmm........" (whitney just.can't.keep.her.mouth.closed. even as "C.'s" expression turns to annoyed and offended.)
C: "YES i know who the dad is!! (annoyed) It's "R." We have been dating for 5 months"!!!
Whit: (still offering inappropriate responses) "How did this happen?!!!?"
C: (still annoyed) "Well Whitney, when a man and a woman get together..."
Whit: "no, no! I know...but, but, but......" (finally, finally Whitney realizes to just shut up. Then awkwardly grabs "C" for a "congratulations" hug)
And Scene.
Yes, another true story. My boss has gotten "C" pregnant. She is 6 weeks, and keeping the child. They told both sets of parents, who were obviously none to pleased. She has told everyone at the restaurant, except for "N" (for obvious reasons).
I would gage "R's" feelings on the matter as this: absolutely horrified. When she was blabbing about it all night, he kept his mouth closed. When I offered him congratulations, he responded "for what?" When he looks at her I see terror and denial in his eyes. It's bad, ooooo is it bad.
The worst thing is, "C" has no idea "R" has still been sleeping with "N" for the past few months. Most of the time "N" turns him down in disgust, but every once in a while she gives in.
So everyone knows except "N". "C" asked me not to tell "N" but I of course called her when I got home. It may not have been my place, especially with this kind of secret, but I did so for two reasons.
1. The only reason "C" didn't want me to tell "N" is because "R" doesn't want "N." to find out. I'm pretty sure the reason "C" told me in the first place was so "N' would find out.
2. I'm friends and have loyalty to "N". I can't let her find out from someone else at work, and make her have to deal with those emotions at work. I wanted to give her time. Chances are she would have heard someone talking about it- and shit would hit the fan. I owe her more than that.
So yes, just when I thought my work couldn't become any more like a soap opera, it does.
God help us.
Allean Griffith
For Kelli.
To one of my greatest friends of all time, I'm so sorry you had to lose your Grammy.
I will get you a hard copy soon.
I love you!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
College Vs. Real World
Specifically about the Pros and Cons of University Life and the Pros and Cons of my soon-to-be-teaching world.
Pro: I get to enjoy refreshing weather everyday on my looong walks to class.
Con: Sometimes that weather isn't so refreshing (like today) I wind up in class with a wet winter jacket, soaking jeans, shoes with cold puddles in them, and matted hair. It's always fun to sit in a classroom on a day like this.....wet dog anyone?
Real World
Pro: Ha ha haha I get to drive to class...not have to walk in 2 feet of snow and -30 degree weather!
Con: No more frequent exercising. And my walking is my iPod time!
Pro: Lots of little breaks throughout my day, giving me time to relax, nap, or do whatever my heart desires
Con: God-awful teachers, God-awful homework assignments at night, and no damn free time!
Real World
Pro: True, I will be at my "job" for about 9 hours straight, but when I'm done, I'm done. No more freaking papers to write!!!!!
Con: God-awful students, God-awful lesson planning, and no damn free time!
Pro: I actually enjoy learning, and school isn't that bad.....
Real World
Pro: I'm going into a job I LOVE, which will make every day, a special day.
Con: How much can one really love a real-world job?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Now is Our Time

Wish I could have been in Chicago!

What a historic night. My celebrations were slightly minimized because we learned my roommate's extremely close Grandma was a few hours from passing away. Yet that didn't take away from the joy we all felt and the absolute pride I had when I woke up this morning.

Monday, November 3, 2008
Mrs. McGee
Yes, jail. He was pulled over, and once the officer saw he had a warrant out for his arrest...well little "R" wasn't so lucky. The warrant was issued because "R" has received three citations for fights, has $4000 in parking fines, and some other mysterious thing.
Rather than be embarrassed by the situation, he bragged in ear shot of customers. Oh yes, how professional. Especially seeing as how he could have been arrested IN the actual restaurant any time in the past few months. Boy, would that be great for business.
"R" also proceeded to piss me off for various other reasons tonight, in which I responded by flicking him off. Maybe not my most mature move, but he thought it was funny and said "you can't flick off your boss!" and I responded by saying "as long as he's a jerk I will".
Then later, in front of his cousin as they were eating he called me "Tits McGee".
"'R' you can't say those things to me"
"Yes I can"
"I am going to put poison in your food and I really hope you die"
So I both flicked off my boss tonight, and threatened to kill him.
Just a night in the life of Whitney.
P.S. Vote Obama tomorrow. Hopefully when he taxes businesses he can put dick wads like "R" out on the street.
Friday, October 31, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Middle of the Road
As I was changing out of my professional dressy clothes and into my college uniform (that is, jeans, hoodie, and flip flops) I literally felt my demeanor and attitude change.
When I walked into the bathroom in my nice clothes I felt confident, mature, and ready for the world.
When I changed I felt comfortable, defiant, and unaffected by the outside world.
Not that it's not great to know I can actually pull off the grown-up thing...
But I think for now (for these last few months) I'll enjoy my unique college self
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Well this is Me....

Thursday, October 2, 2008
I'm baaaaaaack!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Three's a Crowd
To set the Scene: After a long night of work, Whitney begins counting her money and totaling everything into calculator. Her Boss, R. (new nicknames to protect privacy) and his on and off lady love N. (You know who I'm referring to). sit at a table nearby staring at Whitney. She tries to ignore them, even though they just asked her an inappropriate sexual question, but wasn't prepared for the even more inappropriate question about to come.
R.: "So Whitney, do you want to have a threesome with me and N.?"
Whitney stops typing into the calculator, keeps her head bowed, waiting to hear laughter. It doesn't come. After several long awkward moments she looks up...
Whitney: "umm......Nooooooo"
R: "Well that was quite the long wait, were you thinking about it?"
Whitney: "No, I really wasn't"
Meanwhile, she tries to stop her face from flushing.
R: "Why not? I mean, N. is a really hot girl and I have a pretty cute body myself."
N: "Yeah, and R. has a big dick too."
Whitney: "Ummm, I didn't need to know that."
R: "Well why did you take so long to answer then?"
Whitney: "I was waiting to hear you guys laugh, since I hope your messing with me.....[awkward silence] Can we please change the subject now?"
And indeed, the subject is changed, and while R. and N. did occasionally smile or give a little giggle, they never gave Whitney the impression they were joking.
Never, in the next five minutes, did they say it was a joke, did they laugh at "getting her good", or make any reference to the conversation. Everything went back to normal, like it was never said.
.........And Scene.
True Story.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Here I Go Slacking Again..
Current Mood: Ticked off.
Apparently I'm frustrated for no reason. I'm annoyed for every reason.
I'm finished with the bureaucracy of my University, with the hierarchy of majors, with the establishment.
I've loved my experience on campus, I've had a brilliant time. But will I ever be donating my alumni money one day? Highly unlikely.
When I am assured that I actually mean something to this school, that my major is just as important as any other, THEN maybe I will feel differently.
Until then, I'll enjoy my morning meetings in buildings 15 minutes off campus while Business and Engineering majors enjoy relaxing, breakfast catered gatherings.
Until then, I'll patiently wait for my student teaching placement 1 YEAR AND 2 MONTHS after I submitted my application because the university will only pay for one education placement worker.
Until then, I'll figure out why I am paying full tuition to student teach when I've consistently been told by this university that my career choice is unimportant.
Until then, I'll ponder why I can't have a double major in History and Education when I have more than enough hours in each to warrant so.
Only Talk,
When you no longer care If they're listening
Saturday, September 13, 2008
It's a Birthday Weekend!!!!
September 12th
Happy Birthday Nate!!!
September 14th
Happy Birthday Kenna!!!
....and, introducing the newest member of the Apartment #205 Family....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Dear Professor She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, (again)
I heard that you bitched out one of my fellow History-Secondary Ed. classmates today. You bitched him out, because you are too scared to bitch out all of us at once.
Let me remind you that it is not our fault we have to take your class. Let me remind you, the only reason we got stuck in your class is because there was no other high level sociology class for the education program to stick us in. Let me remind you, that if it were our choice, there is no way in hell we would step foot in your class.
So please don't bitch out my friend. If you think us education kids are too noisy, and you are threatening to either kick us all out of the class or implement a seating chart (like we're in 2nd grade) than at least grow some balls and threaten us all.
Also, how do you ever expect us to take your fuckery of a class seriously when you never, ever, EVER start on time? Throughout my entire time here as an undergrad I've never had a Professor who doesn't start right. on. time. You on the other hand, wait usually ten minutes before beginning lecture. Did you forget we only had fifty minutes? Or do you just really have that little to talk about? Ah yes, probably the latter...I forgot, this is a pointless class.
So please, show some respect for us and we'll show some respect for you.
Good luck on gaining the student's back. You'll need it,
P.S. I also believe you should get some help for this "little-man power trip" syndrome you have got going on. I understand I've been calling you Professor when you're really just a graduate student, but that doesn't give you more of an excuse to try and prove how bad ass you are. You're a bitch. Plain and simple.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Sicky Icky, Take Two
I've now progressed into having those horribly painful body aches, fever, and chills. Wow, how lucky am I? It appears I have the flu, or maybe the flu and allergies, or maybe a cold and allergies...
Either way, I feel like crap. Who gets sick when it's still practically summer?! Apparently I do. The only good news I see in this is hopefully it will be my only sickness for the semester, and I can get down to business soon. Or not.
And btw, is anyone else completely sick of hearing about Sarah Palin? She was a horrible choice for John McCain (yes, she's a woman; bravo. no, she really doesn't have any political experience, and I really don't feel comfortable assuming she could be President of the greatest world power if John McCain's old ass kicks the bucket soon). She's also the Cover girl of FOUR gossip magazines this week.
Realllllllly. Well, yea for Republicans! You got yourself a real exciting VP. And yea for Women! Our first major entrance into national politics is filled with scandal. And yea for John McCain! I'm sure you're just loving all the media and tabloid attention.
I guess I shouldn't judge too harshly until I hear her speech tonight. Unfortunately, I probably won't watch because I can't stand to hear anymore about her pregnant daughter, pageant past, and scandalous birth of her last child. I'm so over Republicans. How 2004.
Barack Obama!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Sicky Icky

Monday, September 1, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Dear Professor She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named,
But when you decided to give your students a detailed, in-depth pop quiz the second day of class on an incredibly boring read, I have decided (along with the rest of the class) that I just really don't like you.
Also, your proclamation that you will learn everyone in our 80 person class's name so you can call on us when it looks like we're not paying attention, isn't sitting to well with me either.
Neither is your insistence on say "Right" Before, during, and after every single sentence. When your students begin to keep a tally of how many times you use "Right" and the number comes out to be TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN times during a thirty minute lecture...well, I can see there will be a problem.
I hope you soon get the bitch out of your system. Otherwise, we're in for an awful semester.
With all the hate in my heart,
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Trapped in a Cage
It's not the stress of seeing so many course outlines at once and the amount of work I need to complete that is getting to me, it is the mere fact that I just want to finally take control of my life.
I'm tired of being told what to do, when to do it, how not to do it, and how it should be.
The education program has a leash around my neck and it's only. growing. tighter.
I appreciate the fact that they recognize as a Senior, I should get more time in the classroom. Yes, I will enjoy observing/teaching twice a week. At the same time, as a Senior, I wish professors in the education program would stop with the mindless busy work, pointless projects, and infuriating demands.
At what point in your life do you ever have freedom? I'm beginning to fear never. There will always be someone to answer to, someone's standards to meet, someone you fear. The boss, the bill collectors, the government.
It's not fair, and I'm wondering why this is so. Maybe I've been in this damn cage since I was young, but now that I'm getting older it seems to be getting smaller.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Senior Year Starts...Tomorrow
So here I am, back in Champaign, ready to start another - my final- semester of classes. I have a wide range of mixed emotions right now. I'm super bummed that I have to jump back into schoolwork so soon. I'm pissed that I have 17 weeks of boooring classes. I'm excited because it's the last time I have to stress over finals EVER! I'm nervous because my time in the real world is drawing nearer. And I'm terribly sad that I'm soon to be leaving my great college friends.
What's a girl to do with all of these emotions!?
I'm just hoping it will be a good semester. Most of all, I want my last few months of college to be fun. I don't think it's quite set in that I'm almost. done. I can't believe it! College has whizzed by. Suddenly I'm a senior and about to turn 22 in one week from today. Wow.
One plus to being a senior is how easy everything seems to fall in place. I'm not stressed about finding classes. I will be quick to get back into the school groove. I know what books to buy and what books to pretend I've read. I can pinpoint the freshman and feel a little bad for those kids who are so scared to be away from home. And I can enjoy Champaign, my home for the past four years. It's nice to be an upperclassman, for sure.
I should also be falling back into my old blogging routine. That is, if I even have any readers left. But this upcoming year should be a good one for chronicling everything; final semester of college, moving back home with the parents, student teaching, and beginning a job search. Yikes! Apparently 22 years of age is the age of change. Ah yes, that's why I've been dreading it since I was little.
I am happy to not have changed apartments this year. Thank God for staying in one place and not having to move!! Kelli and I did get one new roommate though (since MJ left), our friend Becca. She should fit in nicely and we're all ready for a FUN senior year.
So excuse me if you will, but I need to go enjoy my last evening of summer before Fall semester, my LAST semester begins. !!!!!!
Goodbye Summer!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Birthday Girl!!
I hope you have a GREAT day!
Miss you and see you soon!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Welllll, good morning!

Friday, July 25, 2008
Au Revoir, mi amiga

Photo Courtesy of The First Time MJ and I went out, and within the first week of meeting eachother....awwww
Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Days of our Lives
So where did I leave off? Well, You know that R. and N. have been going back and forth since she found out he cheated on her. I'm pretty sure they were still doing the hibbity dibbity and I know R. was still seeing "the other woman" Jen.
Now to throw in another player, and lets see if you can keep up. N.'s best friend at "Min" is C.. I got along well with her, she's a very pretty girl and just graduated in May. She's been dating her boyfriend S. now for about a year and a half and just last Friday they were planning to move to California together (where they know no one) because S. got an amaaazing job there (he's super smart). They've been planning to move now since about April and C.'s been very excited about it all. Everything appeared on the right track and S. even told someone at "Min" how in love he was with C. and how he was probably going to propose.
That was until N. and R. broke up that is. It's funny, because when the whole thing went down, it was me and C. telling N.that R. was a jerk and to not get upset about it. In fact, I would say C. was hating on R.even more so than me. But then a few things started to change about two weeks ago. I noticed C. was hanging around R.quite a bit. I noticed him flirting with her a bunch. He told me she texted him all the time. And I began to become suspicious about what was going on.
Last Friday (the night I went to bed at 5am) I went out with some people from work, including R. and C.. They pretty much stuck to themselves and when everyone was supposed to go to after-hours at a friends....they never came. Turns out, the two of them went back to R.'s place, and spent the evening in his hot tub....alone. Oh, and C.'s boyfriend was out of town that weekend.
The next evening at "Min" the two of them were all. over. each other. I KNEW deep down something had happened between them. That evening, N. was supposed to take C. out for a last night out in Champaign. Instead, C. ditched hang out with R.. Riiight, always a good idea to hang out with your best friend's ex who cheated on your best friend.
Now this past week virtually every minute C. has not been packing for California, she's been at "Min" hanging out with R.. Literally everyone working there was becoming sick with their behavior and just hoping she would take off to California already with S. before something happened (if something hadn't already).
So I go to work yesterday, thinking C.was off in Cali with her boyfriend, hopefully starting a new life....sans R..
Oh wait, turns out.....Thursday night C. broke up with S.. Because he "went to a strip club". Riiiight, I'm sure you sleeping with your boss had nothing to do with it. So S. headed to California all alone, and C. showed up at "Min" last night (surprise, surprise).
R. told me that him and C. have been talking on the phone and hanging out a ton this week, and C. was just really confused and he helped her make this important decision. I'm sure you did R..
The worst thing is, is that poor N.(who has been through a hell of a lot) now has to watch her ex-best friend and cheating ex-boyfriend/boss act super cozy. Right before she left work last night she heard R. lean into C. and tell her, "You look so pretty right now, you don't know how bad I want to kiss you".
Ah yes, the drama. Soon, there will be another girl, C. will realize she stayed for nothing, and R. will continue to be womanizing schmoozer. Ah yes, stability in an unstable place. Gotta love it.
And sadly, this week was truly Joe's last. Sad business, but a part of a new adventure....I guess.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
True, I was out having fun which is why I've lasted so long. But equally true, the reason I've lasted so long is because my week has been so so exhaustingly full and I had to blow off LOTS of steam.
Summer classes blow. These next 6 weeks are going to SUCK!!! What makes it worse is all of my plans to go home and visit my parents and Kyle and quickly crumbling, and it's now looking like I'll be alone (yes all alone) in Champaign until August.
Save me! So sad, so very sad.
Well, the birds have been chirping for over an hour. I'm beginning to feel like a waste of space and it seems my bed is calling my name....Goodnight!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Losing Mojo
Now that I've begun my U of I classes AND online classes I am sure I will have little to no free time until August. This sucks!
Who knew online classes would require so much work!? Who knew my U of I Comparative Politics class would be so. incredibly. boring? Who knew you could pay the University of Illinois $2,400 for two classes and have one of them not even be in an air conditioned building??!! Or even have a fan in it!? (Which thanks to much complaining by students has resulted in a room change, yea!)
I'm just sensing a sucky summer.
And all this stress, reading, and assignments has taken away my will to blog!!!
Damn you summer classes! Damn you!
Monday, June 9, 2008
So soon?
Some things never change.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Oddities in My Life
- I waitressed a wedding rehearsal last night where the bride and groom sat across the room from each other. And never. talked. once.
- My mom and dad are going to an Alicia Keyes concert tonight. Say what?
- I suffered through TWO tornado warnings WITH sirens Tuesday night and wasn't even that scared. Then Thursday I witnessed a Fear Factor sized cockroach in the workout room and wasn't even that scared. What's going on with me? I'm definitely not getting any braver...or am I?
- I suddenly find myself spending mucho time in the once hated Rape Park. Reading and mostly hoping not to get raped.
- I've worked out four times in one week. The oddest thing to happen to me yet.
- In one week I've been asked by six people if I got engaged while home. They all needed to see my left hand to prove I in fact did not get engaged. Upon learning the news they all seemed disappointed despite me explaining it won't happen for quite some time. Then, one of my questioner's still decided to give me 10 minutes worth of marriage advice.
- I have taken a shower EVERYDAY of the past week. A record I think!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Back in Action!
As per usual, I got the late tables meaning I was there till after 10:30. But whatev, that happens to me all the time.
However, unexpectedly I came to "Min" to find Joe still there! He was supposed to leave shortly after I went home from break so I didn't think I would see him for quite some time. But I guess he didn't think R. and J. were quite ready to take the restaurant over just yet. And I agree. While they both seem much more comfortable than before, they still struggle with so much.
And the drama....oh the drama.....
R. and N. have "broken up". He was cheating on her. Yes, with that girl. You know the one who came into "Min" to eat and I could just FEEL something was going on. And I debated on whether or not to tell N.. Well, I didn't need to, because she found out herself.
Apparently less than two weeks after N. and R. started dating he began dating and sleeping with this other girl. But after a couple of weeks of juggling two girls it became just too much for that poor little boy.
But he just didn't have the heart to tell either girl about the other so he decided the best idea would be to invite them both out to the same location one night and sit them together. Well as you would imagine N. went on and on about her boyfriend until R.'s other woman asked her "who is your boyfriend?...." Well when N. told her and the other girl told N. shit hit the fan.
And R. still cannot understand why N. is so upset. Because they never made their relationship "official". Hmmm I wonder how it was not official when he was telling N. he wanted to raise her son as his own and wanted the kid to stop seeing his real dad.
So last night N. and R. were fighting the entire night. Apparently everyone who works there now knows as well. They definitely weren't trying to hide the anger...except when Joe was around. And N. made it nice and awkward for me by continually bringing me into their argument which I really didn't appreciate.
Because lets be honest...since he's my boss I have to accept that he slept with my coworker, cheated on her, and flashed the other woman right in front of me. But if he wasn't by boss I would tell him to go fuck himself that little jerk ass creep.
Oh well, I'm sure the "Min" drama will continue. I think N. and R. will be an annoyingly on and off again couple. And I just can't stand that shit!
But what is work without a little drama anyway?
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Double the Trouble, Double the Fun!!!!

Happy Birthday Shubbu!!
21! Drink, drink, Hooray!

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Summer Break Begins
My time home has been a blast. For once in my life I captured some things on pictures but not nearly enough.
My as per usual “highlights of break”:
- Tequila Dinner!! It was even better than the first one I went to. The food was excellent although we had to sit next to this incredibly weird Asian woman. Literally one of the oddest people I have ever met. She told us her daughter was a scary Goth. Sad. I did end up stealing four of the really nice shot glasses which was not sad at all.
- Mother’s Day. My dad and I got my mom a super nice Spa package because we are really nice people. Then we went out and had a really good Champagne brunch. Yum!
- A lot of being lazy, playing computer games, watching TV, and not feeling guilty about any of it.
- Seeing a many of good movies. Narnia: Prince Caspian and the new Indiana Jones. Both sooooo good! And I’m going to see Sex and the City tomorrow which may according to some make me “slutty” but I’m still so excited!
- Kyle Turning 21! Finally. I’ve been waiting for that for nine months now. He had many celebrations including: A great cookout in Freeport involving ice cream cake! Hitting up the classy Freeport Bars and watching Kyle get absolutely trashed. Going out for a birthday dinner with my family and Kyle at a Beer Brewery. And having a Memorial Day/Birthday cookout in the suburbs involving a delicious cake decorated with race cars. But seriously, who gets that many celebrations? What a lucky dog. Although he didn’t get a birthday blog for me because sometimes I’m a bad girlfriend and forget.
And then because it was his birthday, he got this surprise dessert! Really. But he, along with the help of the family did indeed finish this too.
Kyle's birthday cake from my family. Notice the #26 car. It's winning!
And the birthday boy himself. I know, lame picture.
- Kyle racing! He got sixth but deserved fifth and is driving better than ever. Still absolutely way to scary for me to watch though.
Yeah, these pictures are definitely from last year and last year's car but I never took them off my camera and I forgot to take some this last time. So there! Oh, and here Kyle is getting ready to go out.
Dave giving Kyle a pre-race pep talk. Or something like that.
Kyle out on the track!
Coming in after a successful race.
Getting out of the car like a pro.
- Getting to see my BFF Caitlin. I played beer pong at her house one day until four in the morning. And I still suck at beer pong. I also found out I suck at shot gunning a beer as well when my brothers peer pressured me into doing one.
- Going to watch Amanda run a half marathon. Actually, this may have been a lowlight too. It was amazing because Amanda was a machine and finished running 13 miles in under 2 hours. It was bad because I’ve never felt more out of shape in my entire life. Standing in the midst of 4,000 marathon runners can really do a number to your self-esteem. Actually, it was a really good time and I give props to people who can run like that.
The start of either a 13 mile or 26 mile run. I would call it the entrance to hell.
And they're off!!!
I saw one guy who had the most glorious legs I've ever seen in my entire life. They were tanned, smoothly shaven, and just the right amount of muscle in the right places. I swear to God I wanted to go compliment him before the race and I even more just wanted to steal his legs and make them my own. Note: he is not pictured in the above photo. Or sadly any for that matter.
The look happy now......
Look!! You can see Amanda! She's in the ice blue shirt with black shorts right next to the girl in the purple fuchsia shirt.
Me and Kyle doing what we do best, sitting and watching. We kind of look like hell and like we just finished running a marathon. We did get up at like 5 am which I would argue is almost just as tough. Almost.
Amanda's about to cross the finish line!! Congrats!! And proof of my superior photo taking skills.
- Shopping. Of course. I always spend at least a hundred dollars on cloths when I come home. Good for the soul, bad for the wallet.
I’m sure there were more highlights but I can’t think of them at this moment. I may or may not blog again before I go back to Champaign on Sunday but either way my normal blogging schedule will return shortly.
And as much as I love pleasing you readers, I’m not ready to go back yet and fall into my normal routine. I love break too much!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I'm Done, Finito, Finished!!

Boo Yah
Monday, May 5, 2008
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, FUCK, Fuck- Take Two
2. FUCK the fucking U of I and the way the rip me off times 2!!!! I'm sick of spending fucking $600 on bullshit books every damn semester and not getting any fucking money back. If you're already raping us for tuition stop fucking our assholes for book prices!
3. FUCK my Intro to Special Education professor for making me buy a fucking $80 book on how to teach retards. And then having it turn out, it's not even a fucking book....just a loose leaf version of the book so we could "put into a binder and have it be more convenient." Well how the fuck is that more convenient!? I'll tell you what's not fucking convenient...spending $80 and not being able to sell that shit back because IT'S NOT A BOOK.
4. FUCK the girl I closed for at work tonight. You'd think if someone was nice enough to close for you, you would be smart enough to do the non-closing work like you're supposed to. NOPE. Fucking dumb fuck making the closers do the work for her.
5. FUCK having these shitty ass sensitive teeth. Fuck you Crest Whitestrips!!
6. FUCK having to study for my last final. It is the most mother fucking stupid class I have ever taken in my entire fucking life. A history class about science? How the fuck does that make sense? Fucking stupid!
7. FUCK the fact that I might get a C in that stupid ass class and have to study super fucking hard to try and get a B. I've never gotten lower than a B+ in a history class here. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!
8. FUCK my mother fucking nerves. I'm tired of being fucking anxious and nervous about fucking tests that I almost always do fucking good on. It's fucking ridiculous how much I worry over stupid shit.
9. FUCK school just in fucking general. I'm ready for a fucking break and want to go the fuck home NOW!
10. FUCK the fucking U of I and the way they rip me off times ten!!!! This summer tuition is really tripping me the fuck out!! I do NOT think this is fucking right!!! FUCK!!!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Damn you neighbors, Damn you!
I was trying to go to sleep last night, around 1:30 or so. But one of my neighbors decided to have a nice, looooooong, LOUD argument out in the alley behind my window. Mind you, my screen door does not keep out much noise.
To make it even better, it was a couple fighting and I’m assuming on the edge of breaking up. The girl had a loud, screechy voice and her boyfriend had a booming voice that probably carried for miles.
And they argued for AT LEAST 45 minutes. Screaming at each other, in public, with the girl loudly wailing every other yell. Oh. My. God. I wanted to kill them. Really I did.
And then, to top things off my neighbor above me decided to have sex. You know, the kind where I can hear every squeak of the bed and my ceiling shakes.
So no sleep last night. But at least I could sleep in this morning right? Wrong. Mother effing pigeons woke me up at 9am.
AND why did I spend $600 on books this semester and not even get $40 back at book-buyback???? FUCKING SHIT!!!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
I know I haven't blogged for quite awhile but finals, papers, and projects have been keeping me pretty much slammed.
But I finished class Wednesday! And I killed a final last night!! Now, I have one final next Wednesday and then it's home for a three week break!
I can't wait. At the same time, I'm having a bit of a problem accepting the fact that I'm now a senior. When did this happen? Dear God, I was just a Senior in High School! And in one year I'll be teaching High School! Eek!
Otherwise things have been pretty chill around here. Nothing much has changed. Oh! Except one thing.
Well, R. and N. are still dating. Still in secret. Only them, me, and one other girl - C., know.
So...on Wednesday N. and C. (who usually work) both had subs. And R. used the opportunity to invite one of his female "friends" to come for dinner.
She was very pretty and wearing a very low cut top. He immediately left everything he was doing and sat with her in a little booth for the rest of the night (about two hours). He didn't even join Joe, Pete, and his cousin for dinner (which they do together every night). They were leaning across the table towards each other and making gooogly eyes. They were totally into each other.
Joe told me and the other waitress Megan that this girl had apparently come in before...and that R. only had eyes for her. When Megan teased R. about being on a date with the girl he didn't deny it...just blushed.
And finally, at the end of the night I couldn't help overhearing (well I guess I could have) R. telling the girl she should come over to his place that night.
Now, I don't know if I have some screwed up notion of couples, but it seems like if you have a girlfriend you shouldn't be acting this way with another girl. Because let's be honest, he totally wanted to screw her.
So my dilemma...Because N. is my friend, I would totally tell her that her boyfriend was acting a little too friendly with another girl. But because she's also my coworker and he's also my boss, I'm thinking I should keep quiet. But it's so frustrating! He is such a tool! What do you think I should do?
Oh well, I only have to think about it a couple more days and then I'm off for a nice long break!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Lets See....
Why can't I just be one of those people who naturally tan?
Oh well. My immunities will build up soon enough and you won't be able to tell if I'm white or Mexican!
Who am I kidding, that will never be the case.
Speaking of being white, I found this great blog:
Its all about stuff white people like, hilarious!!
Some of my personal favorites include:
- Dinner Parties (so true, so true)
- Outdoor Performance clothing (Northface? hahahaha)
- Coffee
- Rugby
- Living by water
- Having Gay friends
- Having Black friends
Oh, and here's another entertaining website....celebrities as normal people:
Alrighty, I need to go back outside and burn some more.
Friday, April 18, 2008
I just lived through my very first earthquake!!!!
So I woke up around 4:30am and felt this slight shaking. At first I was thinking what the fuck are those drunk kids doing above me now???
But then it started shaking more and more and I got super freaked out. I immediately sat up, felt the side of the bed to see if it too was moving (it was) then frantically started looking around my room. My ceiling light was shaking, my dresser was shaking, the water on my nightstand was actually moving, and when I reached to touch the wall behind my bed I could tell the whole flimsy ass apartment building was moving inches or something back and forth! It lasted for around a minute I think.
I was so scared! My first two thoughts were earthquake or tornado so as soon as it stopped I shakily got on the Internet and went to the weather channel. No tornado. Still I was uncertain this was an earthquake.
Then things started to run through my head....what if someone broke into the apartment? Why would it make that much noise? Even three minutes later my bookshelf was still moving. So I got my pocket knife out and explored the apartment. Nothing. I settled on a quick bathroom break and going back to bed confused.
Cut to this morning. Kyle calls before 7am and I explain to him the scary shaking. He explains I just felt my very first earthquake!
Oh My God!!
This is insane. Champaign is so close to the 5.4 epicenter!
Anyway, what a bizarre sensation to feel an entire building actually move and your entire room being completely shaken up.
¡Ay, caramba!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Same Topic
Actually, I'm hoping it doesn't and I hope things improve. Monday wasn't horrible. The usual touching, pet names, and uncomfortable closeness occurred. But other than that not to much.
-Wait, he did kiss N up front when no one was looking.
-He did get really jealous when he saw her give a regular customer a kiss on the cheek. He gave her a really "pissed off" look.
-He's already planning to go out with everyone again this Saturday. (Not I!)
-And he jumped my ass because I like Sex and The City. He claims that the show has destructed the morals of women. When I admitted they may be slutty but it's still a VERY good show he commented "Of course, I knew you would like sluts". Seriously, what is with the slut thing?
I really don't know if I'm being too hard on the guy or what. I'm trying to cool off my anger and give him some time to settle in and learn how to act professional. But seriously, if he doesn't improve in the next month or so I may have to implement Operation Take-Down Rat. Take that for what you will.
In other news, I taught a lesson at Monticello High School today!! How fun! It's so exciting to teach high school students and know that they're actually taking in what you're saying. It's super cool to know what an impact you can have. Even if all that happened was a student telling a friend that Hitler admired and had a personal relationship with Henry Ford, then hey...I did my job today.
I'm teaching again tomorrow and am just now realizing how excited I am to be a student teacher! At the same time, I'm absolutely terrified. I want to be good! Now those will be some good blogs in a year from now. All about the trials of a student teacher rather than the harassment from R. the Rat.
But for now, I'll make due with what I have. Hopefully this situation will improve because I swear I can't deal with this for the next 9 months!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Last Post Continued....But Sober
Here are the reasons I don't like him:
At work-
- He only calls me "Hun" "Sweetie" "Sweetheart" or "Adorable"
Ummmm, NO.
- He constantly has to touch whatever waitress is around him...whether it be arm over shoulders, hand on the back, or in the case of last night, both hands around my waist.
Ummmm, NO.
- He tries to be super smooth, flirting with all of the waitresses, customers, or whoever else is around.
Ummmm, NO.
Last night-
- Me: "I can't believe they didn't card me! I'm only 21!"
R.: "It's because you look like you're 30."
Ummmm, NO.
- R. to Me after I made a reaction to something someone said: "I knew you would be dramatic about it."
Ummmm, NO.
- R. to Me: "I bet you made out with 21 guys on your 21st birthday. You slut."
Ummmm, NO.
- R. to Me and some others: "....Or you could have your tits hanging out all night like Whitney"
Ummmm, NO. I can't help I have big boobs, you ass!
And to finish the night off-
- R. told one of the waitresses N., (who has a kid, anger problems, and a crazy-ass abusive boyfriend) that he was "drawn to her" wanted her to stop being so hot and flirtatious and coming to work looking so sexy because it was getting "hard for him".
Ummmm, NO.
A. There seems to be nothing professional about this guy.
B. I can't believe I have to work for him until next December.
C. I simply DO. NOT. LIKE. HIM.
He's cocky, creepy, and thinks he's being funny when he just comes off like an ass.
Am I overreacting? Or is this shit weird?
I may be drunk but....
I just went out drinking with some of my coworkers and new boss.
And I've officisally decided I don't like him.
He's a major deutch bag.
On the real.
Creepy, ass-fucking, creep-fuck.
Ugh!!!!I can't belive he's going to be my boss!!!!!!!!
More on this when I'm sober!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
1st Notice
My roommates and I gave you permission to build your nest on our balcony this Spring. It was very generous of us.
We decided we could tolerate your endless squabbles starting at 5am because watching nature is that much fun!
But our deal was based upon the agreement that your nest (and most of your activities) would be centered on Kelli's end of the balcony next to her bedroom, not mine.
But then you decide to lay one of your eggs, not in the nest you started to build, but just flat out on the balcony, closer to my side.
This is unacceptable.
First of all: what kind of stupid ass pigeons build a nest and then don't lay their egg on that nest.
Second of all: Father pigeon, you keep prancing and circling around that egg as if you can't decide how it got there. Tell your wife to improve her aim!
Third of all: This is my mother fucking balcony. If I want to open my door up to the screen I should be allowed to and not have you flutter in a fricking frenzy.
Now, you've clearly violated our terms of agreement. We can hopefully solve this in a nice, amicable way.
You can either:
A. Leave things how they are, but shut the fuck up and eat some glue to stick your beaks together.
B. Allow the wind to knock your egg off the balcony, and focus on raising eggs in the nest on Kelli's side.
C. Get shot with a BB gun
Make your decision. But please, don't be angry. I really do want to watch your family grow...just without all the fucking squabbles every morning.
Your Landlord
Monday, April 7, 2008
You Would Think....
...And it looks like granola.....
...And it feels like granola.....
...Wouldn't you think it would taste like granola?
I just ate a piece of leafy dirt off of my floor.
I'm officially disgusting.
And ah yes, I've been blogging for over one year now! And this would be the event to celebrate it....
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Not an April Fool's Joke (Unfortunately)

"Min" Ristorante. AKA, my home away from my apartment away from home.

A picture of Joe at Halloween this year. It is truly terrifying.
Two other waitresses, Joe (a Medieval Monk), and me at Halloween. We have so much fun!
Pete just being Pete.
Cool Dude Joe. Man I'm going to miss this!!!! :(
It was fun while it lasted though. And I'm so happy I got to have a job I loved so much.