I can't really believe it, but I say that in a good way. Because as we all know, that statement can mean really good things, or really horrible things. "Oh no, I can't belieeeeve this....." vs. "Oh my God, Oh my God, I can't believe it!!!!!!!!" Well anyway, (that was a weird little thing I just did, wasn't it?) I can't believe that it's here. It's Wednesday night, and as I said, I'm blogging. Woohoo, I actually kept a promise! What I can't believe is how quickly this night got here.
Correction, what I can't believe is how quickly Brady's wedding has gotten here. It still hasn't and I fully believe it wont sink in, until either Saturday before the wedding or Friday night at dinner rehearsal. Are both of my brothers really going to be married men in just a few short days?! Is Brady the boy, not even two full years older than me, really going to be married?! I can't believe that it's here, and I can't believe that I'm this old.
I obviously say old with slight humor, because by no means am I old, but then again....I'm old. I'm going into my JUNIOR year of COLLEGE!! Of COLLEGE!!! I literally feel like it was yesterday when I was a Junior in Highschool. Everything is happening so fast and I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed. Maybe I take back what I said in one of my very first blogs, that I wanted to just grow up already. I'm thinking it would be a lot safer and more comfortable to stay just where I am today for a few more years.
But whatever, those are my own problems that I need to deal with. For now, I'm so excited for this trip to Kansas City and I'm so excited to see Brady get married!!! I wonder if I'll be a complete cry baby like I was for Nate's. I remember not quite knowing how I would emotionally be at Nate's wedding, and I virtually cried (happy) tears non-stop that day it seems. Will I hold together better this wedding? Or still be that sappy weepy happy sister?
But enough of this wedding talk, I'm sure what you're all dying to know is how much I loved the Harry Potter movie!!! Well, I loved it. True, the movie script is HUGELY different than the book, but hey, that has to happen in movies. And true, they changed some things I really wished they wouldn't of changed. And true, the movies are never even as close to good as the books or the images that I imagine in my head. But the movie was really, really fun to watch. I'm sure any movie fan would enjoy this flick. And honestly, the last 1/2 hour of Harry Potter may have been some of the coolest/prettiest/most amazing scenes in a movie I have ever seen. It was so cool to just watch. So pretty. It also helped that the movie theater we went to had the new Digital movie projectors. Which I was skeptical towards, but honestly make a huge difference in the viewing experience.
Yes, last night was fun. We arrived to wait in line at little before 11, but the wait was really quite quick. And luckily for us, the theater was having one of those cool, Bring your own Popcorn Container, nights. So for only fifty cents we got a ginormous trashcan (newly purchased) filled with popcorn. Way more than four girls could handle. But it was still fun. And tasty! The movie started late, so we didn't get home until after 3 am this morning. And I didn't go to bed until almost 5am. I was all Harry Potter hyped up. But don't worry, I didn't have a sleepy day, because as you know I am a waste of space and didn't need to get up for anything, therefore I slept in until noon. But I did go to work tonight, and pack, and little things, so I have accomplished something. Hurray!
But alas, it is almost midnight and I unfortunately, but how exciting!, must get up at 6:30 am so I can be all ready to leave for Kansas City when Kyle and my parents get to Champaign. This means, I need to (try) and go to bed. So I'll see you Sunday (or Monday) to fill you in on all the Wedding Details!!
Happy Weekend everyone!!
1 comment:
winky u're not a waste of space!
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