Sunday, July 29, 2007

The only news-worthy peice in this blog is that I'm going to be 21 in one month! Ouch

Well....I haven't written for quite some time. And I'm not really sure how I've let myself go this long without writing. I think it's been a horrible combination of me being lazy and not really wanting to write what I know I'll be writing about. (The end of summer that is).

My weekend was pretty great. Friday night I made $160 at "Min"!!!! An all time record for me. I was thrilled! Then Saturday Shubbu made Luz and I this amazing amazing dinner. I think we spent the rest of the evening drinking and having fun, although I must admit I'm blanking a bit about that night. Sunday the three of us went out to breakfast at the Original Pancake House (sooooo good!) then Luz and I came home and decided to drink Strip and Go Naked's all day. We got drunk on a Sunday (again) must be our thing. Then yesterday I made everyone this amazing Chocolate Molten cake served with powdered sugar and icecream. It was quite scrumptious if I do say so myself.

So I haven't written in about a week. And that's partly because I haven't been inspired (still not) and partly because I know I'll whine and complain about how near summer is to ending. Which saddens me to no end. Seriously, three weeks from today I'll be in bed about to start school tomorrow!! Holy Jesus, where did summer go! Now summer always always goes really quickly to me, but this summer has passed in the blink of an eye. I can't even begin to tell you where it's gone. And now I'm slowly coming to grips with the fact that this amazing summer is almost over. And it's breaking my heart. :(

I've had such a wonderful time living in this swanky apartment with Luz, Shubbu, and MJ. And I must say, I've gotten incredibly used to Luz and Shubbu....I'm going to miss them both so much this coming fall. But we've had memories that will last me forever and they're some of my very best friends. Sadly, MJ's moving out this coming Sunday (but I will be living with her again soon) and Luz and Shubbu are leaving Monday. Then I get to live all alone until I leave late Thursday night. I'm so sad about this. Just sad that summer is over. Sad that I won't get to live with my two of my friends anymore.

Damnit. I wish summer would never end. Hopefully I'll get into the swing of school pretty quickly. I mean, I only have three semesters left of college (unless you count next summer where I will have to actually take classes) and then I'm done being a student forever!!!!!! I suppose that does brighten things up a little. Ironic how someone who hates school so much wants to become a teacher. But I feel there's a big difference between the pressure of taking tests and worrying about grades to the pleasure of giving tests and giving out grades. I'll have fun I'm sure. Plus, I'll be one of those really nice (but strict and effective) teachers you always wanted.

Another good thing about beginning school is that it means I'm nearly 21. In fact, exactly one month from today I'll be 21!!!!! How exciting!! As soon as I get off class that Friday I'm walking to the nearest liquor store and buying everything I could ever want just for the hell of it. Then I'm planning a very fun night out with the friends. Hopefully Kyle will be able to come visit me the rest of that weekend and I fully intend to order a drink at every restaurant I go to for the next month at least. My birthday weekend should be a blast. Especially because that Monday is labor day meaning no classes and no work. Yeah! And it's still early enough in the semester that there hopefully won't be a huge amount of work yet.

I don't have much more to say tonight and I feel like I should stop writing. Oh! I just realized another good thing about school starting. Although I'll probably blog with less frequency, I'll actually have things to blog about! Woo!!!

Alrighty, so have a good Wednesday everyone! The week is halfway over!!


Unknown said...

Guys this is probably the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. I was at my girlfriends house tonight for dinner, and shortly after i had to go #2. My Gf's brother was in the downstairs bathroom, so i went upstairs to use the master bathroom. I was about to take a dump, and I remembered something my friend told me called AC Slatering.
AC Slatering is when you take a dump facing backwards on the toilet, just how on saved by the bell AC Slater always sat backwards on a chair. So when I was taking a dump, My stomach was facing the back of the toilet, and my back was facing the door. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and began to get nervous. Since AC Slatering is a tough position to get into, it requires taking off your pants. So there I am sitting in my GF's parents bathroom taking a dump with my pants off and facing the wrong way on the toilet. My dump was about halfway out when the footsteps became closer. I then turned around to see that I had not locked the door. Trying to finish as quickly as I could, I began pushing harder and harder. Suddenly, the door opened, and my gf's mom stood there in shock staring at me. We made eye contact for a split second, and I was so embarrassed I wanted to die. I quickly finished up, got dressed, and ran out of the house as quickly as I could. I am expecting my gf to break up with me tomorrow. I am so embarrassed and I hope my gf doesn't blabber about this, Ill die if anyone else finds out.

WhitC said...
