I will not attempt to justify my horrible show of laziness over these past two weeks. I will not attempt to justify how a girl who does seemingly nothing, was much to busy to blog in the last 16 days. I would like to apologize for the amount I may have annoyed my readers who had to click onto my blog and see nothing new over and over and over again.
I suck. I really, really do. The good news which outweighs (in my opinion) my suckiness, is that I will spend the rest of the summer pretty much here in Champaign, no more long trips home, meaning my blog should get pretty well filled. I just don't know what it is, but something about going home to Freeport makes it virtually impossible for me to blog. Maybe my creativity is blocked up that far north. Because it's not like I really did anything while home. But I had a great time and that's all that really matters right readers? Right?
Truthfully, I did have a really really great time at home. I stayed two extra days than expected and it still somehow flew by. I will try to recall some of the highlights of my mini vacation (and sorry no pictures, I will one day steal some off my parent's camera...especially since they have like 400 on it) Okay, quickly off subject: I wonder if it annoys anyone as much as me that I haven't been posting any pictures for like the past month straight. I think it makes my blog look ugly and stupid. And lord knows I don't like either of those two things. So I'm going to just start randomly posting alot of random things even if they come off of some random websites. Man, alot of randoms in that sentence. At least until I stop being such a horse's ass and start taking my camera with me more.
Anyway, backtrack. My trip home was some good fun. Highlights of my visit:
-I ate at Fiesta Cancun like 4 times. Not good for the weight, very good for the stomach and soul.
- I got to watch Kyle race and although my allergies were killing the shit out of me that night, he almost got third! until someone took him out.
- I got to visit my grandma in the hospital almost every single day for an hour or more each time. She has to be there another week, but she's looking a ton better.
- I the following foods: homemade spaghetti and garlic bread, french bread pizzas, cheesecake, cheesecake, and more cheesecake, yummy marinated chicken, chips and salsa galore, Wisconsin cheese curds, Chicago stuffed pizza, and ICECREAM! By the way, have you noticed my obsession with food and everything to do with food? It's not healthy and it's a wonder I'm not 400 pounds.
- Yes, I played the Sims
- Saw the Freeport Fireworks, delightful!
- Amanda cut her hair short! And it looks so cute!! But still doesn't make me brave enough to cut mine. Don't worry though. I don't want to look like Cousin It either so I'm finally getting a cut and color tomorrow. My last professional haircut and color was before Nate's wedding. I like saving all that money but I'm starting to grow tired of looking like a white trash slop head.
- Kenna's wedding shower. I had to see all the eccentric elderly aunts but I got some good ass cake out of it....and a new shirt!
- Downtown Chicago shopping with my mom. We took the train in, I spent almost $300 (I know! Don't make me ever type that again) and bought a ton of cute things. Not that you care but I got a pair of black flats, silver flats, a cute sundress for Brady and Kenna's wedding rehearsal dinner, a gorgeous little black dress (My Audrey dress) for their wedding, and some spunky bright teal heels to wear with it.
Speaking of Brady and Kenna's wedding, it's next weekend!!! Holy hell it got here quick! One week from today, (Thursday), my parents and Kyle will pick me up and we'll be off to Kansas City to watch my other brother tie the knot. With both my brother's being married I think it's high time for me to become the rebellious, crazy, youngest sibling. You know, drink constantly, engage in some illegal drug activity a la' Lindsey Lohan, burn some flags, and steal some money. You know, or something of that sort.
So I arrived back to my apartment today which I've missed alot. Alot, alot. I'm thinking I never want to leave this apartment. I just love, love, love my bedroom here. It's so me. I arrived today around 1:00 which is surprising considering I took the Illini Express. If I've ever met a more fucked up, stupid ass business than them, God can strike me down. I hate the Illini Express and I hate how idiotic they are. Hopefully I will never have to ride with them again. Suburban Express all the way!
I got here and was so excited to see my roommates and was delighted at a new item which has been added to our living/dining room decor. A stolen, 4.5 foot, bright orange Construction post. One of those big tall ones. I really like it. It's special. Unfortunately, Luz and Shubbu stole it meaning Marty and I will have to go get one ourselves (or something even more badass) to move with us into Fall apartment. My excitement was slightly diminished however when I found out Luz and Shubbu would be leaving this afternoon for the entire weekend to attend a wedding Luz is bridesmaiding in. (Is that a word? Bridesmaiding?) And MJ is leaving tomorrow to go to a wedding for the weekend. See how it is? Whitney come back, the roommates leave. And then I'll be gone next weekend for Brady's wedding! Ah well. We're planning a massive bar night this Sunday ($1 Call-Outs! Fuck Yeah, college town!!) to celebrate our reunion. So we'll get drunk and have some good fun. Maybe it will become a Sunday tradition. Haha, funny for those of you who can't even fathom going out Sunday nights. Poor, motivated, much richer than me, workers.
So I get to spend a weekend alone but I suppose that just means I'll have to blog more. Am I right? Am I right?? Yeah, we'll see.
I'm feeling slightly shitty right now (it would be really funny but kind of gross if I added literally at this point). The trip made me tired and my eyes are itchy from allergies. Plus I have a pizza face. And by pizza face I mean two pimples. I shouldn't complain. I guess breaking out once a month (and breaking out to me, means one or two) isn't that bad. But I am looking forward to the day when that shit stops. Aren't I almost out of puberty yet? Too bad I wasn't one of those skin models who have faces that look like 3 month old babies. Or too bad I didnt have a full time airbrusher at least.
Since I cant' contain my randomness, I just won't even try and am going to jump back into my discussion about downtown Chicago. I love downtown Chicago. and if it wasn't for all the traffic, scary cab drivers, expensive everything, I would totally live there. Oh, and if I could have a Plantation style home with about an acre yard. But I know those things can't happen. Being downtown just really made me want to be rich. And be able to do everything fun. So maybe I shouldn't take the morally high road and become a teacher. Maybe I should do something else? Or maybe I should be a teacher and write a book at the same time, with Harry Potter-esque success and then I'll be a millionaire.
I'm starting to ramble. Is this a sign this blog should end? I just feel like I need to keep writing and writing especially since I've been such an ass clown lately. (once again, sorry for the lack of blogs). No, I think it's time to stop. But i promise. PROMISE. I will write another blog. Tomorrow in fact. I'm gonna see if I can start a once a day or once every two day streak. Boo yah! Go me!
Tootles ya'll!! thanks for hanging in there!

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