....Partly because I have nothing to say, and partly because I'm ready to watch some movies that Marty, Luz, or Shubbu rented while I was gone.
So I said I was going to write yesterday, but I didn't. I fully intended to when I got home from work but the internet was being a bitch and not working. So instead, I cleaned the apartment. Like really deep cleaned it. I don't know why. It wasn't that messy but I was just in a cleaning mood. I really got a ton done yesterday. I cleaned the apartment, worked, got my hair done, stopped at the bank, and went shopping. My hair looks nice, very natural and no longer trashy! Unfortunately I had to pay a lot to get that look. I won't even type how much it cost me because it still hurts my heart.
And my first night back at work was a good one. No ass hole tables and I made $115! Plus a $45 check. I just love making money. It was a pretty exhausting night because we were so busy. Apparently everyone in Champaign-Urbana deeply missed Minneci's while we were closed. Ah well, all the better for my wallet. Plus, it was good seeing everyone again.
So I don't have any real plans today. Probably vege it on the couch. Watch movies all day long. With no roommates around and all my errands done yesterday, there isn't much else to do. Oh well, these kinds of days are very good to have every once in awhile.
.....And I really need to go. I've said nothing of any substance in this blog and I'm fricking watching Power Ranges on TV right now. What the hell is wrong with me?! haha, this is sick. Alrighty, I will write soon. And I should certainly hope I have something more exciting to say.
So indeed, this was short. Nothing sweet about though. My apologies!

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