But last night was so much fun. It was so good to see my brothers and Kim and even Bob (although he got trashed). It feels like I don't see them enough. In fact, last night was up there on my list of favorite Champaign-Urbana nights this year. Although it faces stiff competition with the night I fell 5 times in public when I went out with the girls. Yikes.
Thursday night was also a great night. I got to see a new Grey's Anatomy AND MJ, Luz, Shubbu, and I found our apartment for this summer!! Somehow we're managing to sublease a "luxury apartment" for only $600 for the entire summer. The girls that live there now pay over $500 a month. Yea to good deals and Shubbu's excellent bartering skills! These are some pictures I got off the Internet of the summer apartment....You can only slightly get the idea of its badassness. It will be so much cuter when we decorate it.

The outside- Beautiful, yes?

And that's just a teaser for you. You can bet your ass when we move in there will be pictures left and right on my blog.
And not to discriminate against our Fall apartment I will include pictures of it as well. Its no luxury apartment by any means, but its twice the size of our Summer apartment. And half the cost (compared to regular yearly price). We are lucky duckies. And yes, I did just say that.

Here you can see one of our FOUR screendoors each with a balcony. And our pretty courtyard.

These are really the only good pictures we have of our Fall Home. We forgot to take any of living/dining/kitchen area. Oh well, they'll be up as soon as I move in.
So this might have been a pointless entry. I think I just wanted to brag. And to put off this 15 page paper I have to write. Sigh. I suppose its time to write it...Shubbu and Luz are threatening me.
So Long!
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