Snuggle Bear. How cute is he!! I always liked when he would fall from the sky onto the pile of soft sheets. I bet he smells good and is very sweet and friendly. This is one bear I would love to snuggle with....
Pictures of old movie stars who are not only gorgeous but remind me of how I should dress, style, and be.
Audrey Hepburn:

Daniel Cook, He has this show on the Disney Channel called "This is Daniel Cook" where he does amazing things that most kids never get to do like rock climbing, making food, skiing, whale watching, and breakdancing. Plus, he's so cute and bright and articulate for a child. My roommate Kelli hates him but only because she is a wannabe child actor and is very jealous of him. I also just have a general soft spot for red heads and red headed children. (Crossed fingers for Nate and Kim's kids)


Ewww. This girl (Tatiana from cycle 4 ANTM) represents everything I hate in a girl's face. She looks white-trashy to me. She looks like when she opens her mouth there will be missing teeth, smelly breath, and twangy/ignorant speech. I just absolutely hate girls that look white trashy. I don't know what it is...she just has a scrunched up rat face and it one of my biggest pet peeves in the world. Good lord girl, get some surgery or go move to rural Mississippi. (yes, I know she can't help it and I'm being horribly mean...but at least I'm honest)
Ummm....NO. Girls that wear UGG boots with mini skirts need to be locked up unless they have the valid excuse of only having a 2nd grade education. Because anyone over 7 could tell you this makes absolutely no sense. I'm sorry, if its cold enough to wear boots then why are you wearing a skirt?? And if its summer why, why, why would you wear warm, furry, boots??? Next time I see a girl on the quad doing this I'm going to blow chunks on her uncovered legs and stupid boots.

Luckily for me, I couldn't get this picture any larger because if I was able to...I might have begun gagging. I HATE Imitation Crab Meat. I HATE the concept of it. Imitation?? Do you really want to eat something which is labeled as imitation? So if its not real Crab Meat what is it? Mushed up fish guts and whale piss? Yuck. I also HATE the way people eat it. Especially Kyle. He buys an entire package and slurps it up. Literally slurps it. It makes me sick to my stomach. SicK.
Transition Lenses. STUPID. Since when did protecting our eyes from the sun become so important? And lets just look at the picture to further my argument. Picture of woman with regular glasses: She looks fine, cute glasses! Furthest picture from us when they turn fully dark: Ok I guess....if you go for the whole tiny sunglasses things. Middle picture: I have a HUGE problem with this. Because how many times since these were invented have you seen people in public where the lighting doesn't allow their glasses to go fully light or fully dark. So their stuck with this stupid look. I hate it. It looks stupid and makes the person look like a deutsh bag.
And those are just a few and a taste of my the way my mind works.
Till next time...
I, too, hate immitation crab meat. Yick. I mean, what is it? It's certainly not the meat of a crab! Is it soy? Corn? Soylent Green?
After a quick google search, I found this: "Imitation crab meat is a seafood product made by blending processed fish, known as surimi, with various texturizing ingredients, flavorants, and colorants."
What is surimi, you might ask? "It is mostly composed of fish myofibrillar proteins. These proteins are responsible for the quintessential characteristic of surimi that makes imitation crab meat manufacture possible, namely the ability to form a sturdy gel."
Yum. I'd like all my food to be able to form a study gel.
I love you MJ
When I come home on Memorial Day I'm going to eat some immitation crab meat with Kyle, that sounds tasty
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