So yes, if you didn't just guess I have a bone to pick. I was having a great night at work this evening. I was oddly really really bubbly and happy. It was like someone snuck some drugs in my food or something....whatever, i didn't mind. The restaurant was starting to really slow down by 8:30 (we close at 9:30) and then at like 8:45 two of our "regular" couples walked in. One couple by themselves, the other with their 4 extended family members. ...And I got both tables. Now let me give you a little description of these people:
Most hated regular customer #1: B and B2 (who came in with their family) Their about 70, and while B is a super nice guy, their complete disregard for any waitress's feelings is sucky. And B2 has a rat face. Which I have a problem with.
Most hated regular customer #2: M and L. Both in their mid 70's. L is a wonderful woman. M on the other hand, maybe the weirdest/creepiest guy I've ever met. He insists on making every conversation sexual and only calls me by "baby", "hunny" or "sweetie" He likes to ask me about my sex life, he tries to get me to tell him I have numerous boyfriends, he always wants me to smile and dance for him and likes to sing "here she comes, Miss America" everytime I walk by. This is all in front of his wife of course which makes me feel disgusting. I usually give him a look or a pretend little laugh. Weird
I don't not like these people for the above reasons. Its because nearly every night out of the week they decide to come in between 9 and 9:30. Not like they don't know we close at 9:30. They've been eating at "Min" for 30 years. So they like to come in really late, pissing off the waitresses and cooks, and then stick around often till 10:30ish. Umm...excuse me, do you NOT realize your waitresses are in COLLEGE and have things like i don't know; tests, papers, STUDYING to do?! And then they like to leave a big ol' mess and Mack acts like it hurts him to tip more than $4.
So anyway, both couples come in at like 8:45, Bill and Be with their extended family, and my mood goes from amazing to salty bitch in no time. But I'm a good waitress, although I'm exhausted and tired of their shenanigans. It might not sound like a big deal...but its EXTREMELY frustrating when you just want to GET HOME. And wouldn't you know it, they didn't leave till 10:45!! Seriously, have they no consideration!! I have nada problem with random people coming to eat right before we close. because they probably aren't really aware. But these old fogies have no excuse. And I've had it up to HERE with them.
Yet I can't complain, M and L gave me a ride home tonight. (Lucky, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten home till like 11:15) But Mmay have offered just to get a thrill out of sitting next to a young girl in a car for a few minutes. Yes that's right, he makes his elderly wife sit in the back of a cramped car. Reaaaal nice.
For some reason I started thinking today about some of my past jobs. I've been a waitress, cleaner at an office, babysitter and child educator/entertainer. Therefore I know how to cook/serve food, clean, and take care of children. Yes that's right, I'll make a fabulous wife one day. I have all the qualities a good woman should.
I was just being semi-sarcastic if you didn't pick up on it. For some reason, MJ (marty) and I have this thing with degrading women and idolizing America. Therefore if those themes begin to appear in my blog, laugh and stop being so serious.
Well...I have a million things I could probably keep writing about. But I'm afraid if my blogs get to be to long everyone will lose interest and stop reading.
And if you would...make a comment just once so I know someones reading this.
Have a great night/day!!

What a domestic goddess you are. Also, "child educator/entertainer" sounds a little creepy to me.
You should spit in their food next time and say that is from my brother
Bill and Be were awesome. Have you seen the commercial Bill is in when he talks about buying a truck from Rantoul. He looks like Santa
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