The interesting thing is that I don't even know what I'll be writing about in this blog. Day to day occurrences? And how exciting is a college student's life anyway? Mine seems pretty lame most days. But then again, at least I'll now have some record of my life and that I did anything in my college career.
Its not even like i don't enjoy writing. I have written like mad for the past few years and have journals FULL of little tidbits, poems, and other annoying things that probably only mean anything to me. However it is hard, I'm intensely protective of the things I write. I prefer to keep things going on in my head private. So I don't know how much I'll include in this blog...maybe everything...it just might take awhile.
So as for today its nearly 2:30 and I haven't done much at all. I woke up to go to my first class and suffered the shock weather can only give to those living in the Midwest. Um...yesterday it was in the 70's...I walk to class today and its 30 degrees! WTF!! I do NOT enjoy pulling my dirty winter coat and gloves back out of my closet mother nature! So I make it to my first history class which just happens to be the most stressful and boring class I've ever taken at this university. Luckily for me, my teacher was not in the mood to lecture today because she fell and hurt her back on Monday. Ok, it may sound harsh that I just used Luckily...but my professor is like 60, a mean old hag, and wears the SAME damn outfit every day. I'm bitter. I even went to my second history class of the day where I actually participated in class discussion (!!!) but only because my TA said I should (apparently getting A's on your midterm and papers makes you "smart and proves you have something to say"). blah.
However, I am currently skipping my Geog class which I am doing the worst in. But its to cold to go back outside and I wanted to watch The Hills on MTV...so there. PLUS I have to leave for work at 4 and lucky for me :( I get to close tonight. I must say, I absolutely love waitressing at "Min"...I just hate many of the dumbasses that come in. I'm sure I'll have numerous stories about the dipwads who eat in restaurants.
Other than that, life is going smoothly for me. Kyle's coming to visit this weekend which always brightens me up to no end. So as for now, I'm concluding my very first post.
Bye All!!
(BTW, the picture featured is of me with two of my three lovely roommates for this summer...Left=Marty, Right=Luz)
I'm so glad you started a blog, Whitney! I'll look forward to reading about your life.
P.S. I'm watching ANTM right now and Jael should just cut Renee's face.
Hey Winky,
I'm so excited you're starting to keep a blog! I hope you write a lot about me cause that's my favorite subject to read about.
Whits, Marty's comments crack me up love ya
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