Sometimes I just look forward to the day when I can have a full time job and then come home for the night just to relax. Sure there will be dishes, laundry, and a house to keep up, but at least you'll know you have a weekend free of all of those icky school papers and such. I'm sure you graduates will say I should be happy I'm not out in the real world yet. And I am.... part of me doesn't ever want to leave this environment. But a big part of me is ready to grow up and have no more fricking stupid coursework.
The only reason I'm complaining about this is because its Easter Sunday night and I'm stuck studying for a History test. I'd really love to be relaxing or doing something semi-fun, but instead I have the privilege of knowing I get to study late into the night. Yippee!
Other than today though, I had a swell weekend. Kyle came down to visit on Friday which made me very very happy. Even though we're both really good at handling the long distance thing, its still so nice to have a few days with him. Although when he left this morning, I was a little sadder than usual. I think its because its starting to hit me that I wont get to see him this summer, next summer, and very much in the school years between since the parentals are moving. All the same, we still had a blast. His visits pretty much consist of us watching movies and eating food. And I was able to give him my very secret present of a t-shirt I made him (our RA likes the floor to do little "artsy" activities). I made him a really tight white tee with a picture of his race car on it. Under the car it says "My heart races for Whitney". Disgusting? I know!! It was a joke and I just wanted to see his face when I gave it to him. But I think he actually liked it which is weird. Anyway, I'll have some sweet pics of that pretty soon.
Other than these minor occurrences it seems nothing major is happening in my life right now. But since I talked about my friends I've decided to post (for those of you who don't have facebook and can't stalk me) some favorite pictures of us.
And just for reference: The little black girl is Kelli (roommate of past two years, and next year), Taller strawberry-blonde is Marty (roommate this year, this summer, and next year), The asian-looking but Mexican girl is Luz (current next door neighbor, roommate this summer), and the photogenic Indian girl is Shubbu (current next door neighbor, roommate this summer)
And yes...It was essential that I list everyone's race because its funny and confirms the fact that we do indeed represent the color of friendship.
I know, the order and position of these pictures suck, I'm still figuring it out, SO DEAL!! :)

Let's give up school and go shine shoes with cats!
Ha... if you only knew.
I remember saying the same thing about wanting to get to the real world.
College is easier x 53
You'll have just as much work to do after "work" as you do in school
Enjoy it while you can
i always thought it would be a great idea if it was manditory that we came to school but didn't have to go to classes or at least went to classes for the sake of learning what you wanted but no homework or exams or papers. i think that would be the most amazing thing in the world!
Stay in school. Stay as long as you can. Cherish it.
I hate being a grown up. Even a fake grown up.
Nate is right. Just wait, you are so going to miss school. Real life presents real problems, bills, work, housework,work, just lots of stress. You are too tired at night to enjoy yourself like in college and the life in a college (night life) is unmathced.
I thought college was more stressful than work. Unless you hate your job
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