Friday, December 14, 2007

I'm Done, I'm Done, I'm Done!!!!!


Normally, I hate when that expression is used. But today, it's needed! I'm finally done with this semester!! Christmas Break, Here I come!!!

Some Highlights and Lowlights from Fall Semester 07:

- Proving to myself I will make a great teacher one day!
- Dominating at public speeches! (Do I hear a 98% on my final speech? Wooowee!)
- Procrastinating and Bullshitting my way to numerous A's
- Rose Bowl Baby!
- Having a big sweet apartment
- Turning 21
- Being really creepy and discovering this blog of a pregnant lady...I read it every day, she's so funny and cute! I love reading about her life, yet she's a complete stranger and we're not even remotely connected so I do feel a bit.....yes, well creepy.
- Obtaining a coffee addiction

- Seeing one to many icky cockroaches
- Suffering through the oh-so-borringggggg Chinese History
- The Girl I didn't want to win Top Model took the crown again! WTF?
- I found out I have wrinkles on my forehead
- Being attacked by crazy lady in the Library
- Having a bird poop on me
- Only getting $60 on book buyback, when I spent $500 +

So....another semester has past. And it's sure been a busy one. But I suppose next spring and fall will be just as stressful so I'd better get used to it. One year from now = me ending my college career, and starting to full time student teach!! Booyah!

I must pack. I hatttttttteeee packing. And I hate unpacking! But I am so thrilled to have several weeks off.

So next blog, will be from Freeport or Schaumburg!
Adios Suckas!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

So Close...So Far Away

I haven't blogged for quite some time. Not because I haven't wanted to. But because I feel too guilty to.

If I have enough time to blog, then I definitely have enough time to study. And I just really, really don't want to study.

Never before when taking Finals have I ever felt such a lack in motivation.'s so hard to buckle down when I still know I have until Thursday before my Finals start. (two Thursday, one Friday).

I'm telling you, it's like I just don't care anymore. I am soooo ready for Christmas break! And it is so close that I can't concentrate on anything else.

I'm also finding it hard to study, because there is so much time to study. I'm used to being so busy I don't have a choice but to do one thing after another. I'm used to late nights, early mornings, jam packed schedules...and I flourish in that atmosphere. But now...I have days filled with no classes and I just feel like I have so much time to study...that I can tell myself I don't need to study yet.

Problem is, I have to start soon. Otherwise I'm going to blow my good grades. And that would be no good.

I just want break to be here!! Hurry Friday, Hurry!!!!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Let Me Tell You.....

Why did I think it was a good idea to drink 9 large cups of coffee yesterday? Really, I might deserve dumb-ass of the week award. If there was such a thing.

True, I did have to stay up and memorize a speech. (Which I fricking dominated!!) And true, I have only gotten 18 1/2 hours of sleep since Sunday when I woke up.

But 9 cups?

I'm going to blame it on the coffee. It took to long for any caffeine to hit me. I started drinking it an 5:00 at Minncei's and continued to down it all night long. Not until about 9:00 did I start to get hyper.

By the time I got home last night my mind was fricking gone. I couldn't make complete sentences and I remember rambling on and on and on to Kyle about nothing.

But hey, I stayed up. And memorized my speech.

But I can attest to the fact that too much coffee = bad news for your stomach. Let me tell you, the (in the words of Kelli) "bubblies" which resulted were NO fun. And I'm pretty sure the caffeine didn't even wear off until about 9:30am today.

Let me tell you though, the worst thing of all was trying to sleep. Im-pos-i-ble!!! I was tired, oh yes I was tired. But my heart was racing a mile a minute, so much I had to breath like I was in labor to try and calm my chest down. It was miserable. And I woke up and five in the a.m. with my heart still racing. I thought I was going to die of a caffeine overdose. Is there such a thing?

Ah well. It's Thursday which is great news for me. My two weeks of Hell are Finally over!! YEAAAA!!!!!! I've been looking forward to today since Thanksgiving break. Now I just have to kick back, and study for my three finals next week (two Thursday, one Friday) before heading home for xmas! Sweet!

Speaking of Christmas, I went shopping today at some bookstores to get presents for people. I didn't find anything for anyone (well...maybe someone..hehe) so I instead decided to buy everything for myself. I got a badass Illini Rose Bowl shirt. A cute little "Go Illini!" apartment decoration. And a Barrack Obama book. Ah yes. Spending money on stuff I don't need, wonderful!

Anyway, I need a nap. Badly. Grumpy's been my middle name this week so sleep I shall! And NO coffee for me for several several days!!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

ILL - INI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We're Going to the Rose Bowl!!!!!!

Get ready for the Illini suckas

Parade? Let's play some football!!!!

The football team celebrating. And campus town = crazy town after the news

If only I could go!!!!! Ah well, it should make for a fun New Years Day. Food, beer, and watching the Rose bowl on my parents new 50" Plasma TV.

Nate, Brady, Kim, Kenna, Kyle. Be there.

Hope you don't mind mom and dad that I just invited everyone over.


Friday, November 30, 2007

Tears to Giggles

I laughed out loud in the middle of class today.

I was thinking about how Nate used to put his poor little brother (Brady) and sister (me) in our 30 pound dog's pet-carrier when we were "bad".

I think he deserves some sort of "worst babysitter of the year" award. was cruel then. Hilarious now.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I'm at a Loss...


Just when you think you've met all the weirdos in the world, you meet a new Crazy.

I was sitting at the Undergrad Library today, minding my own business, copying Lecture notes into my notebook from the computer (since I just may have skipped that class for the past three weeks).

So there I was. I had my legs crossed, head on my hand, and with the other was busy writing pages of notes. Then a woman came and sat down at the computer behind me, she was about 30-35 and looked nice enough. I looked at her just once, as she was sitting down because she was making a commotion in an otherwise quiet area.

But anyway, after a moment's glance, I went back to work and honest to God didn't take my eyes away from the computer or my notebook for probably the next twenty minutes. Until I heard her loudly say, "Excuse Me!" I turned around but because she wasn't really looking at me, I thought she was speaking to the gentleman next to her. So I look back at my computer only to again hear her say louder, "Excuse me!!" So I again, look back thinking what the fuck is this lady's deal?

But this time, she's looking right at me. And are you ready for this....she loudly, crazily, even a bit bitchily, asked me "ARE YOU FLIRTING WITH SOMEONE?"

What?! I looked at her, thought I must have heard wrong and said, "Flirting???" She replied, "Yeah, FLIRTING?" I didn't know what the hell to think so I was like "Noooooooo........... ummmm..... why???" And then she just looked at me a second, waved her hand in the air and said "OH, never mind".

She then went back to work at her computer.

I probably stared at her with my mouth open for a good 30 seconds.

As I finally turned back around to face my computer I made eye contact with the guy sitting next to her and he looked just as shocked and confused as I was.

I'm just curious. 1. How in the hell did that lady think I was flirting? I was clearly copying notes from the computer. Unless I was flirting with the computer..... and 2. Even if I would have been making googly eyes with someone (hard, since there was only books in front of me) where would she get permission to ask me? Is flirting a crime?

Apparently in crazy land it is.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Where is scooby-doo when I need him?

Because we have a mystery on our hands. Which one of you naughty readers is the comment thief? I'll find you, and you'll pay. Preferably cash because Christmas is just around the corner and I'm hurting for money.

Really, watch your back. I'm riding a pretty high horse today (Surprisingly, since it's the first day back at school) so I will not hesitate to dish out the punishments. Yes, I am good at that. How do I know? Oh...only because I dominated at teaching my first lesson today!!!!!
Yes indeed, the Decatur lesson went wonderful! My partners and I got excellent feedback and I was super stoked because we were told our lesson was one of the most relevant she's seen in years. (Making my head swell since it was my idea to do Rags to Riches, my idea to talk about Bill Gates, my idea to compare Bill Gates and Andrew Carnegie, my idea to show Jacob Riis pictures next to the Vanderbilt mansion). Not that I'm taking credit for the entire lesson. My partners came up with some pretty good stuff themselves.
But our reviewer did tell us with complete honesty that the three of us were MADE to be teachers. She said we were naturals. You hear that? I always knew it, but now I have proof, I'm a born leader. She also commented on how natural I was in front of the class (Yea)! My only critique was that I said "Okay" to much. Damn verbal fillers. I guess I'll try to work on that, okay? :)

Our reviewer did finish the meeting by warning us three not to let our heads get to big. Since she pretty much told us we had the best lesson she's seen in years by starting teachers. But it's to late. My head was big to begin with. And's like the size of Asia or something.
Ah well, hopefully it will only get bigger. I'm well on my way to becoming your children's favorite teacher ever!

Monday, November 19, 2007

At the New Home!

And I love it! It's much roomier and better looking than I had anticipated.

Plus we're extremely close to lots and lots of shopping and for that reason my Mom and I will be spending our afternoon at Woodfield Mall! Hurray!

But really, I don't have time to blog and I need to get in the shower, so I don't really know why I'm doing this in the first place.

Just thought I'd say I really really like my new template...but I'm still not certain about this title. I'm seriously considering going back to plain old WhitC. "Confessions of a Co-Ed" just may be too close to that "Co-Ed Confessionals" I saw advertised for the Playboy Channel. Yes, Indeed.

Oh, and something weird...on my last blog it says I have two comments...but only one shows up. The other one says it has been deleted by me. Which I assure you it wasn't. WTF Mate?!


Wednesday, November 14, 2007


What do you think?

Is my blog title to porn sounding?

Do you like the new color scheme?


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I Guess I Misunderstood.....

May I ask a (fairly) simple question? Is not the point of Fall (aka Thanksgiving) Break a time for students to be able to take, oh I don't know...a break from school?

Because my interpretation of Break must certainly be wrong, since by no means am I getting any sort of break next week on my time off. Oh no, I have many, many, things I need to get done so I don't come back to school and am forced to pull all-nighter after all-nighter with the threat of finals just around the corner.

Here is a list of things I have due the week I get back from break:
1. Read an entire History novel
2. Read a history chapter then write a 4 page paper on it.
3. Update my resume for the teaching program
4. Write or re-write my History Philosophy Statement and Education Philosophy Statement.
5. Interview an elderly citizen then write a 4 page oral history paper.
6. Write a three page paper on my progress in Speech Com.
7. Begin preparing and organizing my Final Speech
8. Prepare my lesson to give to those Decatur kids
9. Find, update, write and organize a large part of this idiotic Education Portfolio thing we are being forced to do. (This will probably be the most daunting task).
And Lucky for me, Sunday I knocked out what would have been #10, a 12 page research Chinese History paper. It may have been the first time I've ever not procrastinated on a paper, and did it over a week before it was due. Shocking!

But really, as you can see, I have a shit ton to do over break. It sucks. And mind you, I'm not saying I'll get all of these things finished (but hopefully most) just will suck coming back to school knowing these things are waiting for me. Damn you professors and your insistence on forcing me to do work!!! Grrrr!!

Still, I'm really really looking forward to over a week off. (wellll...should I say off?) Let me re-phrase....I'm really really looking forward to over a week of living at home. At least my work can be done on a couch, and no walking 30 minutes to and from class every hour. And plus it's Thanksgiving!! And I love me some Turkey and pumpkin pie. Yum, yum, yum! Plus this means Christmas is just around the corner, My favorite time of year! (Not to confuse you my favorite season; Fall. Or the best season; Summer.)

But, seeing as how I'm about to go on a rant about how wonderful Christmas is and type for another 20 minutes...I should go. I actually have many many things to still do today. Oh! Quick fact: I get my first ever facial tonight!! For Free!! I do love free things!

48 hours from now I'll be on the bus on my way home!! yea!!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Oh Happy Day....

Happy One Year Wedding Anniversary Nate and Kim!!

To Many, Many More!!!

Help! I need somebody! Help! Not Just Anybody! (Nope, scratch that...Anybody!)

Seriously? Are my two biggest fears really both occurring right now?

I must have done something really horrible. I must be getting punished for something.

Not only is it storming like crazy. Oh no, that just couldn't be enough to scare me out of my socks.

No, when I came to bed about 45minutes ago and flicked on my light, it was just in time to see a cockroach about the size of half my pinkie finger sprint across my desk. Mind you I'm absolutely terrified of bugs, especially cockroaches, and for some reason this fucker chose my room when I have the cleanest one in the house. Before I had a heart attack or burst into tears Kelli killed it for me with our bug spray. But how can I now possible sleep if I'm petrified there are more sneaking around my room? What if they crawl on me at night? Oh God...why me?

I am so scared. It's 2:30am and I don't know when I'll be able to fall asleep. What with me keep thinking I see cockroaches running all around and the thunder making my heart go wild...I don't see much sleep in my future.

I'm curled up on my bed right now, I'm leaving the lights on all night, and I'm watching, just waiting to see another bug. Oh God, Oh God, Oh God. I wish I had a guy here right now to make me feel safe. My dad's killed plenty of bugs for me in my lifetime...I'm sure he'd watch for them. If my brothers were here they'd probably just tell me I'd better not close my eyes or the bugs would all come out of hiding and crawl on me. And I already called Kyle but he was having none of that being woken up in the middle of the night to comfort his girlfriend stuff.

Oh jeesh. I'm petrified. And don't hate. Yes, I'm scared of lame stuff but I can't help it! oooohhhh...I can just feel those little bug eyes watching me. And damn you thunder, quiet down!

No this wasn't the cockroach on my desk but it looks close enough. And I can't look at this picture even anymore! Why did I post this!? It's making me even more scared! Wahhhh

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Spring Registration? Already?

Welp, I registered for Spring 08' classes today and while it did go smoother than registration has in a long was by no means perfect. But then again, this is the University of Illinois' ED program so what can you expect? They and the other departments just can't seem to get their shit organized. Ah well, I'm registered for 17 hours and may add one more class, but then again I really don't think any extra stress will be good for me. Well- Here's what I got so far:

9-10:20 - History 446 (England Under the Tudors 1485-1603)
11- 12:20 - History 396 ("It's A Man's World": Critical Inquiries into Black Masculinities)
1-2:00 - History 366 (Scientific Though II)
(Work @ night)

8-11 (ish) - Highschool Teaching Observation
11-1:00 - SPED 205 (Intro to special education)
4-6:00 - Curriculum and Instruction 335 & 473 (some Bullshit Teacher's tech class)

Ditto Monday

8-11:00 - Curriculum and Instruction 401 (Observation Discussion)
11- 12:00 - Ed Psych (I don't even know what the topic is, I just know I have to take it)
4- 5:00 - Ed Psych Discussion

1- 2:00 - History 366
(Work @ Night)

So let's see here, My Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are only History classes and get out fairly early, but I have to work at night. And my Tuesdays and Thursdays are all Education classes that last from 8am to 4 or 5 in the evening.

Oh good, this should be a fun semester. (Enter Sarcasm) I really am excited about that History class over Black Masculinities. It hopefully will be interesting. But I am none to pleased about that England Under the Tudors history course. I don't know if you remember me complaining your ear off last Spring semester...but I had this Professor whom I absolutely hated, and I had to write a brutal 20 page paper on the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre for? Yes, well she's the professor of this Tudor class. Good God, I thought I was finished with her. Forever. I've never despised someone more and I don't wanna take her class!! Wahhhhh!!!! She makes us read and write soooooo much!!!!!!!! Get your ears (or I guess eyes really) for A LOT of complaining from me next semester.

In utterly and completely un-related news I thought I'd share these two little coincidences with you. First, My waitress number at Minneci's (which is buttoned on my apron and on every ticket I write) is 39. My dad's birthday is 3/9. Second, this huge HUGE crane I walk past multiple times every day has the giant initials of JMC on it. My mom's! Janet Marie Cummins. Nice to see your always with me Mom and Dad.

Home Next Thursday For Break!! Can't Wait!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

With a Capital "F"

I just want to send out a big "FUCK YOU" to Speech Communications.

Well, there you have it; Fuck you SPCM

Sunday, November 4, 2007


This puppy is almost as sad as I am.

I'm bummed. Kyle just left, and I hate it when he leaves. I literally go from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows from when we're together to when he leaves. And it just sucks that I'll have this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach the rest of the evening and tomorrow morning when I wake up and realize he's not here anymore.

I hate, hate, hate not knowing when the next time I get to see the guy I love again is. It sucks. I'm tired of long-distance crap. I want to be with him. Damn school. Yuck, I just wish there was something that could make goodbyes less painful.

I'm also bummed about the time change. Getting an extra hour of sleep was awesome but this being dark outside at 5:15 sucks. There should either be snow on the ground for this to be acceptable or I should be on a Christmas break at home snuggled up next to the x-mas tree.

Speaking of school breaks, I realized today I only have three full weeks left of the semester. What?!!! I know! I have this upcoming bitch of a week. And then next week I'll only be here from Monday to Wednesday (Going home to the burbs on Thursday for Thanksgiving break). And then when I get back from that break we only have 2 full weeks of classes to go! (And of course icky sicky Finals week). But that's insane to think about!! I cannot believe how fast this semester has gone.

But it's not over yet and alas I must go write a stupid History thing and study up on my Speech for Tuesday. And of course mope around about Kyle leaving. :(

Friday, November 2, 2007

Recap and Strike!

First things first. Halloween this year was good, good fun. At Minneci's we did the 80's theme and I can't complain about that. Working in oversized bright clothes and obnoxious side ponytails is quite fun indeed. And as you know, at night I was a Candy Striper Nurse. As slutty as I felt, I really didn't look that slutty. Especially compared to some whores we saw. Oops, did I say that?

The girls and I (Luz, Alex, MJ, Kelli) started drinking at our apartment and made our way over to Firehouse which was having a $2 beer/Costume Contest big blowout. It was tons of fun. However, we did not enter the costume contest nor did drink that much beer. No, the night for us consisted of numerous fishbowls and pumpkin shots. And of course, a lot of inappropriate, insanely bad dancing that was just sooo funny. It was a good time. We got drunk, had a bit of drunken disagreement (my first drunk fight ever!) Yet all was resolved and now just funny.

Seriously though we were drunk. Those fishbowls were loaded with alcohol and I was still drunk until about noon the next day. I walked to my speech class at 9 in the morning, drunk dialed my mom and told her all about the previous evening. Then in class (which lasted until 11) I found myself swaying in my chair and finding everything really funny. Oh, and I did the Soulja Boy dance in front of my class. Ooops, embarrassing. Then I had to go to a meeting with my SPCM TA where the sick feeling started to set in. Finally, I ended the morning with a trip to Walgreens where I picked up a bunch of drunk food. This was seriously the first time I've ever remained drunk the day after a night out. I never thought it could happen for real. Oh but it can. Then of course my afternoon was filled with an uncomfortable hangover.

Oh well. It was worth it. Good fun!
Me in my Nurse's costume! See, not to slutty right? The real question is....Is my head as big as I think it is?
The Three Roomies!!!! Marty as (my much recommended costume choice) the woman from Hitchcock's "The Birds". Ahhh! That scary crow was attached to her outfit! Kelli, as a slutified version of the Lion from the Wizard of Oz. And yours truly as a nurse. Cuteness!
The five of us with our first fishbowl of the night!! We are Loving it!

Now totally off the subject I just thought I would fill ya'll in on some stuff going on at campus. Namely a strike that's looming and according to our professors is looking like it might really happen. The Service Union on campus is possibly going to strike due to their frustrations over (mainly) pay. Although, I do believe there is some anger over some bullshit moves the University pulled last spring on the poor custodians here.

Anyway, this strike has been in the works since a couple of weeks ago. And the university is just refusing to compromise with the Union. Many of my professors and TA's thought the strike was going to occur next week but according to my History Professor this afternoon, he has "informed knowledge" that the strike will now not occur until closer to finals. Unless of course the University stops pissing everyone in this world off and creates a fricking fair deal.

Normally, the prospect of having classes cancelled would be fun. However, having the campus virtually shut down would not be fun. This strike would include every custodian, ground worker, Resident hall cleaner, and Dining hall cooks/workers. And for this to happen around Finals time? Yeah, let me tell you; I just really don't want my whole schedule fucked up in such a huge way. Hopefully enough people will berate our Chancellor so some compromise can be worked out. If Whitney Cummins is campaigning for classes to remain in effect than you know this much be serious!!!!

Here's a Daily Illini link for a little more insight into some of the arguments going on. While probably not the most comprehensive source, if you're interested at least you'll know something more.

Anyway, I've got to go get ready for work and Kyle's visit this weekend!!! Woohoo!!!!!!

Till next time, Adios Amigos!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Have a Spooky Day!
(Turn sound on) If you dare...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dear Fall,

Oh how I love you. I love you so much I forgive you for being the season in which school starts up and becomes incredibly difficult. I love you so much I could never move to a warm area where Fall doesn't occur as it does here. (Despite my love of summer months). I love you so much I want to be married in your season. I love you so much I'm already excited to have kids to give me an acceptable excuse to run and jump in leaves again.

Speaking of leaves I love the colors you turn them. The reds, yellows, oranges....all my favorite colors! I love the scrunch the leaves make when I walk on them, and I go out of my way to stomp them. I love your smell Fall. I love the smell of burning leaves. I love the not to hot, not to cold weather you provide. I love when you last a really long time so Winter doesn't come to soon. I love the holidays you have; Halloween, Thanksgiving. I love that the bugs start to disappear as you appear. I love that walking past trees with coffee in hand seems like the perfect thing to do. I love the presence of football you bring. What says fall more than the sound of crashing pads, grunts, and whistles?

I love the flavors associated with you; pumpkin, pumpkin spice, apple, apple cinnamon, hot cider. I love that wearing jeans, a sweatshirt, and flats provides the perfect warmth and comfort. I love that squirrels are out constantly looking for acorns and I get to watch them play. I love looking at you Fall. How perfect you are!

(Your loyal fan)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Breaking News!

Ok, well just for Nate.

They've finally torn down Dup-It.

It's a big hole in the ground. Sad.

No word yet what's moving in. Possibly a copyright infringing Copy shop?
Oh wait....

Thursday, October 25, 2007

A List of 3's

Three Things That Scare Me:
1. Bugs- I once heard if all bugs were taken off the planet the world would end. In this case, I'm all about Armageddon.
2. Tornadoes- Any time a severe thunderstorm is in the vicinity I freak. Look, the movie Twister severely traumatized me. You know, when her dad died? Sad.
3. ET- Yes the alien ET. True, it is a great movie and he is pretty damn funny to watch. But the image of him running through the woods at night with his heart glowing is S.C.A.R.Y. I'm been secretly afraid all my life that he is hiding behind my bed. Waiting to do what? I don't know, but I don't want to find out.

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Kyle- His sarcasm and wit are so fun to listen to. Being around him always makes me smile.
2. My Friends- Seriously the amount of jokes we have is insane. I'd be a gloomy, angry person without them.
3. My Brothers- They're funny! And alot of my humor comes from them.

Three Things I Love:
1. My Family- My Mom, Dad, Nate, Brady, and two sister-in-law's are all so amazing. I love them all!
2. Kyle and his family- Do you know how great it is to have a boyfriend and second family you love as much as your own family?
3. My Friends- Again, I would be lost without them.
And can I have a 4th? 4. Dogs- Everything about them makes me a happier person.

Three Things I Hate:
1. Dumb People- Just stop doing those annoying, ridiculous, stupid things and I'll like you!
2. Not having enough free time- Sometimes I just want to relax!
3. Messiness- Ick. I'm all about appearances.
Three Things I Don’t Understand:
1. Anyone besides myself- Seriously, what are you guys thinking sometimes?!
2. Math- Who the hell gives a shit about numbers?
3. Seriousness- What's the point of life if you're not having fun?
Three Things On My Desk:
1. Empty Starbucks coffee container- Have I mentioned how important coffee has become to my life?
2. Dirty Bowl and Spoon- For my repeated and endless oatmeal. I eat that stuff nonstop these days.
3. Post-It's Galore- God, I love you Post-It's.
Three Things I’m Doing Right Now:
1. Writing in my Blog (Duh).
2. Thinking how I should be doing this 12 page paper due tomorrow (Whoops).
3. Wiping my runny nose on my sweatshirt sleeve- It's a bad, bad, nasty habit.
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Live in my dream home- I can picture it exactly. Now I just have to find it.
2. Have kids and buy lots of dogs- I have lots of love to give!
3. Change some lives for the better- Hey, I'm not just being a teacher to teach History.
Three Things I Can Do:
1. Bullshit- It's bad I'm so good at this.
2. Procrastinate- You know.
3. Organize- I should be a life-planner for people
Three Things I Can’t Do:
1. My Hair- Long, straight, simple? Amen
2. Not smile if I see a puppy/dog- Do I sense a theme here?
3. Run- Worst. Runner. Ever.
Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. Me- I love to talk to and analyze people. I'm like your personal phychologist.
2. The Bible- Believe it or not, there are some pretty important ideas going on in that thing.
3. Yourself- You always know what's best for you.
Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. The devil on your shoulder- He's naughty
2. Judgy people- Who cares what they say!
3. Hanson- You're one reprieve is MmmmBop.
Three Things I’d Like To Learn:
1. How to cook better
2. How to stop criticizing myself
3. How to get my nose to stop running all over creation.
Three Favorite Foods:
1. Icecream- I'm going to prove you can live off of this deliciousness alone.
2. My Mom's Christmas Cookies- Oh wait, can I live off of these too?
3. Everything- What? I'm a food person.
Three Things I Regret:
1. Not ever breaking a bone as a kid- Seriously, aren't we all supposed to do that? When will I ever feel that pain!?
2. My many mistakes- A few to many to list.
3. Breaking a Candle then lying and blaming it on my dog, Cassie- Whoops, sorry Mom.
Three Things I'm Going to Do After I Finish This:
1. Finish this 12 page paper- I swear!
2. Watch all my TV Shows- Yea, yea, yea!
3. Wipe my nose-....With a Kleenex! Groundbreaking, I know.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Hell yes I got an "A" on my Chinese History Midterm!! Boo fucking Yah!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Superman that Ho!

That title has nothing to do with my blog. The song just makes me laugh like nobody's business and I can't stop thinking about it so why not write about it too? Of course, the fact that a 16 year old boy is rapping about superman-ing some girl is semi-disturbing but these days. Don't know what it means? Well take your innocent ass to and take a gander at superman. You'll be surprised. Well at least I hope you are for God's sake.

So....I haven't written in over a week. Yes, yes, you know what's coming...I've been busy...wah wah wah. True dat. I've been super busy. But I don't feel like reviewing my week and nothing to exciting happened so I'll just discuss some things that I either A. haven't talked about in forever or B. Just want to so leave me alone about it ok!?

1. Breyer's Fried Ice Cream: Fuck yeah Breyer's came out with a Fried Ice Cream Flavor. If your a fan of this Mexican dessert then let me tell you: Get your paws on this shit. It is sooooo good and pretty damn near tasting to the real thing. This weekend Kyle and I got two cartons of it. There is one left, and my greedy ass can't wait to eat it next time I get stressed out. Seriously, it's a good thing I don't have a car cuz I would be driving to Super Wal-Mart every day to get that stuff. Yum Yum cinnamon honey icecream with caramel-honey swirls and chunks of those fried cinnamon sugary tostada pieces. DELICIOUS!

2. Kyle's Visit: Muy Excelente! It was so good to see my boyfriend! I haven't seen him in two months and we got to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. That's a long ass time. But it's been fun. And the best news of all? He got me flowers!! For the first time in 4 years!! And they were my favorite fall-themed type. Sadly, I can't just be grateful and hinted to him that maybe this shouldn't be a once every four years kinda surprise. Ok, I didn't hint. I flat out said it. But overall I had a wonderful weekend. So much fun!

3. The U of I Teaching Program: The head of the Education Program at University of Illinois (who is scary, bitchy, and a little cold) just sent out a personalized email (which never happens) to all Juniors in the Education program. Apparently she is concerned (along with our ed. professors, content professors, counselors, and teaching co-ops) for our mental health. Apparently they've all caught on that the changes they made to the ed. program this year is enough to make any "together" kid fall apart. Seriously. The things they are insisting we get done is ridiculous and overwhelmingly stressful. Thankfully their obviously starting to realize it. But alas, nothing will change for us poor Juniors. I suppose we'll just keep getting emails making sure none of use have pulled out the old noose yet.

4. Decatur: In case your wondering, student teaching stuff is still going great! Getting up early blows, but when I'm at the middle school I have a blast. And I get to teach my first full lesson the last Monday in November. Exciting!!

5. Purple nail polish: I read in some InStyle or People Style Watch that purple nail polish was going to take the place of the fad from last season; black and gray. And let me tell you, even if everyone else doesn't catch on...I'm all about it. I never did the black nails but this dark dark purple stuff rocks! I feel edgy but classy and love it 99%. 1% was deducted for it's chipping flaw.

6. The Office. Nuff said. That show just keeps getting better and better.

7. Free Samples. Every once in awhile I go online, fill out like 800 free sample things for cosmetics and all sorts of fun tolitries, and about 4-8 weeks later get like 10 free things! Doesn't seem worth it to you? Well then you just don't appreciate the joy of free items my friend.

And that is all for me now. I have a couple of history chapters I need to catch up on before bed. And 7 am is coming wayyyy to early. Night ya'll!

I Know You Don't Read This But.....

Happy 16th Birthday Justin!!!

Sweet Sixteen!!!

P.S. I'll be blogging for real later tonight. Whoops on the hold up.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Things Worth Mentioning about this past week:

* Had Dinner with Nate Tuesday night, which was both tasty and a good time. I really, really, really like visits from family members. Hint Hint.

* I for some reason or another stayed up until 5:30am Wednesday night (well Thursday morning) writing a paper. Thus creating a deadly combination of to to little sleep, to much stress, and to much time spent in the cold which ruined my what-could-have-been-fun Thursday evening.

* Worked like a dog Friday and Saturday night...But got the money to show for it...holla!

* Went out Friday night with two guys I work with (then met up with their fellow Rugby player friends) and had a fantabulous time. It's so good to hang out with a group of guys sometimes. They just like to have fun, fun, fun, and no drama.

* Saturday Luz, Kelli, and I went shopping for Halloween costumes. And I'm proud (well that might be a stretch) to say for the first time ever I'm going as something slutty. I've never done the whole "dress like a whore" on Halloween thing, but I can now officially check it off my lifetime to-do list. Kelli is going to be a slutified version of the lion from "The Wizard of Oz" and I'm going to be a Candy Striper Nurse. Oh yes, a naughty nurse. This is why I probably will not be posting Halloween pictures on my blog seeing as how my parents and brothers read it. But if I don't end up looking to much like a porn star (which I really hope I won't) pictures will indeed surface.

* And finally today have spent my time procrastinating as usual.....yes, it's becoming a dangerous addiction

Till Next Time!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Man it but suck to be a Wisconsin Fan today....

Seriously... first the Illini kicked major ass against the Badgers Saturday (HELL YES!!! Funnest game ever to watch!) Then the Packers tanked against the Bears last night. Ouch. Good ol' Illinois prevails as usual.

Not only does it suck to be a Wisconsin fan today, it sucks to be me today. Why you ask? Well, I've had it up to here (oh wait, you can't see me) with Midterms. I had my Illinois History midterm Friday which hopefully went well but required way to much concentration and studying. Then I had my Chinese History midterm about an hour ago (which I was forced to study for all last night and all this morning...and still have no idea whether I did good or not) and then after work tonight I get to pull an all nighter studying for my Early American History Midterm which is tomorrow at noon. Oh fun. More studying. More headaches. More nerves.

I can't wait, no I just can't wait, I can't wait for tomorrow afternoon to be here! (Sung to the tune of "Winnebago County Fair" for all of you North westerners)

Nap city. That's where I'll be.

One thing that cheers me up is the picture below. I found it on the internet the other night and find it absolutely hilarious for some reason. Seriously, every time I look at it I explode with laughter. Maybe you'll be like Marty and Kelli and not really find it that funny....but for God's sake it is!! Look! How does he stand? On his pizza point? And when you hold him you have to hold him flat? And when he lays he can't move at all I'd imagine. hehehe it's just so funny. I swear, I'm not having kids for like 8 years but I want to order this now and save it. Marty suggested it would be a good idea to have a party, put the kid in the costume in the oven, and pull him out as a surprise to guests. She's sick. (But obviously so am I ranting for an entire paragraph on pizza baby)

Friday, October 5, 2007


Hmmm...It's 3:30am and I'm pretty much just now starting to study for my big Illinois History Midterm later today.

Yep, sounds like Whitney Cummins to me.

Luckily I kill at cramming and getting good test grades. (Fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed!!!!!!!)

Eeek!! why do I alwayssss do this!!???

Thursday, October 4, 2007

My heart is on Fire!!

I have heart burn like you wouldn't believe right now.

As in, my chest hurts so bad its hard to sit upright at my computer at this point, but it's easier to sit upright blogging then to sit upright doing homework. I seriously feel like someone's set fire to my precious heart. Ouch! This is painful! I'm frustrated because I thought heartburn this bad happened a) only to really old people or b) to people who suck down greasy food all day. And I'm neither old nor did I eat crappy food today. My body is probably just pissed at me for something. Well screw you body.

And I've now taken several types of medication with nothing working yet. What a waste of energy swallowing pills. I could have used that energy to do something like eat greasy food.

Awww don't you all feel so bad for me? Poor little Whitney loves to complain. Yes I do. I'm a complainer. But I'm also a doer. I complain as I do things. And I do them well. So screw you.

Man, I'm being a bit catty today. It must be because I feel like I'm about to have a serious heart attack. Or heart failure. Or one right after the other.

So, switching gears...remember how I bragged about my last speech. The napping one? I was all proud of myself and thought I kicked major ass? Yeah, well.....I had to watch a video tape of it and it was brutalllllll. I still think I did really good, but I just hate the hell out of watching myself on tape. I'm already so fricking paranoid about the way I look....but when you see yourself on a low-quality tape recording it just does nothing for your self esteem. Some of the thoughts running through my head as I watched: Am I really that pale? Why is my face sooo long? I have a huge forehead! Why, oh why did I wear that unflattering shirt? Dear God does my chest really look like that? I need some new bra's ASAP!!

So as you see, I didn't enjoy that part of my day. I also don't enjoy this upcoming week which is Midterm hell. I have a midterm Friday (which I can't start studying for until tomorrow), Monday, and Tuesday. Oh, and they're all for my hardest classes. And they're all essay based. Oh fucking joy, just what I love. Studying so I can write another 5 page essay. Why did I have to pick a major where writing till your hand cramps up everyday is required?

I suppose because I love history, but that's looking at the bright side of things and I don't feel like doing that right now. Because if you've forgotten, my heart burns. I have heart burn. My heart is on fire.

Actually, the bright side to this is when I blog like this (complaining to no end) I find myself highly entertaining which makes me happy. I like being sarcastic. And if you take everything I say seriously, well I hope your heart starts on fire pretty soon you jackass.

And if you really want to feel sorry for me about anything you should feel sorry for my newest addiction. To TV that is. Not that i haven't been addicted for years but along with my roommates, I've found this fall I have wayyyy to many "shows". Such as: The Hills, Private Practice, America's Next Top Model, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, The Office, and Real World. This is troubling especially when I have no time to watch this amount of TV per week. Thank God for DVR and thank God for free time on the weekends. But curse my time being filled with midterm studying instead of TV watching for the next 5 days!

And curse my heart! Oh wait...that sounds really sad and like I'm just asking for bad things to start happening to me.

Ah seems it's time for me to go to bed. If I'm found tomorrow as a pile of ashes because my heart burned me to death then I just want to let you know only avid Blog readers are entitled to any of my stuff. But none of you can have my money. I'm greedy even in death.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Little bit of this, A Little bit of that

With all of these homework assignments, teaching responsibilities, and general school stress, there's alot I haven't written about as of late.

For example, I don't think I've written a word about how my Freeport home sold. And how in 2 weeks I'll officially be just another suburban girl down here at the U of I (God help me). Yep, it's pretty weird to think I'll never again see the house I've lived the past 21 years in. I was hoping to be able to make it home in the next weekends, but that hope keeps looking less and less likely. Especially because I have midterms up my ass the next few weeks. So I'm really (actually extremely) sad about never seeing my house again. I keep trying not to think about it so I won't have to feel so sad....but I know at some point it's going to hit me; the place with all those memories.....I'll never be there again.

It sucks. Especially because I become so attached to things and my home is no exception. I'm going to miss it so much. My yard, my pool, the family room I've spent so many lazy days in, our home at Christmas, the bright kitchen, my room, just everything. Plus my two dogs are buried there, Taffy and Cassie, and the realization I'll never get to say goodbye to them hit me pretty hard the other night. Sad. This is why I hate change so much. I don't want to say goodbye to my home, but I have no choice.

I also haven't written about how homesick I am. Not to ironic, seeing as how I soon won't have a real home. But lately, especially today and this weekend I've been feeling really really homesick. I miss my parents....I haven't seen them since they moved me in here and probably won't see them till thanksgiving. And that sucks. Most people like to go to college to get away from their parents. I just end up missing mine. And I miss Kyle. I haven't seen him since my birthday and won't see him until the weekend of the 20th (our 5 year anniversary) marking the longest period we've ever gone without seeing eachother; about 7 weeks. And let's face it, I pretty much miss everyone else as well: Nate, Brady, Grandma, Kim, Kenna.....why do I feel like I never see these people? And why do I feel so cut off from everything? This is the problem with being a complete end up like me.

This morning (despite what this blog's date says I'm writing this Monday afternoon) I went to my second day of teaching at Thomas Jefferson Middle School. It was alot of fun this week and I actually got to walk around the classroom and help the kids to things! I felt like a real teacher and it was excitttttttinnnnnggg!!! PLUS there was a pretty cool fight down the hall, this kid actually had to get arrested. Oh, and I found out the kids at TJMS aren't allowed to have water bottles at school because in the past there was one to many cases of the water being spiked. What!? 7th and 8th graders spike their water? Dear Lord, that's hardcore. Especially to a girl who didn't have a real drink until right before Freshman year of College.

I actually have alot more to talk about but I have to go leave for work. I'm so tired and I just want to sleep!! But now I'm off to work till 10ish. Boo :(

Happy October!

(My lovely home at Christmas.....sigh)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Late but (not-so) great!

Some of my Birthday pictures! Mind you, I'm drunk in 100% of these and excluded many many more which were just to shameful to show anyone. And don't forget to read my blog below this about my Middle School Adventure yesterday! Enjoy!

Me with my American birthday present pictures! Because I'm such a hard core America lover. Fuck yeah!

Marty, Me, Alex, and Kelli. And Kelli's chest.

Me happy as all hell during the 21st dance party. Yea to being 21!!!

So I love this picture for numerous reasons. 1. At this point all of us, allll of us were extremely wasted. 2. I have no idea who either of these guys were and for how long they were with us. Apparently they're Alex's freinds. And finally 3. the look on dude in the red shirt's facial expression. Priceless.

Watch out! I'm 21!!!!!!

You can just call me Ms. Cummins from now on...

Because that's what the kids call me and it is the most crazy insane thing ever. I've been called Ms. Cummins before, but it's usually been by teachers in highschool when I was being scolded or picked on to answer a question. However know hearing "Ms. Cummins" coming from a child looking to me as an authority figure is quite exciting....and weird.

So my experience at Thomas Jefferson Middle School went well. I'm really thinking I will enjoy my time there as an intern. And since your all dying to know how things went (I'm sure) here's how things went down on Monday:

Woke up at 5:45 am. I believe waking up before the sun does is truly the most painful thing a college student can do. Then I slowly got ready because my eyes were still half closed with sleep but was pretty much awake by the time my ride rolled in at 6:30. So the 1 hr. drive to Decatur wasn't to bad, just too early and too long.

We got there a bit before 7:30 and I was pleasantly surprised that the school wasn't a piece of shit. It was not as nice as my middle school but was not falling apart or ugly by any means. The school is virtually 50/50 black/white but 72% of their kids are economically disadvantaged! That is pretty sad and part of the reason why the school is "failing" state standards. Fuck state standards. Fuck no child left behind. (But I won't get into that now....ok, I will a little. If that Act isn't changed shortly it will be complete bullshit. Not saying No Child Left Behind doesn't have some good parts to it, but there are so many shit parts. I'm sorry, but when 90% of teachers completely hate an Act such as this....that should be saying something! It needs some work! And I want it done before I start teaching!) Okay, done with that.

Anyway, when we got to the school we listened to a presentation and were given a tour of the school by our on-site supervisor Mrs. Butt (hehe...and can you imagine, she taught middle schoolers for 30+ years!). She stressed to us the importance of what we're doing, the importance of meeting their standards (they have this crazy daily objectives requirements), and even made me tear up a bit when she told us how much our presence means to these kids who have nothing and how hard it is when we leave them at the end of the semester, like everyone else in their life has done before us. Sad. But thats why I want to be a teacher full time. I won't have to leave the kids I make a connection with. And I can hopefully fill the position of roll-model or figure they need in life.

After an hour I was finally able to meet Mrs. Woodward. I was placed in her class with two other U of I students; Molly and Caleb (both very nice). And Mrs. Woodward? Well, she is a character. She has this Louuuud BOOOOOMING voice that carries I'm pretty sure down the hallway. I know when I public speak I can have a commanding voice, but nothing like hers. Dear Lord she has a powerful voice. But she is very nice, laid back, and seems like she will be fun. I got to sit in on three of her classes (8th grade, getting ready for the Constitution test baby!) which were all reasonably well behaved. Sort of scary that I have to come up with a lesson and teach by myself to one of these groups though in the next month. Scary indeed. Because we were only there for such a short time on Monday though Molly, Caleb, and I weren't able to find out exactly what Mrs. Woodward expects of us each week. So not till next Monday I suppose.

And that was my morning in a nutshell. I learned two kids names; Trey (blonde haired, surfer looking, know it all - in a good way), Dylan (red head, quiet), and that alone is pretty impressive for me. I can only handle so many names at a time. The ride home went quick, especially because me and my two carpooling buddies swapped stories the whole time.

So all in all it was a good day. I'm excited to go back and excited to get to know the kids. I just wish I could have my own class already! Like my own class. Student teaching reminds me of babysitting in a way and the uncomfortableness that can come along with it. For example, you want to punish the kids sometimes, discipline them, or use your own methods you think will be effective but you fully can't because you don't want to piss off parents or over step your boundaries. Same thing for student teaching. How much can you yell at the kids, how much can it feel like your students when their just not? But when they're your own kids, and your own classroom....well, then I know I'll be much more comfortable and much more effective.

The rest of my Monday sucked pretty hardcore. I was sooooo ridiculously tired and had no time to sit and rest until I finished work at 9 pm last night. Ouch. Mondays (and Wednesdays) are looooooong days for this girl. But I can't complain, Thomas Jefferson treated me very well yesterday. Yea to that!

So I'm off to work on this paper that I keep putting off and putting off. Honestly, I am the worst procrastinator in the world. Anyone having flashbacks to last spring where I put off the 30 page paper till like a few nights before it was due? Yeah, I don't know if I'll ever be able to shake this procrastination thing. Hey, I work better under pressure anyway. But I guess I wouldn't really know otherwise.

Alrighty! I'm off! Happy Tuesday Evening all!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

You know what sucks?

...Having it already be 9 pm on a Sunday night and knowing I have to get up at 5:45 am tomorrow morning. It sucks hardcore.

So I begin my student teaching adventures tomorrow and I'm a bundle of all different emotions right now. Scared, nervous, excited, but mostly anxious because I just don't know what to expect. What I do know is I'm being picked up at 6:30am so me and my fellow carpoolers can make it to Decatur, IL by 7:30. (Of course I would be placed to student teach/observe in the farthest possible city). Then I know that all of the U or I students at Decatur will be given a tour of the school before meeting with our designated classroom teacher.

So this is where the anxious part comes in. I know I'm placed at Thomas Jefferson Middle School. I know I'll be working with 8th graders ( highschool till next semester), but I don't know anything about this Mrs. Jacqueline Woodward. Will she be nice? young? old? strict? helpful? God I hope so. I'm going to need plenty of help. All the people preparing us for this observation/student teaching adventure keep assuring us we won't be expected to do anything but observe our first day. But after that, it's completely up to your designated teacher. They could just want you to observe everyday and take roll call only, they could have you help out around the classroom, or they could insist you teach the lesson they yourself. Imagine, me teaching a history lesson to middle schoolers next week. Terrifying! Do I really know enough history to be teaching it? Really?

Yikes. It's a bit intimidating. Also because I know by the end of this semester I have to come up with and deliver a lesson of my very own. Jeesh. How is this happening already. Hopefully I'll have another U of I student in the classroom with me so there's some moral support close by. But per usual, I don't know yet if there will be.

I'm having trouble concentrating on homework today because all I can think about is tomorrow! How weird! I have this super nice professional outfit all laid out and know I'll look nice....but then....I know I'll feel so ridiculous. Let's be honest, I'm no professional. I just got trashed this weekend then drunk stumbled around my apartment trying to make mac and cheese at 3:30am Friday night. Now I'm supposed to blend in with real teachers who are real adults? Ha, this should be interesting.

I would also feel a bit better about life if i knew this upcoming week was going to be laid back. But no, I have a big paper due Friday and mounds of reading to do. Not to mention the fact that the next two weeks after this I have 3 more papers due, and two midterms. Joy.

Man oh man this could be insane. But for now I need to get going. I have to go to bed in a few hours to be ready for my big day tomorrow! Wish me luck!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I Have a Huge Head.....

But seriously I do. It's actually pretty massive compared to alot of peoples. I also have a huge forehead.

But I'm not talking about the actual size of my head today, I'm talking about how huge my head has become due to my domination of my speech yesterday. It was about napping, yes napping and I killed it. I got a huge round of applause, several hearty laughs, and many compliments by my fellow students. Since then, I've had a hard time squeezing my head through doorways.

I've also had a big boost because I received a $250 check in the mail yesterday. Thank God for that summer security deposit. It really came at a good time.

And it came at a good time because I'm already having to renew my lease for this apartment NEXT WEEK. Yes, leasing apartments here in Champaign-Urbana is completely insane, stupid, and ridiculous. They're also raising apartment prices ALL over campus because three new extremely expensive complexes are being built for next year.

Bullshit. It's so stupid I have to renew this lease when I've only been living here for one month. Ah well, what can I do.

Another good thing that happened to me is my Friday morning class got cancelled. Yea to sleeping in!! Cancelled classes are the best thing ever. Well one of the best. U of I's two snow days last year were pretty badass as well.

But look at me! Rambling about nothing and have lots to do to get done today! I'll write this weekend most likely about my fears of starting observing/student teaching this Monday. Dun, dun, dunnnnnn

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Things To Be Happy About...

1. Yesterday was the 220th anniversary of the Signing of the U.S. Constitution. Take that you bastard Brits!

2. Today is Tuesday, meaning I get to take a nap

3. Kyle might visit me this weekend!

4. I've been dominating at "Min" lately

5. I've only sneezed 5 times so far today, compared to my usual 500.

6. I've only seen 1 cockroach in our apartment in the past 4 days. Dare I assume our preventive measures are working?

7. I've recently come into possession of a cool ass $2 bill and a buffalo nickel.

8. As a matter of fact, I'm going to take that lovely Tuesday nap right now. I swear I'll write a real blog soon!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Important Update

I took a bubble bath today for the first time in years.

It was glorious.

Friday, September 14, 2007

And The Birthday Girl Is.......

Happy Birthday!!!!

Have a Fantastic Day!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

25! 25! 25!

Happy Birthday Nate!!!!!!!!

Have a Great 25th!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I Love Abe, But not his hall....

I've decided that Lincoln Hall at the University of Illinois is cursed. It's a dangerous place and should be avoided at all times...especially when wearing flip flops.

Not only have I had some of my worst classes ever in this building (Spanish anyone?), not only is it becoming so completely run down that the Daily Illini has featured several articles on its nasty appearance, not only does it lack any regulated temperature control, it is also a slick, slippery, dangerous place.

And let me tell's saying alot for me to be criticizing Lincoln Hall. Because I do love that Abraham Lincoln. Good guy.

Today when I was waiting for my class in the main entry, a girl in flip flops was rushing down the staircase from the big lecture hall. Well she was rushing....and then all of a sudden she was sliding, and then falling, and then rolling. I felt awful, not because 10 people watched her do it, but because it looked really painful. Then she made the situation really awkward by looking at everyone who watched her fall, incredibly red-faced, before running off.

Then I laughed.

I only bring this up because I've seen a billion people fall at Lincoln Hall. Oh yes, myself included. I decided to present my klutzy ways last Spring when my Sociology Discussion class got out early. I wanted to beat my class down the stairs so I rushed in front of everyone, unaware that Lincoln Hall staircases don't like slick flip flops, and within a few steps was sliding on my ass loudly and painfully in front of like 6 boys in my class. Awesome. Not embarrassing at all. And because I'm that classy I decided to make the situation even more uncomfortable for the boys behind me by loudly saying "Woooopppsssss!, Ouch!" Then the boys just got quiet until I quickly ran away.

Then they laughed.

I'm telling you, Lincoln Hall is cursed. Beware.

Oh, and here's a picture of me and Martha in Lincoln Hall last year. Posing with Abe Lincoln's head. Which I might add, burned the crap out of marty's hand with it's surprise scalding light bulb hidden back behind his dome.

See? Witchcraft.

Luz Tiene Viente Anos!!

Happy 20th Birthday Luz!!!!!!

Have a Wonderful Day!!
20, 20, 20, Hurray!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

W is for worry

I'm tired of always being so anxious. And so nervous, about everything, for no reason. I'm starting to think I need to be on some anxiety medicine 24/7 because I just have this feeling I'm giving myself ulcers.

I worry like crazy about every little thing. Sometimes I become semi-paranoid. It's a problem. A big one. Often when I start to freak myself out I try and calm down by telling myself its not that big of a deal. But 9 times out of 10 it doesn't help and I remain panicked until the situation that is worrying me is over. And whenever it's over I realize it wasn't that big of a deal.

So these anxiety issues started in highschool but I was able to keep check on them pretty well. I just feel like in this past year it's gotten kind of bad. I stress myself out way to much over every little detail in my life. The fact that I'm an upperclassmen in college and
already filling out applications for student teaching is really scary. The fact that I have no money saved up and need everything is scary. Every new class assignment I get, every new instruction I get for the teaching program is enough to freak me the hell out.

The only way I've been able to control these anxiety problems is to become super organized. Which I am. Almost to a fault. But even knowing exactly what I have to get done every day for the next week isn't enough. Because if one thing changes or doesn't happen I feel out of control.

Today I have a list of homework and projects to get done. It's already 3pm and I haven't started anything. Not because I'm being lazy...but because I know when I start I'm going to realize how much there is to do, and that will panic me.

I feel like there is always so much to get done, never enough time. But there is never really that much to get done and there always is enough time. I just worry myself way to much. I wish I knew a way to control it a little better. Because it's becoming an annoying hindrance to my life. I hate that it has an impact on my life and impacts those around me too. I know I annoy Kyle alot by how minute by minute I have to have things planned out and how much any change scares me or worries me. Any time I have to do something new I'll worry about it for days ahead.

It's really ridiculous. Obviously. It's something I'm going to work towards fixing this year because as someone who loves to have fun, laugh, and relax I just can't stand the constant knot in my stomach over pointless worrisome details.

So I really must get to that to-do list.......hopefully?

Friday, September 7, 2007

This deserves an "F"

Blogging is extremely difficult when you have nothing to say. Truly.

And I really have nothing to say. Other than the same-old, same-old boring crap I usually talk about. Such as: My classes are going ok, I'm beginning to get really stressed out about my schoolwork, I am way to tired, I have to work tonight (ick), I'm working tomorrow night too (ick), and I have a shit load of homework to get done Sunday (ick).

Unless you want to hear about how muggy it was in Champaign today leaving my hair looking like straw at this moment. Or how I've been eating fruit snacks lately like it's my full time job. But I'm sure you don't care about those things and neither the fuck do I.

Oh but I do have one thing to say. My friend is starting in the Illini football game tomorrow! He's number 44, defense, and his name is Brit Miller. Look for him

But other than that my life is boring and school is dominating it. Lame

I promise next time I write I'll say something worthwhile. Never mind, that's to ambitious of a promise.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Back to Reality

The weekend can't be almost over, It just can't!! I had way to much fun and I am really really not looking forward to going back to the real world. Damnit, I wish my 21st birthday was everyday :(

Friday was pretty amazing in every way. My classes went quickly enough, I got tons of phone calls, text messages, facebook messages, and cards/presents from the people I love. That may be my favorite part about birthdays, getting to hear from everyone close to you. And Friday night was a fucking blast. I got free liquor when I went to go pick up some pre-gaming alcohol. Then I got free cover at Brothers (a bar) and finally got free shots and beer all night long. All for wearing a little pin that said Birthday Girl. It was amazing. I've probably never taken so many shots in my life and I've definitely never had so many complete strangers buy them for me but I had a BLAST!!!! There may be several blank moments that I can't seem to remember from the night....but what I do remember was awesomeness!!!!!!!!!

The only damper on my birthday was returning home to find that our apartment had been broken into. Although we don't know if it was really truly broken into, since nothing was stolen. But we do know somebody kicked our door completely in, breaking off the wooden and metal door frame. So instead of everyone getting to go pass out upon returning from the bars, we had to stay up and wait for the police to come. And then poor Kelli had to sleep in the living room to make sure no one came into our apartment (since the door wouldn't close).

Thankfully the door is now fixed....I just wish I knew exactly what the hell happened. Hopefully it was some drunk guys messing around. Because our door was fricking Hulk Smashed in.

Other than that particular incident the rest of the weekend was amazing. Kyle came and visited and we had a great birthday dinner at Olive Garden where I ordered my first restaurant drink! We also did a ton of grocery and apartment shopping for me too. Fun! Then last night Kyle, Kelli, and I went out to dinner again where I ordered another restaurant drink (pretty much the most amazing thing to do ever. That's what I've been waiting for). All in all I had such a fabulous weekend. Any time Kyle comes to visit makes me so happy but when it's my birthday too!? Well then it's just extra nice.

Sadly I do have to go back to reality now though. I haven't done any homework since Thursday afternoon meaning I have a shit ton to get done today. So I had better get on it! Pronto!

But I'd like to thank everyone for the birthday wishes! Thanks Mom and Dad for the presents and cake!!!!!!!! I'll write soon and hopefully post some birthday pics too!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I'm a mean kid....A mean 21 year old kid!!!!!

I like my new habit of coming to the History Library everyday between classes and hogging up one of the few computers for my own use. Rather than let kids use it to look up books or do homework, I instead snatch it and use it to blog and check Perez Hilton. Whatever, finders keepers. I just don't want to have to walk all the way home to use my laptop when I only get an hour break. Still, I don't know why I get this sick satisfaction out of taking something away from other poor nerdy history kids. I'm a terrible person.

But I might add, not a terrible speaker. In fact, I just fucking owned my first speech. Everyone else's sucked. Mine was amazing. Ok, maybe I'm being a little cocky. It's that 21 excitement creeping up on me.

Which oh my goodness! oh my goodness! Tomorrow is my birthday! It's sort of scary to think that I've been waiting for this day since I was young enough to realize that 21 is a big big birthday. Once I finish classes tomorrow, you bet your ass I'm walking to the liquor store to buy me some goodies. I had better get carded too. I'm so excited to turn 21, but not so excited to then realize my next birthday is 22. Because 22 seems like a real adult age and that's pretty damn scary.

I went to an education meeting yesterday where we discussed student teaching and how in a little over a year, I will be a full time student teacher!!! Sort of exciting, sort of terrifying. The leaders of the meeting also overly drilled into our head how important it was for us to act professionally....on the Internet. Now this just doesn't sit well with me. I fully intend to erase my Facebook account Spring of 09 when I get my full time teaching position. But until then, when I'm just going into classrooms, I don't want to feel like I'm being watched straight out of 1984. And they really insisted they are keeping tabs on us. I don't see the problem in having some pictures of me drinking on facebook. Of course if I was going buckwild that would be a different thing...but that's just not the case.

I also am none to thrilled that if any administrator or teacher googles my name they can possibly find their way onto my blog. This seems like a total invasion of privacy. I don't mind if strangers read my blog, but I don't want strangers reading my blog so they can find something to get pissed off about or get offended by. Because lets face it, I'm blunt, use not-so-nice language, and tell the damn truth on this blog. But it's like my diary so I feel like I have the right to do that. Plus it's not as if that has anything to do with my professional mannerisms.

But I won't let little silly things such as that worry me today. No, no, no. I have one class left then intend to use the rest of the evening to relax and prepare for my birthday. Hurray for turning 21!!! Hurray for Labor Day weekend!!!!

12.5 HOURS AND COUNTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

You Know I'm No Good

So lately there has been some big drama dealing with my classes and my inability to get registered for a certain Illinois History class. Most of the drama stemmed from the fact that my advisors here act like they are incapable of doing their job and helping out a student. Honestly, they get paid to sit in front of a computer all day and to do what? Sit there and tell me they have no control over what classes I can get into? Bullshit. Their lazy and I hate them both.

Thankfully after months of trying and two weeks of classes I finally got into the class ON MY OWN with no help from dumb and dumber. What a bunch of noodle brains. I do love this university, but sometimes I believe it severely lacks any strong student/advisor/professor connection.

So the advisors here suck but I can't pretend I'm little miss perfect. In fact, I am no honorary student. Lets see, today was the 5th day of class and I already slept late today, missing my first class of the day. Whoops. Luckily for me it was the first time that particular discussion group had met so I was able to email a little white lie (okay a big fat lie) to my TA about why I missed class. I feel bad for lying, but sadly not to bad. I guess I have no morals. I guess I need a new alarm clock too. I'm not the type to sleep late and miss class so hopefully this will be a one time thing. But seriously, who knows with all of these 8am-ers. Not to complain (any more than I already do) but they're killing me.

Another thing that is killing me is this God awful Speech Comp class. I don't mind speaking in public, in fact my highschool speech teacher believed I gave wonderful speeches. I just hate giving lame, pointless, ridiculous speeches. Like the one I'm being forced to give Thursday about "something central to who I am". Um.......hating this class, assignment, U of I advisors, and 8 am classes is pretty central to who I am right now.

But I don't think that will work.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

T-minus less than one week......

I don't know if I believe it myself, but I've finished my first week of classes and virtually my first weekend back at school. Lets just pray that the rest of this year goes by so smoothly, with such little work, and so very quickly.

I also don't know if I believe that in one week from now I'll be 21. This should be a very exciting birthday. Thus far the plan for my birthday (Friday) is for all my friends to meet at Luz, Shubbu, and Alex's apartment and do a little pre-gaming there. Then we'll head out on a small (since we're all so poor right now) bar crawl, where friends of friends will meet up with us. I'm thinking I'll have an amazing time and I'm so fricking excited!! Then Saturday Kyle is coming to visit me for the weekend which will be great since Monday is labor day. I can't wait!!

So back to this last week. It went well. Really well. Thus far, I've bought about half of my books ($300) and am just putting off buying the books I know I'm going to hate reading. Like for History of Traditional China. Seriously, I know I'm going to hate, hate, hate that class. Really though, none of my other classes seem that hard, or at least nothing that I can't handle. I'm hoping this will be a good semester.

Yesterday we finally got our cable and Internet installed. We got some basic high-speed Internet and decided since we're saving so much on rent, to splurge a little and buy cable with DVR. This is like heaven to us. No more missed episodes of Grey's or Top Model!! Yea! I'm also pretty pumped about the 400 channels. Not that any college student needs that many distractions.....

Yesterday also has gone down as my first official night out as a Junior and I had a blast. We (Kelli, Luz, Shubbu, Alex, and I) started off at our apartment where I proudly made a drink that has been named after my nickname. "The Winky" includes a frozen can of lemonade, about half a shitload of strawberry margarita mix, a good couple dumps of Rum, and a little more than half a bottle of Tequila. Stir well, serve with ice, probablyyy get drunker than expected. We then went to an apartment party a couple doors down which was semi lame but we met some nice neighbors and took advantage of their keg. Then we played some classic drinking games, and finally headed to some apartment party where we stole beer (totally unnecessary, we were already drunk) and danced the night away. We left just as my maternal instinct kicked in and I was trying to take care of this random totally-smashed/trashed/lost little freshman asian boy. I just felt sorry for him. But not to sorry, Kelli and me left the party very very happily.

So that was my night. It was fun and even better; I feel totally fine today. I'm thinking of it as practice for Friday night. Woohoo 21!!!! But I can't think of that now because I sadly have to go organize my week and get a little homework done. Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll Write soon!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Officially a (Unproductive) Junior

My very first day of college as an upperclassman was quite eventful because of how uneventful it turned out to be.

Like any good stock American girl, I of course had to dress up for my first day of class. This sadly meant waking up at 6:50am (which was none to enjoyable) so I could make it on time to my 8am, 3-hour hell of a class. Getting up early was painful, largely because as usual, I am unable to get any sleep the night before school starts. Therefore, getting attractive this morning was even more painful, especially because undereye bags and dark circles are impossible to get rid of.

But I did manage to arrive to my first class on time (early as a matter of fact) only to watch 8am come and go, 8:10 come and go, and finally at 8:20 my classmates and I agreed to fuck that and just leave. What kind of professor skips the first lecture without sending out any sort of notification? I would say a horrible one, but because he's cancelled all Monday 8-11am classes until late September (when we get field placed to a highschool) I cannot help but loving the guy. So pretty much, my first class of Junior year was a bust.

Then after a very satisfying nap I headed to Illinois History which should prove to be a very enjoyable class. I found out I'm the only lonesome kid in class from Northwest Illinois other than that sad little boy from Boylan. But he doesn't count.

That class was cut short, lasting only about a half hour. I then headed to my final class of the day, History of Traditional China (ick). There I found exactly what I expected; a classroom full of Asians and a few scared looking white kids. Then once again, for the second time, I had a professor not show up for class. His TA however, explained to us that our professor was in another country...which I suppose is a valid excuse. So the TA simply went through the class syllabus (which proves my professor is a nut case; He won't allow us to chew gum, has the most insane attendance policies, and repeatedly referred to China as an imaginary Dinosaur....yeah, I don't get it either) and then let us leave. This lasted all of 5 minutes.

That of course means that my first day of school my Junior year had all of 35 minute actual class time. But I'm not complaining.....Oh no, I'm not complaining.

But I am tired. And do need sleep. This early rising stuff is really not my cup of tea. So off to bed I am.


Monday, August 20, 2007

The Beginning of Hell....Fall Semester that is

Well I didn't write while home in Freeport (Of course I didn't!) And I'm back here in Champaign with a full day of living in my new apartment under my belt.

So I have a ton to talk about. Unfortunately, we haven't yet gotten our internet set up meaning I'm writing this in the Union at a table with no electrical outlet, so time is pressed. However I shall try to get mucho covered.

My week home in Freeport passed as usual, in the blink of an eye. For some reason though, this particular trip back went really really fast. Maybe because I was so thoroughly dreading coming back and starting classes. I did quite alot (and alot of nothing) while home including; going to the races twice to watch Kyle, made an excellent meal of homemade Manicotti, Italian green beans, and garlic bread, visited my grandma, had lunch with Caitlin (best friend from highschool), ate lots of icecream, went apartment shopping for my parents with my mom, shopped till I almost dropped, watched my father's Intersquad football game, took Kyle's dog Zoe to the dog park, and many other random not really worth mentioning things.

So Saturday evening my parents moved me into my apartment. Which I love!!! And it's semi-amazing how I have so much love for my apartment seeing as how its basically a piece of shit. It's not even half as nice or new as my summer apartment but it's wayyyyyy bigger and for some reason I immediately felt more comfortable in it and had that wonderful feeling of this is home. It really is humongous. And my bedroom is fricking gorgeous (I shall post pictures this weekend hopefully). Yet as I said earlier, much of this apartment is shit. No thanks to Campus Property Management who obviously did nothing to help make it look nicer. Literally we have millions of little holes in our living room wall, dirty paint, peeling paint, broken shit all over, BUT it is wonderfullllll. And I just can't figure out why I love it so much more than out summer apartment, but I'm glad I do. Oh, we also have a pigeon nest on Kelli and my balcony where a mother Pigeon (Pidgey) and her two baby Pigeons live (Paris and Nicole).

So I'm generally very pleased with my apartment and it was so nice to get to see Kelli again. I've missed her! We're good together seeing as how we're both always broke, kind of mean, like to laugh alot, and have a good understanding of one another. Last night Kelli, Bryce (her boyfriend), MJ, and I just relaxed, had a few drinks, and watched High School Musical 2 (thanks for reminding me Amanda!!!).

But tonight it's back to the real world. Back to work. I can't even complain though because I need money like you wouldn't believe. I thought I was ok. Knew I had enough money for September rent and start up utilities. Figured I would somehow make it work buying decorative apartment things (for general living area). But thennnnnn I remembered I had books to buy. Shit. Fucking books. How did I forget this? I have no idea. But I literally have no money to buy books which will probably cost me $500+. Ouch. So if you have extra money, how about you throw some my way? I seriously believe college book prices are the biggest rip off in the entire world. I spent $700 last semester on books and at book buyback only got $60. Yeah. What the fuck.

So anyway, work is not something I'm really looking forward to, but something that is utterly necessary. Luckily I have the entire day off tomorrow (since I only work Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays this semester) before we start school Wednesday. I can't believe classes are ready to start!! Because I'm certainly not ready for this. Especially since I have wayyyy to many 8am's. Here (if you care) is a look at my fall schedule:
8-11am : Curriculum and Instruction (at a highschool)
1-2pm: History of Illinois
2-3:20pm: History of Traditional China
4:30-? : Work
8-9am : US History discussion
9:30-11am: Speech Communications :(
12-1 pm: US History
Exact same as Monday
Exact same as Tuesday minus History Discussion
10-11am: Some education class
1-2 pm: History of Illinois
4:30-? : work

So all in all, not a horrible schedule, just way to early.

But dear me! Look at the time! I need to start the long trek home so I have time to grab a quick bite to eat and shower before work. Hopefully we'll have the internet set up ASAP so I'll be able to write in the next two days. Wish me luck! Fall Semester Begins!