Friday, December 5, 2008

A real blog?

What could be a blog anymore, with me not mentioning the drama at work? I suppose those outside of my family haven't heard the recent updates, so here goes:

- "C" had a miscarriage. A very sad thing indeed, but I'm sure "R" was thrilled.
- "C's" miscarriage was announced at work, in front of "N" who still had never even been officially informed about the entire situation.
- When "N" confronted "R" he denied it. Matter of fact, he said "C" was lying about being pregnant.
- Two days later, "R" decided to 'come clean' with "N". He told her that "C" just thinks they're dating and is always hanging on him. He also mentioned they 'only had sex once' and that's when "C" got pregnant. Oh, and he and his mom believe she did it on purpose.
-Three days later, "R" introduces "C" to nearly every customer at the restaurant as his girlfriend. Right in front of "N".

It's never ending I tell you! I also found out two more of my coworkers (who have never been mentioned on this blog) have been sleeping with one another. And of coures, that involved cheating on their significant others as well. Niceee. I work in a fucking whore house. Do you see why I turn to Spaghetti Cat? He's the only comfort I have in this crazy, mixed-up, sexually charged world.

Other than the work dramz, life has been steadily ticking along. My thanksgiving break was alright, but disrupted by my nagging conscious to work on all my homework. And this past week has been filled with numerous papers, little to no sleep, and mountains of stress.

And yet.....I haven't wanted it to end.
I only have THREE days of class left. And then a few finals and final papers. And then? I'm DONE with college. Yikes!

It is insanely unbelievable that I will be student teaching next semester. And while I'll be SUPA busy, I'm hoping blogging will serve as a good tool for stress relief. I just can't believe it though. I am FINISHED with college. I know I say it all the time, but where has the past four years gone??

What a bittersweet moment. I'm terribly sad to leave a place I've come to love. I tear up just thinking about leaving all the great friends I've made. And of course I'm going to miss the days of skipping class and no real responsibility. And yet....I have this huge new chapter opening in my life. And I get to go into my dream career.

Now, if only I could meet Spaghetti Cat, and my life would be complete. :)

Have a good weekend everyone!!!


Luz said...

winks i'm so sad ur leaving but u can always call in sick at work and have no responsibilities for a day. i plan on doing that when i get a real job.

Anonymous said...

Do you really think she had a miscarriage? Just throwing it out there.

Want to move to Kansas? Our restaurants are less whorish.

itskels09 said...

LOL @ spaghetti cat! I'm with Luz I'm gonna call off work any time I can!