Friday, October 31, 2008


Hap- Hap- Happy Halloween!!!!!

Have a spooky day!

P.S. My blogging routine should rapidly pick up here now. I've finally gotten through many hellish weeks.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Middle of the Road

I had an odd feeling today as I was changing clothes in the bathroom following my observations at a Champaign High school and before I went to a U of I class.

As I was changing out of my professional dressy clothes and into my college uniform (that is, jeans, hoodie, and flip flops) I literally felt my demeanor and attitude change.

When I walked into the bathroom in my nice clothes I felt confident, mature, and ready for the world.

When I changed I felt comfortable, defiant, and unaffected by the outside world.

Not that it's not great to know I can actually pull off the grown-up thing...
But I think for now (for these last few months) I'll enjoy my unique college self

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Well this is Me....

If having to write all of the TV shows you watch (12) on a Post-It so you can keep track and not miss any during the week is sad....
....Then cry me a river

If seeing this picture of Spaghetti Cat makes me burst into a fit of uncontrollable giggles (more so than Pizza Baby) is wrong....
....Then I don't want to be right.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm baaaaaaack!!

Six days later, countless scans, 2 trips to U of I Cites computer helpers, 3 hours on the phone to Dell Support and my computer is FINALLY virus free....
