Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Have a Spooky Day!
(Turn sound on) If you dare...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dear Fall,

Oh how I love you. I love you so much I forgive you for being the season in which school starts up and becomes incredibly difficult. I love you so much I could never move to a warm area where Fall doesn't occur as it does here. (Despite my love of summer months). I love you so much I want to be married in your season. I love you so much I'm already excited to have kids to give me an acceptable excuse to run and jump in leaves again.

Speaking of leaves I love the colors you turn them. The reds, yellows, oranges....all my favorite colors! I love the scrunch the leaves make when I walk on them, and I go out of my way to stomp them. I love your smell Fall. I love the smell of burning leaves. I love the not to hot, not to cold weather you provide. I love when you last a really long time so Winter doesn't come to soon. I love the holidays you have; Halloween, Thanksgiving. I love that the bugs start to disappear as you appear. I love that walking past trees with coffee in hand seems like the perfect thing to do. I love the presence of football you bring. What says fall more than the sound of crashing pads, grunts, and whistles?

I love the flavors associated with you; pumpkin, pumpkin spice, apple, apple cinnamon, hot cider. I love that wearing jeans, a sweatshirt, and flats provides the perfect warmth and comfort. I love that squirrels are out constantly looking for acorns and I get to watch them play. I love looking at you Fall. How perfect you are!

(Your loyal fan)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Breaking News!

Ok, well just for Nate.

They've finally torn down Dup-It.

It's a big hole in the ground. Sad.

No word yet what's moving in. Possibly a copyright infringing Copy shop?
Oh wait....

Thursday, October 25, 2007

A List of 3's

Three Things That Scare Me:
1. Bugs- I once heard if all bugs were taken off the planet the world would end. In this case, I'm all about Armageddon.
2. Tornadoes- Any time a severe thunderstorm is in the vicinity I freak. Look, the movie Twister severely traumatized me. You know, when her dad died? Sad.
3. ET- Yes the alien ET. True, it is a great movie and he is pretty damn funny to watch. But the image of him running through the woods at night with his heart glowing is S.C.A.R.Y. I'm been secretly afraid all my life that he is hiding behind my bed. Waiting to do what? I don't know, but I don't want to find out.

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Kyle- His sarcasm and wit are so fun to listen to. Being around him always makes me smile.
2. My Friends- Seriously the amount of jokes we have is insane. I'd be a gloomy, angry person without them.
3. My Brothers- They're funny! And alot of my humor comes from them.

Three Things I Love:
1. My Family- My Mom, Dad, Nate, Brady, and two sister-in-law's are all so amazing. I love them all!
2. Kyle and his family- Do you know how great it is to have a boyfriend and second family you love as much as your own family?
3. My Friends- Again, I would be lost without them.
And can I have a 4th? 4. Dogs- Everything about them makes me a happier person.

Three Things I Hate:
1. Dumb People- Just stop doing those annoying, ridiculous, stupid things and I'll like you!
2. Not having enough free time- Sometimes I just want to relax!
3. Messiness- Ick. I'm all about appearances.
Three Things I Don’t Understand:
1. Anyone besides myself- Seriously, what are you guys thinking sometimes?!
2. Math- Who the hell gives a shit about numbers?
3. Seriousness- What's the point of life if you're not having fun?
Three Things On My Desk:
1. Empty Starbucks coffee container- Have I mentioned how important coffee has become to my life?
2. Dirty Bowl and Spoon- For my repeated and endless oatmeal. I eat that stuff nonstop these days.
3. Post-It's Galore- God, I love you Post-It's.
Three Things I’m Doing Right Now:
1. Writing in my Blog (Duh).
2. Thinking how I should be doing this 12 page paper due tomorrow (Whoops).
3. Wiping my runny nose on my sweatshirt sleeve- It's a bad, bad, nasty habit.
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Live in my dream home- I can picture it exactly. Now I just have to find it.
2. Have kids and buy lots of dogs- I have lots of love to give!
3. Change some lives for the better- Hey, I'm not just being a teacher to teach History.
Three Things I Can Do:
1. Bullshit- It's bad I'm so good at this.
2. Procrastinate- You know.
3. Organize- I should be a life-planner for people
Three Things I Can’t Do:
1. My Hair- Long, straight, simple? Amen
2. Not smile if I see a puppy/dog- Do I sense a theme here?
3. Run- Worst. Runner. Ever.
Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. Me- I love to talk to and analyze people. I'm like your personal phychologist.
2. The Bible- Believe it or not, there are some pretty important ideas going on in that thing.
3. Yourself- You always know what's best for you.
Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. The devil on your shoulder- He's naughty
2. Judgy people- Who cares what they say!
3. Hanson- You're one reprieve is MmmmBop.
Three Things I’d Like To Learn:
1. How to cook better
2. How to stop criticizing myself
3. How to get my nose to stop running all over creation.
Three Favorite Foods:
1. Icecream- I'm going to prove you can live off of this deliciousness alone.
2. My Mom's Christmas Cookies- Oh wait, can I live off of these too?
3. Everything- What? I'm a food person.
Three Things I Regret:
1. Not ever breaking a bone as a kid- Seriously, aren't we all supposed to do that? When will I ever feel that pain!?
2. My many mistakes- A few to many to list.
3. Breaking a Candle then lying and blaming it on my dog, Cassie- Whoops, sorry Mom.
Three Things I'm Going to Do After I Finish This:
1. Finish this 12 page paper- I swear!
2. Watch all my TV Shows- Yea, yea, yea!
3. Wipe my nose-....With a Kleenex! Groundbreaking, I know.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Hell yes I got an "A" on my Chinese History Midterm!! Boo fucking Yah!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Superman that Ho!

That title has nothing to do with my blog. The song just makes me laugh like nobody's business and I can't stop thinking about it so why not write about it too? Of course, the fact that a 16 year old boy is rapping about superman-ing some girl is semi-disturbing but these days. Don't know what it means? Well take your innocent ass to and take a gander at superman. You'll be surprised. Well at least I hope you are for God's sake.

So....I haven't written in over a week. Yes, yes, you know what's coming...I've been busy...wah wah wah. True dat. I've been super busy. But I don't feel like reviewing my week and nothing to exciting happened so I'll just discuss some things that I either A. haven't talked about in forever or B. Just want to so leave me alone about it ok!?

1. Breyer's Fried Ice Cream: Fuck yeah Breyer's came out with a Fried Ice Cream Flavor. If your a fan of this Mexican dessert then let me tell you: Get your paws on this shit. It is sooooo good and pretty damn near tasting to the real thing. This weekend Kyle and I got two cartons of it. There is one left, and my greedy ass can't wait to eat it next time I get stressed out. Seriously, it's a good thing I don't have a car cuz I would be driving to Super Wal-Mart every day to get that stuff. Yum Yum cinnamon honey icecream with caramel-honey swirls and chunks of those fried cinnamon sugary tostada pieces. DELICIOUS!

2. Kyle's Visit: Muy Excelente! It was so good to see my boyfriend! I haven't seen him in two months and we got to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. That's a long ass time. But it's been fun. And the best news of all? He got me flowers!! For the first time in 4 years!! And they were my favorite fall-themed type. Sadly, I can't just be grateful and hinted to him that maybe this shouldn't be a once every four years kinda surprise. Ok, I didn't hint. I flat out said it. But overall I had a wonderful weekend. So much fun!

3. The U of I Teaching Program: The head of the Education Program at University of Illinois (who is scary, bitchy, and a little cold) just sent out a personalized email (which never happens) to all Juniors in the Education program. Apparently she is concerned (along with our ed. professors, content professors, counselors, and teaching co-ops) for our mental health. Apparently they've all caught on that the changes they made to the ed. program this year is enough to make any "together" kid fall apart. Seriously. The things they are insisting we get done is ridiculous and overwhelmingly stressful. Thankfully their obviously starting to realize it. But alas, nothing will change for us poor Juniors. I suppose we'll just keep getting emails making sure none of use have pulled out the old noose yet.

4. Decatur: In case your wondering, student teaching stuff is still going great! Getting up early blows, but when I'm at the middle school I have a blast. And I get to teach my first full lesson the last Monday in November. Exciting!!

5. Purple nail polish: I read in some InStyle or People Style Watch that purple nail polish was going to take the place of the fad from last season; black and gray. And let me tell you, even if everyone else doesn't catch on...I'm all about it. I never did the black nails but this dark dark purple stuff rocks! I feel edgy but classy and love it 99%. 1% was deducted for it's chipping flaw.

6. The Office. Nuff said. That show just keeps getting better and better.

7. Free Samples. Every once in awhile I go online, fill out like 800 free sample things for cosmetics and all sorts of fun tolitries, and about 4-8 weeks later get like 10 free things! Doesn't seem worth it to you? Well then you just don't appreciate the joy of free items my friend.

And that is all for me now. I have a couple of history chapters I need to catch up on before bed. And 7 am is coming wayyyy to early. Night ya'll!

I Know You Don't Read This But.....

Happy 16th Birthday Justin!!!

Sweet Sixteen!!!

P.S. I'll be blogging for real later tonight. Whoops on the hold up.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Things Worth Mentioning about this past week:

* Had Dinner with Nate Tuesday night, which was both tasty and a good time. I really, really, really like visits from family members. Hint Hint.

* I for some reason or another stayed up until 5:30am Wednesday night (well Thursday morning) writing a paper. Thus creating a deadly combination of to to little sleep, to much stress, and to much time spent in the cold which ruined my what-could-have-been-fun Thursday evening.

* Worked like a dog Friday and Saturday night...But got the money to show for it...holla!

* Went out Friday night with two guys I work with (then met up with their fellow Rugby player friends) and had a fantabulous time. It's so good to hang out with a group of guys sometimes. They just like to have fun, fun, fun, and no drama.

* Saturday Luz, Kelli, and I went shopping for Halloween costumes. And I'm proud (well that might be a stretch) to say for the first time ever I'm going as something slutty. I've never done the whole "dress like a whore" on Halloween thing, but I can now officially check it off my lifetime to-do list. Kelli is going to be a slutified version of the lion from "The Wizard of Oz" and I'm going to be a Candy Striper Nurse. Oh yes, a naughty nurse. This is why I probably will not be posting Halloween pictures on my blog seeing as how my parents and brothers read it. But if I don't end up looking to much like a porn star (which I really hope I won't) pictures will indeed surface.

* And finally today have spent my time procrastinating as usual.....yes, it's becoming a dangerous addiction

Till Next Time!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Man it but suck to be a Wisconsin Fan today....

Seriously... first the Illini kicked major ass against the Badgers Saturday (HELL YES!!! Funnest game ever to watch!) Then the Packers tanked against the Bears last night. Ouch. Good ol' Illinois prevails as usual.

Not only does it suck to be a Wisconsin fan today, it sucks to be me today. Why you ask? Well, I've had it up to here (oh wait, you can't see me) with Midterms. I had my Illinois History midterm Friday which hopefully went well but required way to much concentration and studying. Then I had my Chinese History midterm about an hour ago (which I was forced to study for all last night and all this morning...and still have no idea whether I did good or not) and then after work tonight I get to pull an all nighter studying for my Early American History Midterm which is tomorrow at noon. Oh fun. More studying. More headaches. More nerves.

I can't wait, no I just can't wait, I can't wait for tomorrow afternoon to be here! (Sung to the tune of "Winnebago County Fair" for all of you North westerners)

Nap city. That's where I'll be.

One thing that cheers me up is the picture below. I found it on the internet the other night and find it absolutely hilarious for some reason. Seriously, every time I look at it I explode with laughter. Maybe you'll be like Marty and Kelli and not really find it that funny....but for God's sake it is!! Look! How does he stand? On his pizza point? And when you hold him you have to hold him flat? And when he lays he can't move at all I'd imagine. hehehe it's just so funny. I swear, I'm not having kids for like 8 years but I want to order this now and save it. Marty suggested it would be a good idea to have a party, put the kid in the costume in the oven, and pull him out as a surprise to guests. She's sick. (But obviously so am I ranting for an entire paragraph on pizza baby)

Friday, October 5, 2007


Hmmm...It's 3:30am and I'm pretty much just now starting to study for my big Illinois History Midterm later today.

Yep, sounds like Whitney Cummins to me.

Luckily I kill at cramming and getting good test grades. (Fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed!!!!!!!)

Eeek!! why do I alwayssss do this!!???

Thursday, October 4, 2007

My heart is on Fire!!

I have heart burn like you wouldn't believe right now.

As in, my chest hurts so bad its hard to sit upright at my computer at this point, but it's easier to sit upright blogging then to sit upright doing homework. I seriously feel like someone's set fire to my precious heart. Ouch! This is painful! I'm frustrated because I thought heartburn this bad happened a) only to really old people or b) to people who suck down greasy food all day. And I'm neither old nor did I eat crappy food today. My body is probably just pissed at me for something. Well screw you body.

And I've now taken several types of medication with nothing working yet. What a waste of energy swallowing pills. I could have used that energy to do something like eat greasy food.

Awww don't you all feel so bad for me? Poor little Whitney loves to complain. Yes I do. I'm a complainer. But I'm also a doer. I complain as I do things. And I do them well. So screw you.

Man, I'm being a bit catty today. It must be because I feel like I'm about to have a serious heart attack. Or heart failure. Or one right after the other.

So, switching gears...remember how I bragged about my last speech. The napping one? I was all proud of myself and thought I kicked major ass? Yeah, well.....I had to watch a video tape of it and it was brutalllllll. I still think I did really good, but I just hate the hell out of watching myself on tape. I'm already so fricking paranoid about the way I look....but when you see yourself on a low-quality tape recording it just does nothing for your self esteem. Some of the thoughts running through my head as I watched: Am I really that pale? Why is my face sooo long? I have a huge forehead! Why, oh why did I wear that unflattering shirt? Dear God does my chest really look like that? I need some new bra's ASAP!!

So as you see, I didn't enjoy that part of my day. I also don't enjoy this upcoming week which is Midterm hell. I have a midterm Friday (which I can't start studying for until tomorrow), Monday, and Tuesday. Oh, and they're all for my hardest classes. And they're all essay based. Oh fucking joy, just what I love. Studying so I can write another 5 page essay. Why did I have to pick a major where writing till your hand cramps up everyday is required?

I suppose because I love history, but that's looking at the bright side of things and I don't feel like doing that right now. Because if you've forgotten, my heart burns. I have heart burn. My heart is on fire.

Actually, the bright side to this is when I blog like this (complaining to no end) I find myself highly entertaining which makes me happy. I like being sarcastic. And if you take everything I say seriously, well I hope your heart starts on fire pretty soon you jackass.

And if you really want to feel sorry for me about anything you should feel sorry for my newest addiction. To TV that is. Not that i haven't been addicted for years but along with my roommates, I've found this fall I have wayyyy to many "shows". Such as: The Hills, Private Practice, America's Next Top Model, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, The Office, and Real World. This is troubling especially when I have no time to watch this amount of TV per week. Thank God for DVR and thank God for free time on the weekends. But curse my time being filled with midterm studying instead of TV watching for the next 5 days!

And curse my heart! Oh wait...that sounds really sad and like I'm just asking for bad things to start happening to me.

Ah seems it's time for me to go to bed. If I'm found tomorrow as a pile of ashes because my heart burned me to death then I just want to let you know only avid Blog readers are entitled to any of my stuff. But none of you can have my money. I'm greedy even in death.