Monday, October 22, 2007

Superman that Ho!

That title has nothing to do with my blog. The song just makes me laugh like nobody's business and I can't stop thinking about it so why not write about it too? Of course, the fact that a 16 year old boy is rapping about superman-ing some girl is semi-disturbing but these days. Don't know what it means? Well take your innocent ass to and take a gander at superman. You'll be surprised. Well at least I hope you are for God's sake.

So....I haven't written in over a week. Yes, yes, you know what's coming...I've been busy...wah wah wah. True dat. I've been super busy. But I don't feel like reviewing my week and nothing to exciting happened so I'll just discuss some things that I either A. haven't talked about in forever or B. Just want to so leave me alone about it ok!?

1. Breyer's Fried Ice Cream: Fuck yeah Breyer's came out with a Fried Ice Cream Flavor. If your a fan of this Mexican dessert then let me tell you: Get your paws on this shit. It is sooooo good and pretty damn near tasting to the real thing. This weekend Kyle and I got two cartons of it. There is one left, and my greedy ass can't wait to eat it next time I get stressed out. Seriously, it's a good thing I don't have a car cuz I would be driving to Super Wal-Mart every day to get that stuff. Yum Yum cinnamon honey icecream with caramel-honey swirls and chunks of those fried cinnamon sugary tostada pieces. DELICIOUS!

2. Kyle's Visit: Muy Excelente! It was so good to see my boyfriend! I haven't seen him in two months and we got to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. That's a long ass time. But it's been fun. And the best news of all? He got me flowers!! For the first time in 4 years!! And they were my favorite fall-themed type. Sadly, I can't just be grateful and hinted to him that maybe this shouldn't be a once every four years kinda surprise. Ok, I didn't hint. I flat out said it. But overall I had a wonderful weekend. So much fun!

3. The U of I Teaching Program: The head of the Education Program at University of Illinois (who is scary, bitchy, and a little cold) just sent out a personalized email (which never happens) to all Juniors in the Education program. Apparently she is concerned (along with our ed. professors, content professors, counselors, and teaching co-ops) for our mental health. Apparently they've all caught on that the changes they made to the ed. program this year is enough to make any "together" kid fall apart. Seriously. The things they are insisting we get done is ridiculous and overwhelmingly stressful. Thankfully their obviously starting to realize it. But alas, nothing will change for us poor Juniors. I suppose we'll just keep getting emails making sure none of use have pulled out the old noose yet.

4. Decatur: In case your wondering, student teaching stuff is still going great! Getting up early blows, but when I'm at the middle school I have a blast. And I get to teach my first full lesson the last Monday in November. Exciting!!

5. Purple nail polish: I read in some InStyle or People Style Watch that purple nail polish was going to take the place of the fad from last season; black and gray. And let me tell you, even if everyone else doesn't catch on...I'm all about it. I never did the black nails but this dark dark purple stuff rocks! I feel edgy but classy and love it 99%. 1% was deducted for it's chipping flaw.

6. The Office. Nuff said. That show just keeps getting better and better.

7. Free Samples. Every once in awhile I go online, fill out like 800 free sample things for cosmetics and all sorts of fun tolitries, and about 4-8 weeks later get like 10 free things! Doesn't seem worth it to you? Well then you just don't appreciate the joy of free items my friend.

And that is all for me now. I have a couple of history chapters I need to catch up on before bed. And 7 am is coming wayyyy to early. Night ya'll!

1 comment:

Luz said...

hey so i did not know about the purple nail polish fad but im all about it and also about the fried ice cream flavor! so excited oh yea im so sad that i didn't get to c kyle when he came : ( maybe next time