Friday, November 30, 2007

Tears to Giggles

I laughed out loud in the middle of class today.

I was thinking about how Nate used to put his poor little brother (Brady) and sister (me) in our 30 pound dog's pet-carrier when we were "bad".

I think he deserves some sort of "worst babysitter of the year" award. was cruel then. Hilarious now.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I'm at a Loss...


Just when you think you've met all the weirdos in the world, you meet a new Crazy.

I was sitting at the Undergrad Library today, minding my own business, copying Lecture notes into my notebook from the computer (since I just may have skipped that class for the past three weeks).

So there I was. I had my legs crossed, head on my hand, and with the other was busy writing pages of notes. Then a woman came and sat down at the computer behind me, she was about 30-35 and looked nice enough. I looked at her just once, as she was sitting down because she was making a commotion in an otherwise quiet area.

But anyway, after a moment's glance, I went back to work and honest to God didn't take my eyes away from the computer or my notebook for probably the next twenty minutes. Until I heard her loudly say, "Excuse Me!" I turned around but because she wasn't really looking at me, I thought she was speaking to the gentleman next to her. So I look back at my computer only to again hear her say louder, "Excuse me!!" So I again, look back thinking what the fuck is this lady's deal?

But this time, she's looking right at me. And are you ready for this....she loudly, crazily, even a bit bitchily, asked me "ARE YOU FLIRTING WITH SOMEONE?"

What?! I looked at her, thought I must have heard wrong and said, "Flirting???" She replied, "Yeah, FLIRTING?" I didn't know what the hell to think so I was like "Noooooooo........... ummmm..... why???" And then she just looked at me a second, waved her hand in the air and said "OH, never mind".

She then went back to work at her computer.

I probably stared at her with my mouth open for a good 30 seconds.

As I finally turned back around to face my computer I made eye contact with the guy sitting next to her and he looked just as shocked and confused as I was.

I'm just curious. 1. How in the hell did that lady think I was flirting? I was clearly copying notes from the computer. Unless I was flirting with the computer..... and 2. Even if I would have been making googly eyes with someone (hard, since there was only books in front of me) where would she get permission to ask me? Is flirting a crime?

Apparently in crazy land it is.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Where is scooby-doo when I need him?

Because we have a mystery on our hands. Which one of you naughty readers is the comment thief? I'll find you, and you'll pay. Preferably cash because Christmas is just around the corner and I'm hurting for money.

Really, watch your back. I'm riding a pretty high horse today (Surprisingly, since it's the first day back at school) so I will not hesitate to dish out the punishments. Yes, I am good at that. How do I know? Oh...only because I dominated at teaching my first lesson today!!!!!
Yes indeed, the Decatur lesson went wonderful! My partners and I got excellent feedback and I was super stoked because we were told our lesson was one of the most relevant she's seen in years. (Making my head swell since it was my idea to do Rags to Riches, my idea to talk about Bill Gates, my idea to compare Bill Gates and Andrew Carnegie, my idea to show Jacob Riis pictures next to the Vanderbilt mansion). Not that I'm taking credit for the entire lesson. My partners came up with some pretty good stuff themselves.
But our reviewer did tell us with complete honesty that the three of us were MADE to be teachers. She said we were naturals. You hear that? I always knew it, but now I have proof, I'm a born leader. She also commented on how natural I was in front of the class (Yea)! My only critique was that I said "Okay" to much. Damn verbal fillers. I guess I'll try to work on that, okay? :)

Our reviewer did finish the meeting by warning us three not to let our heads get to big. Since she pretty much told us we had the best lesson she's seen in years by starting teachers. But it's to late. My head was big to begin with. And's like the size of Asia or something.
Ah well, hopefully it will only get bigger. I'm well on my way to becoming your children's favorite teacher ever!

Monday, November 19, 2007

At the New Home!

And I love it! It's much roomier and better looking than I had anticipated.

Plus we're extremely close to lots and lots of shopping and for that reason my Mom and I will be spending our afternoon at Woodfield Mall! Hurray!

But really, I don't have time to blog and I need to get in the shower, so I don't really know why I'm doing this in the first place.

Just thought I'd say I really really like my new template...but I'm still not certain about this title. I'm seriously considering going back to plain old WhitC. "Confessions of a Co-Ed" just may be too close to that "Co-Ed Confessionals" I saw advertised for the Playboy Channel. Yes, Indeed.

Oh, and something weird...on my last blog it says I have two comments...but only one shows up. The other one says it has been deleted by me. Which I assure you it wasn't. WTF Mate?!


Wednesday, November 14, 2007


What do you think?

Is my blog title to porn sounding?

Do you like the new color scheme?


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I Guess I Misunderstood.....

May I ask a (fairly) simple question? Is not the point of Fall (aka Thanksgiving) Break a time for students to be able to take, oh I don't know...a break from school?

Because my interpretation of Break must certainly be wrong, since by no means am I getting any sort of break next week on my time off. Oh no, I have many, many, things I need to get done so I don't come back to school and am forced to pull all-nighter after all-nighter with the threat of finals just around the corner.

Here is a list of things I have due the week I get back from break:
1. Read an entire History novel
2. Read a history chapter then write a 4 page paper on it.
3. Update my resume for the teaching program
4. Write or re-write my History Philosophy Statement and Education Philosophy Statement.
5. Interview an elderly citizen then write a 4 page oral history paper.
6. Write a three page paper on my progress in Speech Com.
7. Begin preparing and organizing my Final Speech
8. Prepare my lesson to give to those Decatur kids
9. Find, update, write and organize a large part of this idiotic Education Portfolio thing we are being forced to do. (This will probably be the most daunting task).
And Lucky for me, Sunday I knocked out what would have been #10, a 12 page research Chinese History paper. It may have been the first time I've ever not procrastinated on a paper, and did it over a week before it was due. Shocking!

But really, as you can see, I have a shit ton to do over break. It sucks. And mind you, I'm not saying I'll get all of these things finished (but hopefully most) just will suck coming back to school knowing these things are waiting for me. Damn you professors and your insistence on forcing me to do work!!! Grrrr!!

Still, I'm really really looking forward to over a week off. (wellll...should I say off?) Let me re-phrase....I'm really really looking forward to over a week of living at home. At least my work can be done on a couch, and no walking 30 minutes to and from class every hour. And plus it's Thanksgiving!! And I love me some Turkey and pumpkin pie. Yum, yum, yum! Plus this means Christmas is just around the corner, My favorite time of year! (Not to confuse you my favorite season; Fall. Or the best season; Summer.)

But, seeing as how I'm about to go on a rant about how wonderful Christmas is and type for another 20 minutes...I should go. I actually have many many things to still do today. Oh! Quick fact: I get my first ever facial tonight!! For Free!! I do love free things!

48 hours from now I'll be on the bus on my way home!! yea!!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Oh Happy Day....

Happy One Year Wedding Anniversary Nate and Kim!!

To Many, Many More!!!

Help! I need somebody! Help! Not Just Anybody! (Nope, scratch that...Anybody!)

Seriously? Are my two biggest fears really both occurring right now?

I must have done something really horrible. I must be getting punished for something.

Not only is it storming like crazy. Oh no, that just couldn't be enough to scare me out of my socks.

No, when I came to bed about 45minutes ago and flicked on my light, it was just in time to see a cockroach about the size of half my pinkie finger sprint across my desk. Mind you I'm absolutely terrified of bugs, especially cockroaches, and for some reason this fucker chose my room when I have the cleanest one in the house. Before I had a heart attack or burst into tears Kelli killed it for me with our bug spray. But how can I now possible sleep if I'm petrified there are more sneaking around my room? What if they crawl on me at night? Oh God...why me?

I am so scared. It's 2:30am and I don't know when I'll be able to fall asleep. What with me keep thinking I see cockroaches running all around and the thunder making my heart go wild...I don't see much sleep in my future.

I'm curled up on my bed right now, I'm leaving the lights on all night, and I'm watching, just waiting to see another bug. Oh God, Oh God, Oh God. I wish I had a guy here right now to make me feel safe. My dad's killed plenty of bugs for me in my lifetime...I'm sure he'd watch for them. If my brothers were here they'd probably just tell me I'd better not close my eyes or the bugs would all come out of hiding and crawl on me. And I already called Kyle but he was having none of that being woken up in the middle of the night to comfort his girlfriend stuff.

Oh jeesh. I'm petrified. And don't hate. Yes, I'm scared of lame stuff but I can't help it! oooohhhh...I can just feel those little bug eyes watching me. And damn you thunder, quiet down!

No this wasn't the cockroach on my desk but it looks close enough. And I can't look at this picture even anymore! Why did I post this!? It's making me even more scared! Wahhhh

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Spring Registration? Already?

Welp, I registered for Spring 08' classes today and while it did go smoother than registration has in a long was by no means perfect. But then again, this is the University of Illinois' ED program so what can you expect? They and the other departments just can't seem to get their shit organized. Ah well, I'm registered for 17 hours and may add one more class, but then again I really don't think any extra stress will be good for me. Well- Here's what I got so far:

9-10:20 - History 446 (England Under the Tudors 1485-1603)
11- 12:20 - History 396 ("It's A Man's World": Critical Inquiries into Black Masculinities)
1-2:00 - History 366 (Scientific Though II)
(Work @ night)

8-11 (ish) - Highschool Teaching Observation
11-1:00 - SPED 205 (Intro to special education)
4-6:00 - Curriculum and Instruction 335 & 473 (some Bullshit Teacher's tech class)

Ditto Monday

8-11:00 - Curriculum and Instruction 401 (Observation Discussion)
11- 12:00 - Ed Psych (I don't even know what the topic is, I just know I have to take it)
4- 5:00 - Ed Psych Discussion

1- 2:00 - History 366
(Work @ Night)

So let's see here, My Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are only History classes and get out fairly early, but I have to work at night. And my Tuesdays and Thursdays are all Education classes that last from 8am to 4 or 5 in the evening.

Oh good, this should be a fun semester. (Enter Sarcasm) I really am excited about that History class over Black Masculinities. It hopefully will be interesting. But I am none to pleased about that England Under the Tudors history course. I don't know if you remember me complaining your ear off last Spring semester...but I had this Professor whom I absolutely hated, and I had to write a brutal 20 page paper on the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre for? Yes, well she's the professor of this Tudor class. Good God, I thought I was finished with her. Forever. I've never despised someone more and I don't wanna take her class!! Wahhhhh!!!! She makes us read and write soooooo much!!!!!!!! Get your ears (or I guess eyes really) for A LOT of complaining from me next semester.

In utterly and completely un-related news I thought I'd share these two little coincidences with you. First, My waitress number at Minneci's (which is buttoned on my apron and on every ticket I write) is 39. My dad's birthday is 3/9. Second, this huge HUGE crane I walk past multiple times every day has the giant initials of JMC on it. My mom's! Janet Marie Cummins. Nice to see your always with me Mom and Dad.

Home Next Thursday For Break!! Can't Wait!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

With a Capital "F"

I just want to send out a big "FUCK YOU" to Speech Communications.

Well, there you have it; Fuck you SPCM

Sunday, November 4, 2007


This puppy is almost as sad as I am.

I'm bummed. Kyle just left, and I hate it when he leaves. I literally go from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows from when we're together to when he leaves. And it just sucks that I'll have this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach the rest of the evening and tomorrow morning when I wake up and realize he's not here anymore.

I hate, hate, hate not knowing when the next time I get to see the guy I love again is. It sucks. I'm tired of long-distance crap. I want to be with him. Damn school. Yuck, I just wish there was something that could make goodbyes less painful.

I'm also bummed about the time change. Getting an extra hour of sleep was awesome but this being dark outside at 5:15 sucks. There should either be snow on the ground for this to be acceptable or I should be on a Christmas break at home snuggled up next to the x-mas tree.

Speaking of school breaks, I realized today I only have three full weeks left of the semester. What?!!! I know! I have this upcoming bitch of a week. And then next week I'll only be here from Monday to Wednesday (Going home to the burbs on Thursday for Thanksgiving break). And then when I get back from that break we only have 2 full weeks of classes to go! (And of course icky sicky Finals week). But that's insane to think about!! I cannot believe how fast this semester has gone.

But it's not over yet and alas I must go write a stupid History thing and study up on my Speech for Tuesday. And of course mope around about Kyle leaving. :(

Friday, November 2, 2007

Recap and Strike!

First things first. Halloween this year was good, good fun. At Minneci's we did the 80's theme and I can't complain about that. Working in oversized bright clothes and obnoxious side ponytails is quite fun indeed. And as you know, at night I was a Candy Striper Nurse. As slutty as I felt, I really didn't look that slutty. Especially compared to some whores we saw. Oops, did I say that?

The girls and I (Luz, Alex, MJ, Kelli) started drinking at our apartment and made our way over to Firehouse which was having a $2 beer/Costume Contest big blowout. It was tons of fun. However, we did not enter the costume contest nor did drink that much beer. No, the night for us consisted of numerous fishbowls and pumpkin shots. And of course, a lot of inappropriate, insanely bad dancing that was just sooo funny. It was a good time. We got drunk, had a bit of drunken disagreement (my first drunk fight ever!) Yet all was resolved and now just funny.

Seriously though we were drunk. Those fishbowls were loaded with alcohol and I was still drunk until about noon the next day. I walked to my speech class at 9 in the morning, drunk dialed my mom and told her all about the previous evening. Then in class (which lasted until 11) I found myself swaying in my chair and finding everything really funny. Oh, and I did the Soulja Boy dance in front of my class. Ooops, embarrassing. Then I had to go to a meeting with my SPCM TA where the sick feeling started to set in. Finally, I ended the morning with a trip to Walgreens where I picked up a bunch of drunk food. This was seriously the first time I've ever remained drunk the day after a night out. I never thought it could happen for real. Oh but it can. Then of course my afternoon was filled with an uncomfortable hangover.

Oh well. It was worth it. Good fun!
Me in my Nurse's costume! See, not to slutty right? The real question is....Is my head as big as I think it is?
The Three Roomies!!!! Marty as (my much recommended costume choice) the woman from Hitchcock's "The Birds". Ahhh! That scary crow was attached to her outfit! Kelli, as a slutified version of the Lion from the Wizard of Oz. And yours truly as a nurse. Cuteness!
The five of us with our first fishbowl of the night!! We are Loving it!

Now totally off the subject I just thought I would fill ya'll in on some stuff going on at campus. Namely a strike that's looming and according to our professors is looking like it might really happen. The Service Union on campus is possibly going to strike due to their frustrations over (mainly) pay. Although, I do believe there is some anger over some bullshit moves the University pulled last spring on the poor custodians here.

Anyway, this strike has been in the works since a couple of weeks ago. And the university is just refusing to compromise with the Union. Many of my professors and TA's thought the strike was going to occur next week but according to my History Professor this afternoon, he has "informed knowledge" that the strike will now not occur until closer to finals. Unless of course the University stops pissing everyone in this world off and creates a fricking fair deal.

Normally, the prospect of having classes cancelled would be fun. However, having the campus virtually shut down would not be fun. This strike would include every custodian, ground worker, Resident hall cleaner, and Dining hall cooks/workers. And for this to happen around Finals time? Yeah, let me tell you; I just really don't want my whole schedule fucked up in such a huge way. Hopefully enough people will berate our Chancellor so some compromise can be worked out. If Whitney Cummins is campaigning for classes to remain in effect than you know this much be serious!!!!

Here's a Daily Illini link for a little more insight into some of the arguments going on. While probably not the most comprehensive source, if you're interested at least you'll know something more.

Anyway, I've got to go get ready for work and Kyle's visit this weekend!!! Woohoo!!!!!!

Till next time, Adios Amigos!!