Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I'm at a Loss...


Just when you think you've met all the weirdos in the world, you meet a new Crazy.

I was sitting at the Undergrad Library today, minding my own business, copying Lecture notes into my notebook from the computer (since I just may have skipped that class for the past three weeks).

So there I was. I had my legs crossed, head on my hand, and with the other was busy writing pages of notes. Then a woman came and sat down at the computer behind me, she was about 30-35 and looked nice enough. I looked at her just once, as she was sitting down because she was making a commotion in an otherwise quiet area.

But anyway, after a moment's glance, I went back to work and honest to God didn't take my eyes away from the computer or my notebook for probably the next twenty minutes. Until I heard her loudly say, "Excuse Me!" I turned around but because she wasn't really looking at me, I thought she was speaking to the gentleman next to her. So I look back at my computer only to again hear her say louder, "Excuse me!!" So I again, look back thinking what the fuck is this lady's deal?

But this time, she's looking right at me. And are you ready for this....she loudly, crazily, even a bit bitchily, asked me "ARE YOU FLIRTING WITH SOMEONE?"

What?! I looked at her, thought I must have heard wrong and said, "Flirting???" She replied, "Yeah, FLIRTING?" I didn't know what the hell to think so I was like "Noooooooo........... ummmm..... why???" And then she just looked at me a second, waved her hand in the air and said "OH, never mind".

She then went back to work at her computer.

I probably stared at her with my mouth open for a good 30 seconds.

As I finally turned back around to face my computer I made eye contact with the guy sitting next to her and he looked just as shocked and confused as I was.

I'm just curious. 1. How in the hell did that lady think I was flirting? I was clearly copying notes from the computer. Unless I was flirting with the computer..... and 2. Even if I would have been making googly eyes with someone (hard, since there was only books in front of me) where would she get permission to ask me? Is flirting a crime?

Apparently in crazy land it is.


Anonymous said...

You were flirting with books.
Because you love knowledge.


WhitC said...

you are clever