Thursday, May 29, 2008

Summer Break Begins

All of a sudden I’m on my last week of break (at home) and I can’t believe where the time has gone! I’ve been away for three weeks now and it feels more like one half of a week. I swear, as I get older time moves faster.

My time home has been a blast. For once in my life I captured some things on pictures but not nearly enough.

My as per usual “highlights of break”:

- Tequila Dinner!! It was even better than the first one I went to. The food was excellent although we had to sit next to this incredibly weird Asian woman. Literally one of the oddest people I have ever met. She told us her daughter was a scary Goth. Sad. I did end up stealing four of the really nice shot glasses which was not sad at all.

- Mother’s Day. My dad and I got my mom a super nice Spa package because we are really nice people. Then we went out and had a really good Champagne brunch. Yum!

Brady and Kenna at Brunch. It looks like Kenna has a balloon tiara. Pretty!

My beautiful mom on Mother's Day! And my dad smashing that chocolate cake in the background.

- A lot of being lazy, playing computer games, watching TV, and not feeling guilty about any of it.

- Seeing a many of good movies. Narnia: Prince Caspian and the new Indiana Jones. Both sooooo good! And I’m going to see Sex and the City tomorrow which may according to some make me “slutty” but I’m still so excited!

- Kyle Turning 21! Finally. I’ve been waiting for that for nine months now. He had many celebrations including: A great cookout in Freeport involving ice cream cake! Hitting up the classy Freeport Bars and watching Kyle get absolutely trashed. Going out for a birthday dinner with my family and Kyle at a Beer Brewery. And having a Memorial Day/Birthday cookout in the suburbs involving a delicious cake decorated with race cars. But seriously, who gets that many celebrations? What a lucky dog. Although he didn’t get a birthday blog for me because sometimes I’m a bad girlfriend and forget.

At the Beer Brewery, Kyle ordered an extreme burger. What is a extreme burger? 1 lb. of meat, four slices of bacon, sauteed mushrooms, lettuce, mustard, ketchup, and a bun about the size of a loaf of bread. Coupled with some french fries the size of two fingers side by side.

Really, look at the size of this burger!! And that steak knife was humongous! Kyle had to cut the burger into sixths to eat it all. But by God, he did. My mom says 1lb. of beef used to feed our entire family. That night, it fed Kyle.

And then because it was his birthday, he got this surprise dessert! Really. But he, along with the help of the family did indeed finish this too.

Kyle's birthday cake from my family. Notice the #26 car. It's winning!


And the birthday boy himself. I know, lame picture.

- Kyle racing! He got sixth but deserved fifth and is driving better than ever. Still absolutely way to scary for me to watch though.

Yeah, these pictures are definitely from last year and last year's car but I never took them off my camera and I forgot to take some this last time. So there! Oh, and here Kyle is getting ready to go out.

Dave giving Kyle a pre-race pep talk. Or something like that.

Kyle out on the track!

Coming in after a successful race.

Getting out of the car like a pro.

- Getting to see my BFF Caitlin. I played beer pong at her house one day until four in the morning. And I still suck at beer pong. I also found out I suck at shot gunning a beer as well when my brothers peer pressured me into doing one.

- Going to watch Amanda run a half marathon. Actually, this may have been a lowlight too. It was amazing because Amanda was a machine and finished running 13 miles in under 2 hours. It was bad because I’ve never felt more out of shape in my entire life. Standing in the midst of 4,000 marathon runners can really do a number to your self-esteem. Actually, it was a really good time and I give props to people who can run like that.

The start of either a 13 mile or 26 mile run. I would call it the entrance to hell.

And they're off!!!

I saw one guy who had the most glorious legs I've ever seen in my entire life. They were tanned, smoothly shaven, and just the right amount of muscle in the right places. I swear to God I wanted to go compliment him before the race and I even more just wanted to steal his legs and make them my own. Note: he is not pictured in the above photo. Or sadly any for that matter.

The look happy now......

Look!! You can see Amanda! She's in the ice blue shirt with black shorts right next to the girl in the purple fuchsia shirt.

Me and Kyle doing what we do best, sitting and watching. We kind of look like hell and like we just finished running a marathon. We did get up at like 5 am which I would argue is almost just as tough. Almost.

Amanda's about to cross the finish line!! Congrats!! And proof of my superior photo taking skills.

- Shopping. Of course. I always spend at least a hundred dollars on cloths when I come home. Good for the soul, bad for the wallet.

I’m sure there were more highlights but I can’t think of them at this moment. I may or may not blog again before I go back to Champaign on Sunday but either way my normal blogging schedule will return shortly.

And as much as I love pleasing you readers, I’m not ready to go back yet and fall into my normal routine. I love break too much!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm Done, Finito, Finished!!

Yes ladies and gentlemen,

I have finished my last final.
Bring it, Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boo Yah

Monday, May 5, 2008

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, FUCK, Fuck- Take Two

1. FUCK the fucking U of I and the way they rip me off. They fucking charge me $2,200 for TWO mother fucking summer classes??!!!! Are you kidding me??? They are telling me one class is worth over a $1,000?? Well fuck them and fuck that. Complete and utter bullshit. These better be the most fucking worthwhile political science classes I have ever taken. Shit!

2. FUCK the fucking U of I and the way the rip me off times 2!!!! I'm sick of spending fucking $600 on bullshit books every damn semester and not getting any fucking money back. If you're already raping us for tuition stop fucking our assholes for book prices!

3. FUCK my Intro to Special Education professor for making me buy a fucking $80 book on how to teach retards. And then having it turn out, it's not even a fucking book....just a loose leaf version of the book so we could "put into a binder and have it be more convenient." Well how the fuck is that more convenient!? I'll tell you what's not fucking convenient...spending $80 and not being able to sell that shit back because IT'S NOT A BOOK.

4. FUCK the girl I closed for at work tonight. You'd think if someone was nice enough to close for you, you would be smart enough to do the non-closing work like you're supposed to. NOPE. Fucking dumb fuck making the closers do the work for her.

5. FUCK having these shitty ass sensitive teeth. Fuck you Crest Whitestrips!!

6. FUCK having to study for my last final. It is the most mother fucking stupid class I have ever taken in my entire fucking life. A history class about science? How the fuck does that make sense? Fucking stupid!

7. FUCK the fact that I might get a C in that stupid ass class and have to study super fucking hard to try and get a B. I've never gotten lower than a B+ in a history class here. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

8. FUCK my mother fucking nerves. I'm tired of being fucking anxious and nervous about fucking tests that I almost always do fucking good on. It's fucking ridiculous how much I worry over stupid shit.

9. FUCK school just in fucking general. I'm ready for a fucking break and want to go the fuck home NOW!

10. FUCK the fucking U of I and the way they rip me off times ten!!!! This summer tuition is really tripping me the fuck out!! I do NOT think this is fucking right!!! FUCK!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Damn you neighbors, Damn you!

Ugh! Can’t a girl get some sleep around here!?

I was trying to go to sleep last night, around 1:30 or so. But one of my neighbors decided to have a nice, looooooong, LOUD argument out in the alley behind my window. Mind you, my screen door does not keep out much noise.

To make it even better, it was a couple fighting and I’m assuming on the edge of breaking up. The girl had a loud, screechy voice and her boyfriend had a booming voice that probably carried for miles.

And they argued for AT LEAST 45 minutes. Screaming at each other, in public, with the girl loudly wailing every other yell. Oh. My. God. I wanted to kill them. Really I did.

And then, to top things off my neighbor above me decided to have sex. You know, the kind where I can hear every squeak of the bed and my ceiling shakes.

So no sleep last night. But at least I could sleep in this morning right? Wrong. Mother effing pigeons woke me up at 9am.


AND why did I spend $600 on books this semester and not even get $40 back at book-buyback???? FUCKING SHIT!!!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Man! Time flies.

I know I haven't blogged for quite awhile but finals, papers, and projects have been keeping me pretty much slammed.

But I finished class Wednesday! And I killed a final last night!! Now, I have one final next Wednesday and then it's home for a three week break!

I can't wait. At the same time, I'm having a bit of a problem accepting the fact that I'm now a senior. When did this happen? Dear God, I was just a Senior in High School! And in one year I'll be teaching High School! Eek!

Otherwise things have been pretty chill around here. Nothing much has changed. Oh! Except one thing.

Well, R. and N. are still dating. Still in secret. Only them, me, and one other girl - C., know.

So...on Wednesday N. and C. (who usually work) both had subs. And R. used the opportunity to invite one of his female "friends" to come for dinner.

She was very pretty and wearing a very low cut top. He immediately left everything he was doing and sat with her in a little booth for the rest of the night (about two hours). He didn't even join Joe, Pete, and his cousin for dinner (which they do together every night). They were leaning across the table towards each other and making gooogly eyes. They were totally into each other.

Joe told me and the other waitress Megan that this girl had apparently come in before...and that R. only had eyes for her. When Megan teased R. about being on a date with the girl he didn't deny it...just blushed.

And finally, at the end of the night I couldn't help overhearing (well I guess I could have) R. telling the girl she should come over to his place that night.

Now, I don't know if I have some screwed up notion of couples, but it seems like if you have a girlfriend you shouldn't be acting this way with another girl. Because let's be honest, he totally wanted to screw her.

So my dilemma...Because N. is my friend, I would totally tell her that her boyfriend was acting a little too friendly with another girl. But because she's also my coworker and he's also my boss, I'm thinking I should keep quiet. But it's so frustrating! He is such a tool! What do you think I should do?

Oh well, I only have to think about it a couple more days and then I'm off for a nice long break!
