Monday, May 5, 2008

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, FUCK, Fuck- Take Two

1. FUCK the fucking U of I and the way they rip me off. They fucking charge me $2,200 for TWO mother fucking summer classes??!!!! Are you kidding me??? They are telling me one class is worth over a $1,000?? Well fuck them and fuck that. Complete and utter bullshit. These better be the most fucking worthwhile political science classes I have ever taken. Shit!

2. FUCK the fucking U of I and the way the rip me off times 2!!!! I'm sick of spending fucking $600 on bullshit books every damn semester and not getting any fucking money back. If you're already raping us for tuition stop fucking our assholes for book prices!

3. FUCK my Intro to Special Education professor for making me buy a fucking $80 book on how to teach retards. And then having it turn out, it's not even a fucking book....just a loose leaf version of the book so we could "put into a binder and have it be more convenient." Well how the fuck is that more convenient!? I'll tell you what's not fucking convenient...spending $80 and not being able to sell that shit back because IT'S NOT A BOOK.

4. FUCK the girl I closed for at work tonight. You'd think if someone was nice enough to close for you, you would be smart enough to do the non-closing work like you're supposed to. NOPE. Fucking dumb fuck making the closers do the work for her.

5. FUCK having these shitty ass sensitive teeth. Fuck you Crest Whitestrips!!

6. FUCK having to study for my last final. It is the most mother fucking stupid class I have ever taken in my entire fucking life. A history class about science? How the fuck does that make sense? Fucking stupid!

7. FUCK the fact that I might get a C in that stupid ass class and have to study super fucking hard to try and get a B. I've never gotten lower than a B+ in a history class here. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

8. FUCK my mother fucking nerves. I'm tired of being fucking anxious and nervous about fucking tests that I almost always do fucking good on. It's fucking ridiculous how much I worry over stupid shit.

9. FUCK school just in fucking general. I'm ready for a fucking break and want to go the fuck home NOW!

10. FUCK the fucking U of I and the way they rip me off times ten!!!! This summer tuition is really tripping me the fuck out!! I do NOT think this is fucking right!!! FUCK!!!


Anonymous said...

Tequila dinner!
Smoothie King!

Think of all the hoodrat things we will do this summer! It'll be okay.

Anonymous said...

No one fuckin steps inside Cal & Janet's house with that attitude. You can just leave your fucking bitch ass in Champaign. I'll give $160 to buy 2 fucking How to Teach a Retard books - one for your fucking class and one so we know how to deal with our fucking daughter


WhitC said...
