Sunday, July 29, 2007

The only news-worthy peice in this blog is that I'm going to be 21 in one month! Ouch

Well....I haven't written for quite some time. And I'm not really sure how I've let myself go this long without writing. I think it's been a horrible combination of me being lazy and not really wanting to write what I know I'll be writing about. (The end of summer that is).

My weekend was pretty great. Friday night I made $160 at "Min"!!!! An all time record for me. I was thrilled! Then Saturday Shubbu made Luz and I this amazing amazing dinner. I think we spent the rest of the evening drinking and having fun, although I must admit I'm blanking a bit about that night. Sunday the three of us went out to breakfast at the Original Pancake House (sooooo good!) then Luz and I came home and decided to drink Strip and Go Naked's all day. We got drunk on a Sunday (again) must be our thing. Then yesterday I made everyone this amazing Chocolate Molten cake served with powdered sugar and icecream. It was quite scrumptious if I do say so myself.

So I haven't written in about a week. And that's partly because I haven't been inspired (still not) and partly because I know I'll whine and complain about how near summer is to ending. Which saddens me to no end. Seriously, three weeks from today I'll be in bed about to start school tomorrow!! Holy Jesus, where did summer go! Now summer always always goes really quickly to me, but this summer has passed in the blink of an eye. I can't even begin to tell you where it's gone. And now I'm slowly coming to grips with the fact that this amazing summer is almost over. And it's breaking my heart. :(

I've had such a wonderful time living in this swanky apartment with Luz, Shubbu, and MJ. And I must say, I've gotten incredibly used to Luz and Shubbu....I'm going to miss them both so much this coming fall. But we've had memories that will last me forever and they're some of my very best friends. Sadly, MJ's moving out this coming Sunday (but I will be living with her again soon) and Luz and Shubbu are leaving Monday. Then I get to live all alone until I leave late Thursday night. I'm so sad about this. Just sad that summer is over. Sad that I won't get to live with my two of my friends anymore.

Damnit. I wish summer would never end. Hopefully I'll get into the swing of school pretty quickly. I mean, I only have three semesters left of college (unless you count next summer where I will have to actually take classes) and then I'm done being a student forever!!!!!! I suppose that does brighten things up a little. Ironic how someone who hates school so much wants to become a teacher. But I feel there's a big difference between the pressure of taking tests and worrying about grades to the pleasure of giving tests and giving out grades. I'll have fun I'm sure. Plus, I'll be one of those really nice (but strict and effective) teachers you always wanted.

Another good thing about beginning school is that it means I'm nearly 21. In fact, exactly one month from today I'll be 21!!!!! How exciting!! As soon as I get off class that Friday I'm walking to the nearest liquor store and buying everything I could ever want just for the hell of it. Then I'm planning a very fun night out with the friends. Hopefully Kyle will be able to come visit me the rest of that weekend and I fully intend to order a drink at every restaurant I go to for the next month at least. My birthday weekend should be a blast. Especially because that Monday is labor day meaning no classes and no work. Yeah! And it's still early enough in the semester that there hopefully won't be a huge amount of work yet.

I don't have much more to say tonight and I feel like I should stop writing. Oh! I just realized another good thing about school starting. Although I'll probably blog with less frequency, I'll actually have things to blog about! Woo!!!

Alrighty, so have a good Wednesday everyone! The week is halfway over!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Cuz I'm a W.O.M.A.N.

It's not that I don't love being a girl. I mean the constant expectation to be thin, beautiful, caring, and not to mention the wonderful experience of childbirth and the oh-so-lovely once a month treat are really, really, quite enjoyable. However, I hate being a girl. And it's honestly not for the above reasons.

Now, I'm no ultra crazy feminist. I'm not stupid enough to believe women can do anything and everything a man can do. Sorry, but we're just not as physically strong and sadly often not as emotionally stable. But as cliche as this sounds, sometimes I hate being a women in a man's world. Or rather, I hate being what a man thinks a "women" should be in his world.

I often don't experience problems with the younger male generations. They at least seem to understand that although women may not be as strong as them, they are certainly as smart as them. But on numerous occasions I've found myself being treated as if I'm an idiot by men, oh say ages 50 and up. And I just had one to many (well two) of these experiences tonight at work.

Work, of course, being the place where I run into these sorts of problems seeing as how I don't often hang around men over 50 (other than my Dad). But at work, I've found myself at times being talked down to, treated like an incapable child, or humored (which for some reason angers me the most). Tonight, I had a man in his early 60's respond to a super tiny mistake I made with this condescending mixed with humorous look in his eye that just screamed "Ha! She's a women, what more can I expect!!" And then replied, "Ohh...that's okkkk sweetie.....just whenever you get a chance, how abouttttt?? hmmmm!?" And then I had a group of four elderly men who not only had to check that I got their orders correct, but also had to check whether I got my math correct on their checks, and looked at me strangely every time I interrupted a conversation to politely ask them how their meals were. A women with the audacity to speak on her own! And so loudly and with such a clear voice!!! But no, oh no, she's couldn't ever be clever enough to add correctly now could she?

And believe me, I'm not some paranoid, rainbow flag waving hippie who is trying to look for these sorts of things. I didn't imagine them or the other occurrences that have happened to me throughout my employment. It is just something that angers, sometimes infuriates me, but what can I really do but laugh? Hopefully, one day in a nursing home they'll have a female nurse who just "accidentally" makes a womanly mistake and kills him with (whoops!) to much of an injection. Kidding, that was a joke. I'm not into revenge by death.

Another (more minor) thing that irks me is something that is partly my own fault. In most to all relationships in my life I've always been the more indulging, caring individual who always sees more deeply into the other's problems and always wants to know how everything is that's going on in their life. This comes naturally to me because I've always been more of a listener and always deeply involved in the lives of those I love. However, although maybe selfishly, sometimes I wish it could be the other way around. Sometimes I wish someone would ask me how I am, how I really am. Not that I would be 100% honest because as we all know (or maybe have no idea) how deeply private I am, but it would help. Just maybe.

If I was a newspaper columnist this would obviously be my weekly "Gripes" piece. Sorry to complain, but it does feel good sometimes and they often become my favorite blogs anyway. So all readers must suffer, or hopefully, enjoy! One quick thing before I head off to bed, I've been debating on whether I should post a link to my blog on my facebook page (which I never really use anymore) just to offer more people access. However, it was a big enough step for me to make my blog not private so I just don't know if I'm ready to have some possible semi-strangers insights into my life. What now with the Internet, facebook, UofI directory, and my blog...people could literally know everything about me. Scary. But I'm debating this, and thought I would see what others thought.

Anyway, judging by my inability to blink anymore without my eyes burning, I think it's time for me to head to bed. Oh but of course! Not until after I've done spell-check. Because goodness knows us pretty little women have nothing but bat shit for brains. :)
Goodnight all! (And thank you ALL men in my life for not being like the characters I discussed previously!)

-Why haven't they sent a women to the moon?.. Because it doesn't need cleaning yet
-Why don't women need watches?.. Because there's a clock on the stove
-What does it mean when your wife serves you breakfast in bed?.. You made her chain to long
-Why did the woman cross the road?.. Forget that! Why is she out of the kitchen!
-What do you call a woman with one black eye? .. A fast learner
-What is the first thing a woman should do after she gets out of an abuse center?.. The dishes if she knows what's good for her

Monday, July 23, 2007

I need MO MO MOney (and Harry Potter books)

Well, as of yesterday I'm officially finished with the Harry Potter series.

It was not only by far the best of the Harry series, but also probably my favorite book ever. I have huge amounts of bittersweet feelings. So happy at the way it turned out, but so sad at how many characters died and that it's really, really over. I'm also proud of myself because 99% of my assumptions came true. Indeed, I am one amazing Harry fan. I guess now I just can look forward to my annual summer re-reading and one day reading the novels to my kids. Oh it was such a good book!!!! I could go on and on about it but I don't want to annoy anyone and I certainly don't want to accidentally include any spoilers. But I think I should include that if you read my blog you had better start or intend to at some point read the series. It's every great piece of literature with every great blockbuster mixed in one. Just read the first, and you'll be hooked. And its fun to watch Harry and friends grow up as the literature grows deeper as well. So read! read! read them!

This weekend was a great one, and I'm slightly mad because it went really fast. Friday I had a fabulous night at work, making $115!! And then Luz, Shubbu, and I went to the bookstore and waited in line for Harry Potter. It was so fun to be around all those crazed fans. But we got home surprisingly early and immediately started reading. I of course, woke up early Saturday, read all day, then the three of us went out to dinner at Olive Garden, came home had numerous margaritas, played circle of death, and then went out to some bars. Sunday I spent reading again until I finished the book, then Luz's family came and her mother and father cooked us some authentic Mexican cuisine. We had sopes which were delicious!!!! Then we went to go see Hairspray (a really campy, funny, cheesy movie) and finished the night with some Coldstone icrecream.

So here I am, having written two paragraphs and I believe I honestly have nothing else to say. Unless you want to hear me complain about how summer is nearly over and how sad this makes me. I swear, once August arrives I feel like I'm practically chained to a desk doing homework. Grrr.....if school just didn't stress me out so much I would feel much more fondly towards it. But no, it stresses me out to no degree and I feel like the only time I can breathe is in the summer. Especially now that I only have two years left of college, meaning my time to play around and mess around is over. Everything from here on out is not only necessary but unfortunately incredibly important for my future. Damnit. Damnit I just need to be rich for having done nothing.

And I'm starting to hate myself for how money hungry I've gotten. I think it's because I'm relying soley on myself these days to pay for rent, utilities, groceries, and anything else I may need. This in turn, reminds me of how poor I am and how sucky it is to live day to day with the amount of cash I may or may not have. I believe my new obsession with money is also occurring because I understand I will never have money. And I understand my life will probably be filled with constant worry and stress for money related issues. Damn the teaching profession for earning no money! And damn it sucks to know I'll never have enough money to buy my dream home, my dream car, my dream anything. I should sell my soul and go into the corporate world. I know I could be bossy, backstabbing, and bitchy to earn alot more money. But deep down I think I should be doing something to actually help people. Why the hell am I so noble!? And why the hell is Kyle not a millionaire so once I marry him I don't have to worry about these things.

I'm beginning to believe that money will be the overall theme for my blog this upcoming year. God help us all.

Friday, July 20, 2007





Thursday, July 19, 2007

Dreams and Time

I must say, I'm starting to resent time. I resent how quickly it's been passing. I resent that it's nearly the end of the summer and in one month from now I'll be living in my "fall" apartment and getting ready to start (sadly) a new semester in a few days.

I resent how everything anymore just zooms forward and floats by and I feel like afterwards I'm wondering to myself, how in the world did time fly like that?? How in the world is it almost August? Was it not just May and I was so excited to be finishing my Sophomore year of college? And here I am, now, perplexed as to how I've gotten here.

I must say, I'm scared of time and it's ability to speed up faster and faster as I've gotten older. My middle school days passed in a normal amount of time, Jr. High passed quickly, Highschool passed in a blur, and college has thus far gone in the blink of an eye. I'm scared that before I know it I will be 40 and wondering where my life has gone.

But I suppose that's why you make (or are supposed to) make the most out of everyday. So even if you realize you're suddenly 40 you can at least tell yourself it's been a wonderful 40 years. So that is my plan, I want to live out my dreams and go for the unexpected. Maybe.

Last night in a drunken discussion Shubbu and I revealed our secret (but silly) desire to be famous. Famous, for something. We decided it's best to be actresses and I'm now fully confident that I have Oscar potential written all over me. Especially since I've read Blonde about Marilyn Monroe. That's really made me want to become an actress/bombshell of the century and die of a suspicious overdose at 36. Or maybe I'll skip the overdose part. But I'm no fool, I realize if I really want to be that famous I had better die in some tragic way.

So Shubbu and I agreed we must move to Hollywood straight away after college (Because hey, we're smart girls and know we need a backup) and Luz will move with us and pay bills while we're searching for work. Will this actually happen? Sadly probably no. But I have a written promise from Luz guaranteeing financial support should I go meet my calling.

I suppose you've gathered that last night was another drunken weeknight evening for Luz, Shubbu, and I. Another one which started off with me just needing a beer and turned out with three sick girls feeling (but not actually!!) like we needed to puke. It began with beer and Smirnoff Ices, progressed to Strip and Go Naked's (1 can lemonaide, 1 can beer, 1 can vodka, mix well) which is very tasty but potent shit. We each had several glasses of that which really did the trick!! Oh and Mom and Dad, Luz and Shubbu thank you two for giving me the recipe and the means to get your daughter and her friends really, really drunk. I love you! We then finished the night with more Smirnoff Ices and what else? tequila shots. As usual, the evening was filled with drunken high-heeled dancing.

I swear, we actually plan on going out for an evening instead of always being those apartment drunks. This Saturday, Luz, Shubbu, and I are going for a roomie dinner at Olive Garden and then plan to go out to the bars. And if you're wondering, yes I still live with Marty but she's just never around darn her.

And although I was just complaining about time, I do have to thank it for something. That of course, being that it is one day (one day!!!) away from the release of the final Harry Potter book. And as all of you faithful blog readers must know, this is enough to make me so happy I could cry. And there was no sarcasm in that statement. I'm thrilled, excited, nervous, and a little depressed that's it's really over. But thank you time for this one!

But time has still done it again. It's the end of the day which has passed quickly, but happily I must say. Happy days are much needed and very well appreciated for me lately. But sleep, it must be. Good night all!! Make the most of your day today!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

I Now Pronounce You...Husband and Wife!!

Well, it's official. Brady is now married, and Kenna is a Cummins. It was an exhausting weekend, but what a weekend it was! So here is a (hopefully) brief summary of the wedding weekend!

Thursday: Got up early, early, way to early. My parents and Kyle picked me up and we began what would be a six or seven hour drive to Kansas City. It went fairly quickly, but more than fairly hot. Our air conditioning wasn't working at it's full potential meaning the four of us were grumpy, hot, sweaty, and sticky. But we arrived to our hotel (which was quite nice) and cleaned up before heading out to go on multiple errands and a dinner trip to a Mexican restaurant (what else with my family?) On The Border. I've never eaten there before but they have amazing chips and spicy salsa. We finished the night with more errands, cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory and an early night to bed.

Friday: Much of Friday passed in a blur, largely because I didn't do anything at all. Kyle and my dad were gone much of the day picking up tuxes and picking up Nate and Kim from the airport. At some point though, I made myself take a shower, get gussied up, and we headed for the church to watch Wedding Rehearsal. Rehearsal went smoothly and I got to spend time with Nate and Kim which is always good fun. Then we headed to Rehearsal Dinner which the name of the restaurant keeps escaping me for some reason. Anyway, we had all of this barbecue everything which is not right up my alley of favorite foods but was still good nonetheless. Plus, there was excellent cookies and brownies which always make me smile! Sadly, Friday night my family and everyone in town on our side went out to the bars (which Kyle and I couldn't get into) so we stayed back while they had fun. Damn not being 21!!! Oh well, it turned out to be another early night for me.

Saturday: Woke up very early, and got ready in a hurry. I attempted to curl my hair but sadly it would just not work. We arrived at the church and split from the boys who had to fulfill groomsmen duties. We got to see Kenna in her wedding dress (beautiful) and before I knew it, it was already time for the wedding to start. Slightly like Kim and Nate's wedding, the ceremony passed in a blur, however I did hold it together a little better. I never cried once, although I did tear up many times. After Brady and Kenna were officially made husband and wife we headed to the basement for some yummy cake and a great chocolate fountain. I tried to take numerous pictures but I failed miserably. BUT I did smoke my very first cigar of my life!! (so much funner to do than smoking a cigarette). After Brady and Kenna left the reception my family and I headed back to the hotel, changed, then along with all of our other family/friends headed to (where else) On the Border. Saturday night was a ton of fun and involved lots of drinking and lots of eating. I remember being drunk enough that I thought it was really funny how Nate pushed Kim into a sprinkler and drunk enough that everyone thought it was really funny when my dad parked the car under a sprinkler to "wash the car". Lame, I know. But fun, all good fun.

Sunday: We woke up early (again) headed down and had hotel breakfast which was very, very delicious and then began the trip home. But of course things couldn't go smoothly. It was tremendously hot again meaning we were all sweating like crazy and we got a flat tire about halfway home. And for some reason the six hour trip back to Champaign seemed like it took 12 hours. But we made it, the weekend was a success, and I now have a new sister-in-law.

Yes, overall the weekend was great fun. We had several hitches but I had a really good time. I didn't include all of the fun stories because I've been told my blogs are getting to long. I apologize!! I just love being with my family and the funny things we do/talk about. Theme of this weekend: AC Slater-ing. Don't know what it is? Ask Nate.

Anyway, here are some of the few pics I took. It's possible (but not likely) I will later post some of my father's much better pictures.

Unfortunately, this would be the only picture I took the entire day of Brady and Kenna together. I should obviously never pursue a job as a Wedding photographer.

Brady and Kyle before Wedding Rehearsal. Brady may or may not look like a little child next to Kyle.

Me! Before Rehearsal...

Kyle and I before wolfing down some Kansas City Barbecue.

Brady and Kenna practicing Wedding-type stuff at Rehearsal

Kenna and her pink nightie. At her surprise party the night before the wedding

The Bridesmaids and Kenna at her surprise party. Which she thoroughly enjoyed.

Her Mrs. Cummins apron!

Kenna getting ready, gorgeous!

Kim, Bob, Nate, and Kyle. Doing stuff before the wedding.

Nate never smiles when I try to take his picture. And I just can't seem to get everyone's face fully in a picture.

My studly Boyfriend.

The Bridesmaids................................................

The Bride
The Cake

The Tables

Kenna Cummins

Brady Cummins

The Wedding Party. I know, I too am impressed by my very original captions.

This could have been a really good picture of Kyle and I had it not been a million degrees outside and made my hair flat flat flat.

The husband and wife leaving!

Congratulations Brady and Kenna!!!!

July 14th 2007

And just for the hell of it, (Or for Nate):

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hump Day, At Last!!!!

I can't really believe it, but I say that in a good way. Because as we all know, that statement can mean really good things, or really horrible things. "Oh no, I can't belieeeeve this....." vs. "Oh my God, Oh my God, I can't believe it!!!!!!!!" Well anyway, (that was a weird little thing I just did, wasn't it?) I can't believe that it's here. It's Wednesday night, and as I said, I'm blogging. Woohoo, I actually kept a promise! What I can't believe is how quickly this night got here.

Correction, what I can't believe is how quickly Brady's wedding has gotten here. It still hasn't and I fully believe it wont sink in, until either Saturday before the wedding or Friday night at dinner rehearsal. Are both of my brothers really going to be married men in just a few short days?! Is Brady the boy, not even two full years older than me, really going to be married?! I can't believe that it's here, and I can't believe that I'm this old.

I obviously say old with slight humor, because by no means am I old, but then again....I'm old. I'm going into my JUNIOR year of COLLEGE!! Of COLLEGE!!! I literally feel like it was yesterday when I was a Junior in Highschool. Everything is happening so fast and I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed. Maybe I take back what I said in one of my very first blogs, that I wanted to just grow up already. I'm thinking it would be a lot safer and more comfortable to stay just where I am today for a few more years.

But whatever, those are my own problems that I need to deal with. For now, I'm so excited for this trip to Kansas City and I'm so excited to see Brady get married!!! I wonder if I'll be a complete cry baby like I was for Nate's. I remember not quite knowing how I would emotionally be at Nate's wedding, and I virtually cried (happy) tears non-stop that day it seems. Will I hold together better this wedding? Or still be that sappy weepy happy sister?

But enough of this wedding talk, I'm sure what you're all dying to know is how much I loved the Harry Potter movie!!! Well, I loved it. True, the movie script is HUGELY different than the book, but hey, that has to happen in movies. And true, they changed some things I really wished they wouldn't of changed. And true, the movies are never even as close to good as the books or the images that I imagine in my head. But the movie was really, really fun to watch. I'm sure any movie fan would enjoy this flick. And honestly, the last 1/2 hour of Harry Potter may have been some of the coolest/prettiest/most amazing scenes in a movie I have ever seen. It was so cool to just watch. So pretty. It also helped that the movie theater we went to had the new Digital movie projectors. Which I was skeptical towards, but honestly make a huge difference in the viewing experience.

Yes, last night was fun. We arrived to wait in line at little before 11, but the wait was really quite quick. And luckily for us, the theater was having one of those cool, Bring your own Popcorn Container, nights. So for only fifty cents we got a ginormous trashcan (newly purchased) filled with popcorn. Way more than four girls could handle. But it was still fun. And tasty! The movie started late, so we didn't get home until after 3 am this morning. And I didn't go to bed until almost 5am. I was all Harry Potter hyped up. But don't worry, I didn't have a sleepy day, because as you know I am a waste of space and didn't need to get up for anything, therefore I slept in until noon. But I did go to work tonight, and pack, and little things, so I have accomplished something. Hurray!

But alas, it is almost midnight and I unfortunately, but how exciting!, must get up at 6:30 am so I can be all ready to leave for Kansas City when Kyle and my parents get to Champaign. This means, I need to (try) and go to bed. So I'll see you Sunday (or Monday) to fill you in on all the Wedding Details!!

Happy Weekend everyone!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Happy Harry Potter Movie Day!!

Man alive, can you believe it's already Tuesday?!

This is highly significant for several reasons.
1. It will be my first week night back at work in about three weeks!
2. It means that tonight (technically tomorrow) at 12:01am the new Harry Potter movie will be opening in theaters! And you beat your ass Marty, Luz, Shubbu, and I already have our tickets and will be waiting in line by 11pm. I'm so excited!!!
3. Most importantly, today being Tuesday means that in 48 hours from now I'll be on my way to Kansas City to watch my brother get married!! Oh my goodness, this has come fast.

Of course, since I'll be gone from Thursday until Sunday there will be no blogging until that time. But hopefully I'll be able to fire one off tomorrow at some point and then either Sunday or Monday when I get back here. I'm starting to realize how much I have to do before Thursday but because I love procrastination I probably won't start doing any of it until tomorrow. Oh well, hopefully the many things I plan to do and need to do will help these next two days fly by. Because I'm ready for a wedding and ready to have some fun!

The only thing that might suck is the like 8 hour car ride. Car rides suck. Luckily I went to the library yesterday and checked out four books, ("Six Women's Slave Narratives", "Facing the Nazi Past", "Night", and "Blonde"). I know, I'm weird. Right now I'm reading "Blonde" which is a biography about Marilyn Monroe written in the form of a novel. It's pretty good. And poor little Marilyn Monroe had such a sad life. Of course, I may have to put that or my other books on hold when the new Harry Potter book comes out a week from Saturday. I dont think I've ever been more excited about anything else so you'll have to excuse my unrelenting coverage on anything Harry Potter.

But for now, I must go. I need to make a chocolate chip cookie (well, we've been putting cookie dough in the microwave and heating it tastes similar enough) and I need to read and relax a bit before work tonight. So have a great day everyone! And if you are going to see Harry Potter tonight, Have Fun!!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Sunday, My Holy Night
(FYI: Until this website cleans up it's act, My blog titles have to go here, because the Title option has not been working. Ass holes.)

So before I begin, I have this much to say:
1. My last blog was fricking horrible. For that, I am sorry.
2. As you can tell, my once a day blogging is really not working out. So I have decided to go with a "blog as much as I can" strategy. But more importantly, I will only blog when I actually have things to say.

And today, I have things to say. Hurray!

If you so remember, I discussed in an earlier blog my roommates and mine intentions to go out Sunday night to the bars and get drunk. Well, we got drunk, but we skipped out on the bar idea largely because none of us are 21 (Marty couldn't come with us) and therefore we were running the risk of getting gussied up and going out, only to be denied alcohol.

So we played it safe, stayed home, and made drinks. So now, I get to tell the tale of three drunk roommates, stuck in an apartment. Boring? I should think not!

Our Sunday evening started around 10:00pm. We made the difficult decision to stay in, But then got really excited about having a fun drunk night in the apartment. So Shubbu and I rushed off to our favorite store Discount Den to pick up some supplies (pop) and Luz stayed back and made some Sex on the Beaches. Which were really good. We each got like 1 1/2 tall beer goblets full of those. We just drank them at our bar, talked, had good fun. Then Luz tried to teach me how to Mexican dance, which is really hard to do and we thought would be easy in heels, so we all ran to put on our highest high heels.

Then, much to the annoyance of our neighbors below us I'm sure, we stomped and clunked around the apartment, teaching each other ethnic dances. Luz taught us Mexican Dance, Shubbu taught us Indian Dance, and I taught them Irish Dance. Which I somehow know how to do. I guess the Irish I have in me just came out through dance. And of course the alcohol helped. Of course.

We then wanted to dance like the dancers in Sean Paul's "Temperature" video so we pulled it up and imitated everything they did. Seriously, our neighbors below probably wanted to murder us. Especially since it was closing in around midnight.

Either before, during, or after our dance-a-thon we made more drinks. (The night is a blur, my memory keeps mixing things up). We attempted to make Long Island Iced Teas. Which came out crazily strong and way more than we could handle. But we're fucking troopers so we just chugged that shit. And it really, really did it's job.

So because we were already drunk and we wanted to be even more drunk we started taking Tequila shots left and right. Always a good idea. Then we hung out on our balcony, doing the classic college "Wooo!!" yell every time someone would walk by. Who would make it back at us. If only making friends was that easy in the day when you were sober. To bad we can't all just walk around and Woo at eachother.

So after our numerous Tequila shots we began taking pictures of us in heels and I really don't even know why we took half the ones we did. Especially on Luz's camera. And alot of them came out ROUGH. Man, drinking really does a number to your looks. Then on a whim we decided we needed another construction post so the three of us sprinted outside, took the coolest and most impressive one we could find. Then I single handedly picked that thing up, ran with it, laughing hysterically......until I wiped out and rolled from the curb into the grass. Then I just laid in the grass still holding the post smiling and kept slurring over and over again while laughing, "I jusss couldn't hol on, I jusss couldn'dt hol on, hahaha". But Luz got me up, snatched the cone and we carried it up to our apartment where it now rests in all of it's glory.

So as if we weren't drunk enough we decided to make Rum and Sprites and Vodka and Sprites. I ended up spilling mine all over the kitchen floor. Sticky mess this morning. Then like any drunk night, we were really really hungry for pizza, but didn't want to walk all the way to Bonnie Jeans, so instead we got the bright idea to make our own pizzas! Well, we didn't have pizza crust so we took some whole wheat sandwich bread. And then we didn't have pizza sauce, so we took some spaghetti sauce. And then we realized we didn't have cheese, so we pretty much just fucked the idea, put spaghetti sauce on wheat bread, heated it up for like 10 seconds, and ended up eating like 10 of those. They were so fricking good at the time. It wasn't until this morning that our dumbasses remembered we had Pizza rolls and Pizza bagels in the freezer. Ah well, at least we've proven ourselves resourceful.

The night ended brilliantly with me throwing up in the bathroom. Luckily I made myself throw up so it really wasn't that bad. I just didn't want to be hungover today and I hate going to bed all dizzy. But I felt a ton better afterwards and slept as peaceful as a baby. However, I'm beginning to think I may be a little hungover because I've not only written a play by play account of last night, but I've written it in a sort of blah way. Oh well, I had fun, and I did take pictures! So here are some from the night:

This is Luz. I think she was showing off her heels. Notice the messy counter in the background and the construction post her and Shubbu stole awhile ago in the foreground.

Our countertop mess. Delightful.

Me and Luz's feet. As I said earlier, I don't know why many of these pictures were ever taken.

Oh and looky here. Shubbu joined in on the foot pictures! (I'm the chick with the red toes)

This is my If I was a Top Model here would be my shoe pose

This is Shubbu ruining my shoe ad. That bastard!!

Well....let me just attempt to explain this here picture. I was trying to cool off my sweaty hair and therefore flipped my head and touched my feet. Luz and Shubbu thought it looked like a cool pose, so they took my picture. Only later, did we realize I look like a porn star. A porn star with a really old soccer t-shirt on.

This is a better view of the construction post Luz and Shubbu stole earlier.
And this is the one we borrowed last night.
Don't worry, we intend to return them. I think.

When I woke up this morning I saw at some point last night we broke the blinds. I fixed it though. I think.

Yup, Luz and I are pretty much just summing up the night in this picture.
Oh yes! And before I go, if you remember I posted a link awhile ago to a Will Ferrel and Baby Pearl video called the Landlord which was really really funny. Below is the link. Point being, He and pearl made another one which is equally good called "Good Cop, Baby Cop"
I thought you lame's who have to work could use a couple minute break.

Have a great day everyone!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

This will be short and sweet....

....Partly because I have nothing to say, and partly because I'm ready to watch some movies that Marty, Luz, or Shubbu rented while I was gone.

So I said I was going to write yesterday, but I didn't. I fully intended to when I got home from work but the internet was being a bitch and not working. So instead, I cleaned the apartment. Like really deep cleaned it. I don't know why. It wasn't that messy but I was just in a cleaning mood. I really got a ton done yesterday. I cleaned the apartment, worked, got my hair done, stopped at the bank, and went shopping. My hair looks nice, very natural and no longer trashy! Unfortunately I had to pay a lot to get that look. I won't even type how much it cost me because it still hurts my heart.

And my first night back at work was a good one. No ass hole tables and I made $115! Plus a $45 check. I just love making money. It was a pretty exhausting night because we were so busy. Apparently everyone in Champaign-Urbana deeply missed Minneci's while we were closed. Ah well, all the better for my wallet. Plus, it was good seeing everyone again.

So I don't have any real plans today. Probably vege it on the couch. Watch movies all day long. With no roommates around and all my errands done yesterday, there isn't much else to do. Oh well, these kinds of days are very good to have every once in awhile.

.....And I really need to go. I've said nothing of any substance in this blog and I'm fricking watching Power Ranges on TV right now. What the hell is wrong with me?! haha, this is sick. Alrighty, I will write soon. And I should certainly hope I have something more exciting to say.

So indeed, this was short. Nothing sweet about though. My apologies!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

I'm Back, Jack!!!

Oh Man.

I will not attempt to justify my horrible show of laziness over these past two weeks. I will not attempt to justify how a girl who does seemingly nothing, was much to busy to blog in the last 16 days. I would like to apologize for the amount I may have annoyed my readers who had to click onto my blog and see nothing new over and over and over again.

I suck. I really, really do. The good news which outweighs (in my opinion) my suckiness, is that I will spend the rest of the summer pretty much here in Champaign, no more long trips home, meaning my blog should get pretty well filled. I just don't know what it is, but something about going home to Freeport makes it virtually impossible for me to blog. Maybe my creativity is blocked up that far north. Because it's not like I really did anything while home. But I had a great time and that's all that really matters right readers? Right?

Truthfully, I did have a really really great time at home. I stayed two extra days than expected and it still somehow flew by. I will try to recall some of the highlights of my mini vacation (and sorry no pictures, I will one day steal some off my parent's camera...especially since they have like 400 on it) Okay, quickly off subject: I wonder if it annoys anyone as much as me that I haven't been posting any pictures for like the past month straight. I think it makes my blog look ugly and stupid. And lord knows I don't like either of those two things. So I'm going to just start randomly posting alot of random things even if they come off of some random websites. Man, alot of randoms in that sentence. At least until I stop being such a horse's ass and start taking my camera with me more.

Anyway, backtrack. My trip home was some good fun. Highlights of my visit:
-I ate at Fiesta Cancun like 4 times. Not good for the weight, very good for the stomach and soul.
- I got to watch Kyle race and although my allergies were killing the shit out of me that night, he almost got third! until someone took him out.
- I got to visit my grandma in the hospital almost every single day for an hour or more each time. She has to be there another week, but she's looking a ton better.
- I the following foods: homemade spaghetti and garlic bread, french bread pizzas, cheesecake, cheesecake, and more cheesecake, yummy marinated chicken, chips and salsa galore, Wisconsin cheese curds, Chicago stuffed pizza, and ICECREAM! By the way, have you noticed my obsession with food and everything to do with food? It's not healthy and it's a wonder I'm not 400 pounds.
- Yes, I played the Sims
- Saw the Freeport Fireworks, delightful!
- Amanda cut her hair short! And it looks so cute!! But still doesn't make me brave enough to cut mine. Don't worry though. I don't want to look like Cousin It either so I'm finally getting a cut and color tomorrow. My last professional haircut and color was before Nate's wedding. I like saving all that money but I'm starting to grow tired of looking like a white trash slop head.
- Kenna's wedding shower. I had to see all the eccentric elderly aunts but I got some good ass cake out of it....and a new shirt!
- Downtown Chicago shopping with my mom. We took the train in, I spent almost $300 (I know! Don't make me ever type that again) and bought a ton of cute things. Not that you care but I got a pair of black flats, silver flats, a cute sundress for Brady and Kenna's wedding rehearsal dinner, a gorgeous little black dress (My Audrey dress) for their wedding, and some spunky bright teal heels to wear with it.

Speaking of Brady and Kenna's wedding, it's next weekend!!! Holy hell it got here quick! One week from today, (Thursday), my parents and Kyle will pick me up and we'll be off to Kansas City to watch my other brother tie the knot. With both my brother's being married I think it's high time for me to become the rebellious, crazy, youngest sibling. You know, drink constantly, engage in some illegal drug activity a la' Lindsey Lohan, burn some flags, and steal some money. You know, or something of that sort.

So I arrived back to my apartment today which I've missed alot. Alot, alot. I'm thinking I never want to leave this apartment. I just love, love, love my bedroom here. It's so me. I arrived today around 1:00 which is surprising considering I took the Illini Express. If I've ever met a more fucked up, stupid ass business than them, God can strike me down. I hate the Illini Express and I hate how idiotic they are. Hopefully I will never have to ride with them again. Suburban Express all the way!

I got here and was so excited to see my roommates and was delighted at a new item which has been added to our living/dining room decor. A stolen, 4.5 foot, bright orange Construction post. One of those big tall ones. I really like it. It's special. Unfortunately, Luz and Shubbu stole it meaning Marty and I will have to go get one ourselves (or something even more badass) to move with us into Fall apartment. My excitement was slightly diminished however when I found out Luz and Shubbu would be leaving this afternoon for the entire weekend to attend a wedding Luz is bridesmaiding in. (Is that a word? Bridesmaiding?) And MJ is leaving tomorrow to go to a wedding for the weekend. See how it is? Whitney come back, the roommates leave. And then I'll be gone next weekend for Brady's wedding! Ah well. We're planning a massive bar night this Sunday ($1 Call-Outs! Fuck Yeah, college town!!) to celebrate our reunion. So we'll get drunk and have some good fun. Maybe it will become a Sunday tradition. Haha, funny for those of you who can't even fathom going out Sunday nights. Poor, motivated, much richer than me, workers.

So I get to spend a weekend alone but I suppose that just means I'll have to blog more. Am I right? Am I right?? Yeah, we'll see.

I'm feeling slightly shitty right now (it would be really funny but kind of gross if I added literally at this point). The trip made me tired and my eyes are itchy from allergies. Plus I have a pizza face. And by pizza face I mean two pimples. I shouldn't complain. I guess breaking out once a month (and breaking out to me, means one or two) isn't that bad. But I am looking forward to the day when that shit stops. Aren't I almost out of puberty yet? Too bad I wasn't one of those skin models who have faces that look like 3 month old babies. Or too bad I didnt have a full time airbrusher at least.

Since I cant' contain my randomness, I just won't even try and am going to jump back into my discussion about downtown Chicago. I love downtown Chicago. and if it wasn't for all the traffic, scary cab drivers, expensive everything, I would totally live there. Oh, and if I could have a Plantation style home with about an acre yard. But I know those things can't happen. Being downtown just really made me want to be rich. And be able to do everything fun. So maybe I shouldn't take the morally high road and become a teacher. Maybe I should do something else? Or maybe I should be a teacher and write a book at the same time, with Harry Potter-esque success and then I'll be a millionaire.

I'm starting to ramble. Is this a sign this blog should end? I just feel like I need to keep writing and writing especially since I've been such an ass clown lately. (once again, sorry for the lack of blogs). No, I think it's time to stop. But i promise. PROMISE. I will write another blog. Tomorrow in fact. I'm gonna see if I can start a once a day or once every two day streak. Boo yah! Go me!

Tootles ya'll!! thanks for hanging in there!