Saturday, May 3, 2008


Man! Time flies.

I know I haven't blogged for quite awhile but finals, papers, and projects have been keeping me pretty much slammed.

But I finished class Wednesday! And I killed a final last night!! Now, I have one final next Wednesday and then it's home for a three week break!

I can't wait. At the same time, I'm having a bit of a problem accepting the fact that I'm now a senior. When did this happen? Dear God, I was just a Senior in High School! And in one year I'll be teaching High School! Eek!

Otherwise things have been pretty chill around here. Nothing much has changed. Oh! Except one thing.

Well, R. and N. are still dating. Still in secret. Only them, me, and one other girl - C., know.

So...on Wednesday N. and C. (who usually work) both had subs. And R. used the opportunity to invite one of his female "friends" to come for dinner.

She was very pretty and wearing a very low cut top. He immediately left everything he was doing and sat with her in a little booth for the rest of the night (about two hours). He didn't even join Joe, Pete, and his cousin for dinner (which they do together every night). They were leaning across the table towards each other and making gooogly eyes. They were totally into each other.

Joe told me and the other waitress Megan that this girl had apparently come in before...and that R. only had eyes for her. When Megan teased R. about being on a date with the girl he didn't deny it...just blushed.

And finally, at the end of the night I couldn't help overhearing (well I guess I could have) R. telling the girl she should come over to his place that night.

Now, I don't know if I have some screwed up notion of couples, but it seems like if you have a girlfriend you shouldn't be acting this way with another girl. Because let's be honest, he totally wanted to screw her.

So my dilemma...Because N. is my friend, I would totally tell her that her boyfriend was acting a little too friendly with another girl. But because she's also my coworker and he's also my boss, I'm thinking I should keep quiet. But it's so frustrating! He is such a tool! What do you think I should do?

Oh well, I only have to think about it a couple more days and then I'm off for a nice long break!


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