Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Well this is Me....

If having to write all of the TV shows you watch (12) on a Post-It so you can keep track and not miss any during the week is sad....
....Then cry me a river

If seeing this picture of Spaghetti Cat makes me burst into a fit of uncontrollable giggles (more so than Pizza Baby) is wrong....
....Then I don't want to be right.


Anonymous said...

I think you've set the bar for this blog way to high with the threesomes and what not. Spaghetti cat just doesn't cut it.

WhitC said...

What if I forgot to mention that the cat, the spaghetti, and I had a threesome?

oh,......so wrong

Anonymous said...


Most delicious threesome ever!

But it would be even better if hot dog baby joined:


Anonymous said...

Even better:
