Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dear Professor She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named,

To be blunt: I hate you. When I met you on Monday I was a bit concerned about our ability to get along but decided to at least give you a chance.

But when you decided to give your students a detailed, in-depth pop quiz the second day of class on an incredibly boring read, I have decided (along with the rest of the class) that I just really don't like you.

Also, your proclamation that you will learn everyone in our 80 person class's name so you can call on us when it looks like we're not paying attention, isn't sitting to well with me either.

Neither is your insistence on say "Right" Before, during, and after every single sentence. When your students begin to keep a tally of how many times you use "Right" and the number comes out to be TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN times during a thirty minute lecture...well, I can see there will be a problem.

I hope you soon get the bitch out of your system. Otherwise, we're in for an awful semester.

With all the hate in my heart,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn. That's a lot of hate.

I think that when she calls n her students, they should all plan beforehand to use the word "right" just like she does.

Pop quizies? Does this mean you're going to have to read for class? Oh noes! lol.