Saturday, June 7, 2008

Oddities in My Life

- Not only do I have fucking crazy pigeons living on my balcony, I now apparently have retard birds joining them. They were squawking and chirping up until 3am last night. Really birds? Really?

- I waitressed a wedding rehearsal last night where the bride and groom sat across the room from each other. And never. talked. once.

- My mom and dad are going to an Alicia Keyes concert tonight. Say what?

- I suffered through TWO tornado warnings WITH sirens Tuesday night and wasn't even that scared. Then Thursday I witnessed a Fear Factor sized cockroach in the workout room and wasn't even that scared. What's going on with me? I'm definitely not getting any braver...or am I?

- I suddenly find myself spending mucho time in the once hated Rape Park. Reading and mostly hoping not to get raped.

- I've worked out four times in one week. The oddest thing to happen to me yet.

- In one week I've been asked by six people if I got engaged while home. They all needed to see my left hand to prove I in fact did not get engaged. Upon learning the news they all seemed disappointed despite me explaining it won't happen for quite some time. Then, one of my questioner's still decided to give me 10 minutes worth of marriage advice.

- I have taken a shower EVERYDAY of the past week. A record I think!!


Anonymous said...

Your father and I can go to whatever concert we want to without needing your permission and/or approval. You are currently my least favorite child.

WhitC said...

Stop trying to cause family drama "mom"!!

Unknown said...

haha... I didn't even type that this type.

Anonymous said...

I went to an Alicia Keys concert last weekend and I think I might have accidentally gotten high from a girl with a lip ring.

itskels09 said...

You took a shower EVERYDAY?!? I'm so proud of you!!!