Thursday, September 20, 2007

I Have a Huge Head.....

But seriously I do. It's actually pretty massive compared to alot of peoples. I also have a huge forehead.

But I'm not talking about the actual size of my head today, I'm talking about how huge my head has become due to my domination of my speech yesterday. It was about napping, yes napping and I killed it. I got a huge round of applause, several hearty laughs, and many compliments by my fellow students. Since then, I've had a hard time squeezing my head through doorways.

I've also had a big boost because I received a $250 check in the mail yesterday. Thank God for that summer security deposit. It really came at a good time.

And it came at a good time because I'm already having to renew my lease for this apartment NEXT WEEK. Yes, leasing apartments here in Champaign-Urbana is completely insane, stupid, and ridiculous. They're also raising apartment prices ALL over campus because three new extremely expensive complexes are being built for next year.

Bullshit. It's so stupid I have to renew this lease when I've only been living here for one month. Ah well, what can I do.

Another good thing that happened to me is my Friday morning class got cancelled. Yea to sleeping in!! Cancelled classes are the best thing ever. Well one of the best. U of I's two snow days last year were pretty badass as well.

But look at me! Rambling about nothing and have lots to do to get done today! I'll write this weekend most likely about my fears of starting observing/student teaching this Monday. Dun, dun, dunnnnnn

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