Sunday, January 27, 2008

Growing Up

Some possibly good news:

I'm not crazy (no, that's not the good news) but I think I'm getting taller.

Yep, I'm pretty sure I'm finally hitting the growth spurt I was meant to hit 5 years ago. Yea, yea, yea! Maybe I will make it to my dream height of 5'8!! Or not. But I really do think I'm growing.

I noticed it first over Christmas break when I was standing next to my dad. (And actually standing up straight since I tend to sllouch quite often). Then tongight when I was standing next to MJ and Kelli I felt like I was looking down on them more than usual. And they agreed!

These circumstances are really feeding me the fuel to belive I'm growing. Apparently the Cummins side had late growth spurts so this could just be the case for me.

Fingers crossed!!!

Hopefully this bit of good news will stop my jaw clenching for tonight.


Anonymous said...

Ppplease, you're still 5'5" Mom

WhitC said...
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WhitC said...

NO! I was 5'5 in 8th grade thank you very much. I am now a high 5'6 / low 5'7. Soon to be 5'8.

I smell Jealousy.