Friday, January 25, 2008

Thiiiiiis close


I am so sick of dealing with University folks its ridiculous. I am thiiiis close to beating some major ass.

It all has to do with some stupid book for my History of Black Masculinities class. I have to write a paper on it due this Monday; Problem is, none of the bookstores have gotten the book in yet.

So this issue is raised in class, and my professor informs us he's put a copy on reserve at the undergrad and will put another one on reserve at the undergrad library Thursday. So yesterday I go to the library to borrow the book for a couple of hours and read the section I need to.

But when I get there, I'm informed one copy has been checked out and the copy just put on reserve won't be available for a week. Greatttt

Then I email my professor, tell him what's up. So he sends an email to the class and says he's putting another copy on reserve this time at the Main Library. And that it should be available today by noon.

So I leave for my only Friday class about one hour early so i can read this stupid book. I get to the library, find out the book has been put on reserve but of course, it wont be available till late this afternoon.

Of course.

Now, I'm sitting at the library, have to waste the next hour, then have to come back here after my class, see if the book is available then. And if it's not?

Then I'm going to be pissed. Because then I'm going to have to walk allll the way to the library in the cold, on my weekend.

Mother fucker I do hate these University folks

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