Thursday, February 21, 2008

I Love to be Loved!

At "Min" there is a pair of regulars that just absolutley love me.

Bud and Carol come in every Wednesday and I'm almost always their waitress. I have their orders down pat, always have what they want ready, and can get them stuff before they even ask.

Bud = Iced tea (numerous refills), cup of minestrone, 10" Sausage and green onion pizza (no charge for the green onions) and he will always eat the entire pizza.

Carol = Pepsi (only one refill, about halfway through the meal), salad - creamy italian dressing on the side, 1/2 order of spaghettini with meat sauce, extra meat sauce on the side, and garlic bread (which she never eats but Bud does). She always takes home some of her spaghettini and I always have the cooks add more meat sauce on top.

They are super friendly people, in their mid 60's, don't tip so well but I still really really like them.

And boy, do they love me. I usually stand at their table and talk and talk and talk with them. They love to know everything about my life and my views on just about every major peice of news.

Bud loves that I love history. We always get into history related discussions and about a month ago, he brought in one of his family's prized history books (very fragile and old) from about 1900 and told me to borrow it for as long as i liked! I gave it back a week later and was really suprised that two people would trust their waitress with a valuable family item. How nice!

Today, I wasn't their waitress. And everytime I walked by Carol would say "I miss Whitney!" Awww. And she told Joe their waitress wasn't as good as me. Whoops. Once again blowing away the competition.

They also asked me today what my parents do for a living. They said they had been talking about me at home (which is apparently very frequent for them. About every week they say something to the effect of "We were talking about you the other day..." or "Just before bed last night we were thinking of you...") and were wondering what my parent's occupations were. They said they were curious because I'm just so sweet. I guess they expected my parents to have sweet and lovely jobs.

Ha! When they told me I'm "so so sweet" my head got really big and Joe about had a heart attack. He was being a smart ass. He knows I'm one sweet waitress. In both senses.

It is just very nice to have people come in every week at your workplace, want to have you, and think you are great. It makes Wednesday nights a little easier and a littler more enjoyable.

But now I must go to bed. I'm tired and I have to get up at 7am tomorrow. I'm up late because I had to write a book reveiw paper. Funny story: I didn't read the book. Yeah....makes book reviews really hard to write then. Ah well, I'm such a good bullshiter that I'm sure I'll get an A.

And I'm sweet!

And a good waitress!!


Marty said...

"Just before bed last night we were thinking of you..."

That's just sick...sick sick sick.

Anonymous said...

I love you as my waitress too!

Anonymous said...

I look like Santa Claus

Anonymous said...

I married Bill because he has a nice Santa looking beard

Anonymous said...

Ho Ho Ho ... I want an Italian Beef sandwich for lunch today

WhitC said...


Opening my blog comment's page is like a wonderful surprise everytime.

I never know who is reading my blog that day.

Anonymous said...

And you never know who's standing outside looking in your window as you sleep...

WhitC said...
