Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I Think I Might be Racist....

....Against white people. (But more on that later).

First, I know I haven't written since Valentine's Day. But I've been pretty darn busy. Kyle came and visted last weekend and that was a ton of fun! I hadn't seen him for 7 weeks! Then between Sunday night and last night I had to catch up and do a shit-ton of homework. I actually should be doing some now but hey, I have my priorities.

Today I went to observe for the first time in Monticello. The good news is the kid I'm placed in the classroom with is very nice (and he drove me!), our teacher is very friendly, in fact all of the faculty at the school are super nice, the town is small and cute, and the school is well-kept and full of well behaved students. The bad news is all of the kids are white. Not one Asian child, Latino child, or African American child. Alllllll. white. kids.

Which made me so angry that I've concluded I am a racist.

When I first found out Monticello was mainly white I was pretty angry. I've always wanted to teach at a fairly diverse school because that is what I'm used to. So when I heard this news about Monticello I was pissed and immediatley began to judge Monticello high school. I assumed they would all be hicks (they pretty much are) and ignorant (they are not).

And then I began to think....why am I hating so hard against white people? Which is when I discovered I'm a racist. Yes, I think less of the town because it has no diversity. Yes, I think it makes the white people ignorant. And yes, I think they are sheltered.

But I shouldn't be so judgy. Let me not forget that I too am white. And for all I know I could be more ignorant than anyone in the vicinity of Monticello.

I need to stop being a judgy-racist against white people person. I'm always so quick to hate on them. I use White-trash more than any white girl probably ever has before.

Well, hopefully my observing at Monticello will change my mind. Who knows what type of school I could end up teaching in one day? I guess if it's all white, I'll have to suck it up and educate dem fools!

Ah well, my first day went great! Everyone was SUPER nice and it seems like it's going to be a great semester! (Not quite as exciting as Decatur was though....there was no stabbing incidents today).

So now I must get to that homework. I suppose if I ever want to be a teacher of asian kids, black kids, hispanic kids, AND good ol' white kids I need to graduate first.



Anonymous said...


Whitney graduate! That's never going to happen!

Anonymous said...


I believe we should work to unite the country, not divide it with racist prejudices. Are you ready to work with me to change America?

Yes we can!

WhitC said...

Barak Obama reads my blog!!!!!

I'm the luckiest girl alive!

Anonymous said...

Quit trying to hold the white man down! I'm telling the principal we have a racist student teacher!

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I love all children from all races. Particularly ones that come from a designer rainbow of muted shades.

WhitC said...

This is madness!