Thursday, February 21, 2008

Just a Thought...

On average, America is spending about $275 MILLION per DAY on the War in Iraq.

Let's just think what $275 MILLION per DAY could do for...oh, I don't know....our Education system?

Maybe the bullshit NCLB Act could be thrown out and that money could be used for creating more early-education centers, improving schools nationwide, and providing EQUAL and GREAT education for students from the suburbs and the ghettos.

People need to stand up and fight for this. Imagine how much better our country could be and the potential problems we could avoid if we raised a well-educated and equalized new generation.

And maybe with a better education system we could avoid another stupid President who thinks spending $275 MILLION per day on some nonsense war is a good idea.


Anonymous said...

I concur.

Seriously...that's so much money I can't even fathom it.

We could do so much with that!

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Why would we spend more money on education when we can blow things up in other countries Whitney? You need to grow up.

But seriously, we could have cured world hunger by now.

Anonymous said...

...and we could have bought all the starving kids Big Wheels to ride around with too

WhitC said...

I know I always wanted a Big Wheels growing up.

And there is nothing idealistic about thinking the government could stop using this money on some bullshit war and put it towards something like education.

Or use to help the poor.

Or to buy kids some Big Wheels

Unknown said...
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WhitC said...

Whole lotta words
Whole lotta nothing
You should have been a politician!

I am not saying we should end the war today and think nothing of it. Obviously this is impossible.

BUT America IS spending more on our military than all other countries in the world COMBINED and I'm just saying some of that money could and should be re-appropriated to internal affairs such as education.

It all starts with education.
Blame the university for teaching me this.
I can't help I go to Liberal Loving school!

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

WOW!! Mom

WhitC said...

Not that I don't want to help the poor around the world or feed starving African kids but i was specifically talking about moving some of the money from the War in Iraq to America's Education system.

Once again, I'm not talking about overhauling military spending. I'm not talking about pulling out of Iraq tomorrow. I'm talking about when the troops leave Iraq then some of that money being spent there COULD be put towards INTERNAL affairs, worthy ones like education.

Improving our education system, ie: building/improving new and old schools, starting more early education centers and re-wroking the way money is spent within the education system WOULD create thousands of new jobs throughout the states.

By the way: our military spending may have made us the super world power the past 100 years or so but statistically it's time for America's reign to end. Here comes China! Let's accept it!

And focus on improving our educaction system which was ultimatley what this blog was about.

Anonymous said...

"Here comes China! Let's accept it"

What. The. Fuck.

Anonymous said...

"Here comes China! Let's accept it!
What. The. Fuck."

Dubja, obviously, lets just bomb them

Anonymous said...

Actually I agree with Nate on this issue. But can't we all just have the "audacity of hope" that someday kids around the world can ride around in big wheels?

WhitC said...

You guys are nuts!

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

"If parents don't won't to do a better job we should legalize abortion so at least we know all the kids that are born are wanted."

Classic Nate Cummins comment. I'm more in favor of better adoption programs. Give adoptive parents more incentive to adopt (i.e. money). I agree that we need to keep kids out of destructive families though... our world would be much better off