Monday, February 25, 2008

"Politically Correct"

I'm so tired of our politically correct society.

- The Chief SHOULD be U of I's mascot. Let's be honest....the racist depiction was thrown out by the 1930's.

- A vulva SHOULD be allowed to be posted in an all-female dorm on campus and not be ripped down and cause a huge campus uproar. (Administration vs. Students.....vulgar vs. educational).

- Unofficial (this Friday) SHOULD NOT be something the University feels it absolutely MUST shut down. College kids devoting a day to drinking?....Dear God the world might end!!!!

- I SHOULD be able to refer to those with disabilities however I damn well please. Obviously not being derogate or mean. But I think it's acceptable for me to say "She has a learning disability" or "He is mentally retarded" and not have to worry about being marked down a grade. But no, no, my SPED class it's only "She is someone with a learning disability" and "He is someone with a mental disability" c'mon!

The list could go on and on.

Now I do think our society is right in condemning some socially unacceptable things. For example this past weekend U of I had another one of their "famous" frat dress-up parties. This time it was "Crips and Bloods" with white guys dressed up in black face paint, dressed like thugs and pointing guns to girls heads. Did they not remember the uproar the "Taco and Tequila" party caused last year???? Anyway, it will be interesting to see how the university reacts to this one.

I just feel that overall our society has become a bit to worried about offending someone.

Get over it. It happens.

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