Thursday, August 30, 2007

I'm a mean kid....A mean 21 year old kid!!!!!

I like my new habit of coming to the History Library everyday between classes and hogging up one of the few computers for my own use. Rather than let kids use it to look up books or do homework, I instead snatch it and use it to blog and check Perez Hilton. Whatever, finders keepers. I just don't want to have to walk all the way home to use my laptop when I only get an hour break. Still, I don't know why I get this sick satisfaction out of taking something away from other poor nerdy history kids. I'm a terrible person.

But I might add, not a terrible speaker. In fact, I just fucking owned my first speech. Everyone else's sucked. Mine was amazing. Ok, maybe I'm being a little cocky. It's that 21 excitement creeping up on me.

Which oh my goodness! oh my goodness! Tomorrow is my birthday! It's sort of scary to think that I've been waiting for this day since I was young enough to realize that 21 is a big big birthday. Once I finish classes tomorrow, you bet your ass I'm walking to the liquor store to buy me some goodies. I had better get carded too. I'm so excited to turn 21, but not so excited to then realize my next birthday is 22. Because 22 seems like a real adult age and that's pretty damn scary.

I went to an education meeting yesterday where we discussed student teaching and how in a little over a year, I will be a full time student teacher!!! Sort of exciting, sort of terrifying. The leaders of the meeting also overly drilled into our head how important it was for us to act professionally....on the Internet. Now this just doesn't sit well with me. I fully intend to erase my Facebook account Spring of 09 when I get my full time teaching position. But until then, when I'm just going into classrooms, I don't want to feel like I'm being watched straight out of 1984. And they really insisted they are keeping tabs on us. I don't see the problem in having some pictures of me drinking on facebook. Of course if I was going buckwild that would be a different thing...but that's just not the case.

I also am none to thrilled that if any administrator or teacher googles my name they can possibly find their way onto my blog. This seems like a total invasion of privacy. I don't mind if strangers read my blog, but I don't want strangers reading my blog so they can find something to get pissed off about or get offended by. Because lets face it, I'm blunt, use not-so-nice language, and tell the damn truth on this blog. But it's like my diary so I feel like I have the right to do that. Plus it's not as if that has anything to do with my professional mannerisms.

But I won't let little silly things such as that worry me today. No, no, no. I have one class left then intend to use the rest of the evening to relax and prepare for my birthday. Hurray for turning 21!!! Hurray for Labor Day weekend!!!!

12.5 HOURS AND COUNTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


"whitney cummins" blog

and look at the last result (should be #8)